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i can say no..but...
i can say no..but...
i can say no to cake,i can say no to crisps,i can say no to burgers/hot fresh bread/hot chips/chocolate/icecream/cookie dough...whatever...WHY cant i say no to a drink?Beer/wine/spirits/shots...what ever is going in the round-im IN!so sad,i even look at other people and think to myself "I bet they dont have a hangover"every morning.How pathetic can you get.Hmmm -
i can say no..but...
Well mj, you're making me hungry!!:b And I don't usually even think about food till around 11:00 or so... I might just have to go make that cheesecake I've been threatening to...It is raining here, after all.:rolleyes ... OK AB Lounge first... then look out!
Yeah, I've always looked at people, and thought...It must be nice to be "normal" and not have this 24-7 urge or craving,(little voice in my head), wondering where & when the next drink is gonna be....
Just to have that freedom to enjoy yourself, and not have that "nagging" thought that you're missing something.:rolleyes
I don't feel that much anymore.
i can say no..but...
Looking at people
This board just keeps reinforcing that I am not alone. I cannot tell you how many Sundays I have been at church and had the same resentful thoughts looking at other people wondering if they can tell I have a hangover and why don't they? I, too, am very good at resisting junk food, etc., but the glass of wine is something that just pulls at me every afternoon. I am finding the supps to be helping, though......
i can say no..but...
Looking at people
I can totally associate with all you are saying. I am the same with food - I barely ever eat cakes and lollies or junk, my diet is pretty good - until I get over the limit with my wine and then, look out pantry - I'll pig out like the best of them. That's when I really hate myself. But again, you know those people who can have a wine or leave it - they probably can't say no to a cream cake. We can't understand why we can't say no to a wine, but they probably have the same sort of problem, different substance. But it is great that we all recognise it, that's a first step, and now to be able to share with others the difficulty of getting the life we want, is also great.