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I'm a Newbie!

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    I'm a Newbie!

    I have just had time to read through your posts and all I can say is CONGRATULATIONS!

    It sounds to me like you have taken this program very seriously and are making all the right steps.

    Keep up the good work, yes, it does get time goes by. I am 103 days out of the last 106 AF and headed for more.

    Stay Strong!
    War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


      I'm a Newbie!

      You guys are awesome!


      :h Saje, Wooflet & BHG - I get warm fuzzies when I read your replies to my posts!:h Thank you so much for your feedback! It truly helps knowing that I'm not in this alone!:l
      Today was day 16 for me, and I was certainly pooped by the time I got home that I slept until it was time to put my son to bed @ 8pm.... and then I fell asleep with him in his little twin bed. Shoot - now I'm up and hoping to get tired again so that my sleep schedule's not all messed up. This time of year is crazy at school, and I think that all those 10 hour days are catching up to me.
      Saje, to comment on your trip - I know your fears. Before I went into teaching, I was a flight attendant, and spent many a night alone in a hotel room in a city far far away. Wine was my company to keep me "sane," so to say... That's excellent that you are bringing some sewing to do. Anything to help keep you occupied! Bring a good book, too, and maybe some tylenol PM or melatonin to help you fall asleep if you feel anxious. I must say that the kudzu supplements have really helped my craving issues.... even more so than the L-glutamine (but I still take both, so that they can work together reducing the wine cravings even more). I look forward to hearing from you once you return!
      Tomorrow's day 17! That's so cool! I must say the competitive person inside of me is very eager to keep those AF #'s adding up - there's such a great sense of accomplishment in being one step closer to your goal. It's almost like this mission has truly become a part of me, engrained in my spirit.... cleansing me in so many more ways than just the physical... it's refreshing!
      Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.


        I'm a Newbie!

        wow - it's been a few days since I last checked in.... Crazy! I just can't believe how my life has changed being AF! Instead of being cooped up in the home, drinking my wine, I've been busy getting my life back in gear - and it feels so good!
        Yesterday was a beautiful Saturday! I woke up with my son, and went to catch the "Early Bird Special" at the local nursery. I never thought that I'd be able to do that "early bird" type of thing while I was drinking, especially on a Saturday morning. Usually I'd try to sleep as much of the hangover away as I could. I guess this Saturday was my 3rd sober Saturday since I had started my AF journey on MWO - crazy how time flies! Anyway, I found some awesome leyland cypress shrubs to plant along the front of our fence (to eventually build in a natural barrier and hide the fence), and some delicate azalea bushes to plant in our front side of the house. By 2pm, my husband and I had all shrubs and bushes planted! It felt sooooo good to actually accomplish something! Wow!
        Tomorrow is Monday, and I've resolved myself to start working out again. Our county recreactional center has a 30-day fitness pass for $40, and they have all sorts of dance, pilates, yoga and aerobics classes throughout the week. Step-aerobics is tomorrow evening, and I love how I feel after that class - all relaxed and buzzed (yes, buzzed in a good way! a natural endorphin rush!). So, I'm packing my workout attire and bringing it with me to school, so that if I get caught up with work in the afternoon, I can go straight there from school - no excuses! Yup, I'm ready to lose even more of that alkie-hall chunkiness from my tummy! I've already lost 3 inches from the tummy since day 1, why not help speed along the process? I'm ready to look good and feel good! Woo hoo!
        Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.


          I'm a Newbie!

          Keep going Matt! I'm rooting for you. TraceyO


            I'm a Newbie!

            Hi gathings. How are you doing? TraceyO


              I'm a Newbie!

              Hey Gathings that's fantastic, it's so good to hear that you're doing so well. Just look how far you've come since you started this thread. :happy:

              Wow, 3 inches gone without extra exercise - woo hoo!! :clapping2:

              While it's great to get regular updates from you, it's also great that you hadn't checked in for a few days, to me that's a sign that this AF thing is getting easier for you.

              Tomorrow is my first day AF, and if I'm struggling I'm just going to come back and read this thread to inspire me to keep going.



                I'm a Newbie!

                Im New Too Hello Everyone!

                Im pleased to be joining you,
                Im feeling very positive after starting to drink at the age of 13 and now at 52 its time I stopped! I was a bit of a wild teenager and discovered alcohol as a means to escape a fraught childhood. Married at 17 to a lad who was a "beer monster", having two children I left and met my second husband, who I love but life is so boring with him, a steady man.
                Drink has been my escape, my bottle of wine a night was savoured and I was able to block out my lack-lustre life.
                I decided that drinking is no subsitute for health. The weight I have aquired has aged me and I have begun to suspect that my blood pressure is not as it should be.
                I have an adult daughter who is my best wine drinking partner , she also uses this as an escape and some nights we sunk about 3 bottles of wine in a few hours.
                I have recently become successful in a new career which means that I have to set an example to other people in distress and have learned a lot.
                I gave up smoking cold turkey 20 years ago and never returned, I also help people to quit as part of my job so I know that the wine has served its purpose and can be gone.
                I am using Kudzu bought from the site and it is amazing! My daughter came around and I can honestly say I really did not enjoy the wine, I sipped at one glass, it tasted odd to me .
                Its a cop out but I drank dealcholised wine which I preferred!! Two small glasses of red which I sipped to join my daughter, we had a pleasant evening regardless. I was astonished at myself.
                I am determined to put my "wino" days behind me.
                5 days on my bloated body is slimming down, my face has lost its roundness and treble chin.
                I wanted to just pop in to wish every one here success and good health!

