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I would love to hear from some of you

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    I would love to hear from some of you

    Hi Marcie
    I read your story under My Stories and wanted so say that I think you are very strong and brave after all you have gone through. How is the program working for you? How are you doing?


      I would love to hear from some of you

      Thanks Jen,
      I'm doing good. This program is working great for me now that I have put my all into it. I started out kind of only doing parts of it and after a few weeks of abs, slipped big time and ended up right where I started. I am on day 18 of abs, and feeling great!



        I would love to hear from some of you

        Hi, Bak310 and all the rest. I can really relate to the magic hour - the 5ish time when I get home from work. Like you if I can abstain from drinking till supper I'm usually all right. But I find excuses ... a lousy comment from a coworker, the dog ate the rug, etc. etc yada yada and most nights, at least lately, I have been a nightly drinker. I still cook supper and manage not to burn down the house (or the supper :rolleyes
        but then by the time I put the food on the table I'm not really hungry cuz the booze has so altered my perception.
        Great to meet you and I guess we are starting about the same time. I downloaded the book last night and printed it at home, and ordered the CDs, too. Tonight I am going to try to read some folk's posts and understand the difference between Campral and Topa and all the other supplements, etc.

        Good luck and I'll hope to be chatting again soon.


          I would love to hear from some of you

          Hi Kate-

          Thanks for the post. I realize that I have been allowing my crazy thinking to convince me I should drink, even on the Campral ("It takes 2 weeks to enter my I will just wait that long and then try to abstain"). Crazy thinking I know. Anyway, my two week "grace period" is now over, and it is time to get serious. It is so wonderful to hear how well you are doing. It helps so much to know it will get easier with time.

          Thanks again. I will keep you posted


            I would love to hear from some of you

            Late afternoon cravings

            Hi Bak and everyone. Just thought I'd jump in as the 5.00 witching hour really caught my eye. I have posted on another site that coming home from work is my bad time, it's when I'm alone, my hubby comes home couple of hours later, and I always have tea ready, etc. Usually I rush to get it all prepared so I can go and nurse my stupid bottle. The nights go by in a daze, I know I've watched a TV show but damned if I can recall the details of the episode. Then I really hate myself the next day and so on. But feeling really motivated now, waiting for my package to come, but planning to abstain for the first month anyway. Here's hoping!


              I would love to hear from some of you

              Re: Late afternoon cravings

              Hey Freedom
              Welcome aboard.
              The best part of doing this program is the NOT HATING YOURSELF in the morning. God, I love that.
              The after work thing was tough for me too. My husband and daughter come home about 20 minutes after me. It was amazing how many beers I could chug down my throat in that space of time.
              Now, I drink no-alcohol beer and it seems to do the trick.
              Be proud, all you newcomers, you're on your way out.


                I would love to hear from some of you

                Re: Late afternoon cravings

                Wow Freedom...sounds just like me.... ...I get home from work, run for the bottle (or sneak it when my wife isn't looking)....eventually plop down on the couch and watch just like you hate myself when I can't remember what happend on the show!


                  I would love to hear from some of you

                  Late afternoon cravings

                  Well one good thing I guess is that now we'll be able to enjoy re-runs!!!! Nice to hear from everyone, hope you all had a good weekend (its Mon morning about 8.15 here in Aus). I got through the weekend fine, no drink since Thurs night, going well. Today will be the test, weeknight stuff. Feeling positive though. Yesterday though I must admit I got home from a day out and my husband wasn't yet home and the first thought that popped into my head was, oh, I can get a wine and a ciggie in before he gets home - then realised, hey, I don't do that any more! Hopefully that will happen again tonight. I think I might try to arrange to do something, bike ride with my daughter or something around 4.30 , 5.00 to maybe avoid being home alone for that hour. Anyway, talk to you all again soon.

