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Back to day 1
I drank last night, didn't get drunk, but I drank. Ofcourse I was up all night going to the bathroom and feeling guilty this morning. But you know what I'm not giving up, I will learn how to live af and the past 5 days were awesome not needing a drink and being able to sleep through the night. So I start again on day 1, I'm not giving up this time, I love being af. Everyday af counts no matter if I slip or you slip, just remember how good it feels being af and lets not forget all the days we have gone af and that they do count. Wishing you all many more af days. Have a great weekend!!
Twosox28Tags: None
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Twosox28--right on!!! I used to feel bad about drinking, but really, I have accomplished a lot in three short months. I use the drink tracker for 1) to help me be accountable for my drinking. 2) To help me limit my drinking. 3) Help me realize that I am accomplishing something.
My numbers are not where I want them to be, but I am going somewhere positive with this sight, and so are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!Goal 1: Today
Goal 2: Tomorrow
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I too refuse to beat myself up if I slip. It has taken shed loads of effort, tears and mental torture to get 93 days sobrierty behind me and, if for any reason I "slip" - I will not have them amount to nothing! This journey is hard.. bloody hard and we should give ourselves a big pat on the back for any days we manage to not take a drink. Well done Twosox for your AF days! and here's to many more, be them in succession or sporadic. I could never string more than 2 days AF together before the beginning of this year so focus on what you have achieved, and not what you haven't. xSometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy
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I too failed last night twosox... What is it about Friday nights? I know for me.. I was stressed all day waiting to hear about a job I interviewed for on Wed... and never got the call...
Of course today I remember why I have done so well af most of the time.. lol.. DOH!! I def like myself and my life better af.... I won't beat myself up too much but dam! I am disappointed in myself..
I need to find another way on Friday nights.. like come in here and chat or something...P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:
As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
- Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago
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Hi two sox -- don't beat on yourself. I have spent too much of my life dwelling on the emotions of having gotten drunk and too little on dealing with it rationally. It's hard but calling myself names, etc. just made me want to go and drink more to get the noise in my head to shut down. MattMatt
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I believe that we're all here because we want to change in one way or another. It doesn't matter if we slip -- we keep coming back here for a reason. That in and of itself is a positive. None of us is perfect, but maybe with time we'll all get where we want to be. And for each of us that may be a different place -- i.e. AF, just cutting back, just being able to have control at a social event -- Please be grateful for the advice and support this website has to offer. And keep coming back.
:l Owlet
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oh well get back on that saddle again and ride. do your best thats all you can do.
stay strong and god bless:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
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Thank you all for the encouragment, I'm not going to beat myself up anymore, like Matthen said, it will just make me want to drink even more. Palatia, don't be dissapointed be happy all the days you did go AF, the weekends are hard, especially if you have people over and their drinking, thats what happend to me Friday night. Going on day 3 AF and loving it!!
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I think I'm starting to really get it.. Owlet nailed it.. we might slip.. but we come back read more, to post more, to relate more and everytime I'm here.. I learn something.. words that someone says seem to connect with me, make an impression and I carry that thought with me during the day..
No, I'm not currently AF every day..I've got some in, and some out.. but by and large I keep it under what I used to do. And the most important thing is.. I'm still here.. I'm still reading, posting and learning..
One of these days, It's going to click..
I was just reminded that the simple fact of coming here every day is already a step in the right direction.. no matter if AF or not..
Thanks guys / gals.. have the right attitude.
RikerDo or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda
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I think this is one of the limitations of AA. there is so much emphasis put on how much time you have, that when you slip, you are loth to go through the doors and admit it. It shouldn't be that way and when I had two years I always thought it wouldn't be difficult, but WOW, it is. AA has many tried and true scenarios of this disease, but the relapse thing needs to be addressed. It shouldn't be an ego based thing when you relapse. There is no shame in relapse, you just have to get back on. I'm saying this as the relapse thing has affected me returning to AA. I'm hoping this site will help to take the place of meetings. I'm more prone to be honest here. Just my thoughts....
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Good positive message! This is the attitude we all must have! Even if we slip...start over again and be renewed again. Get rid of the stigma of relapse. We can do this even if we relapse. That is what we are here for. Hope and support and knowledge that if we can go one day....we can go forever if we so choose. ; ) Love this site.