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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Morning all. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    Phew! Things have calmed down a bit now. I even managed a lie in this morning

    Still got loads to do but not quite at the same pace. Now time to concentrate on me and my dealings with Al. I'm still getting a lot of inspiration from you all on my brief excursions on the site in the last few days. So I will read some more and get more inspiration.

    Croft, you are doing a great job. Cindi - you really are amazing and I aspire to your success and attitude. Dealing with your daughter must be so hard too.

    I am still not able/ready to do 30 days but I am still taking it ODAT and keeping consumption down and under some sort of control. That's not what I want ultimately but it is what I can manage at the moment. I'll keep on keeping on.

    Thanks to you all for being here, being inspirational and keeping me focussed.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Sunday

    Good morning ODATers,

    I haven't got much time today as it is Birthday Party Day and I have a ton to do but I did want to jump in and say "hello" to all of you.

    Bessie, I am so happy you have a breather. You are right, now that things have settled down, perhaps you can take time for yourself. I know your place will keep you busy but not at the rate you have been going.

    Everyone else, please have a wonderful day and I hope we all keep our goals, whatever they may be.

    AF April 9, 2016


      ODAT - Sunday

      Hello Bessie, Cindi and all who follow,
      I am trying one day at a time took the kids on a visit to my sis. Things crazy at home, MIL has been with us almost 4 weeks now, realized the kids needed some me time. Feel good. Carry on. May your desired self be actualized.
      I love you all


        ODAT - Sunday

        hi all, just quick note. hope everyone is fine today. keep doing ur best and hang in there.

        day 37 AF


          ODAT - Sunday

          Hi everyone

          Just a quick hello. All any of us can do is our Best and the important thing is that we are trying. It is important to take some me time though. I find the cd's very time consuming but I know that doing the whole programme really works so I'm really trying to fit them in. Day 7 and feeling good.



            ODAT - Sunday

            Hi one day at a timers, just discovered this thread and happy to announce that this is day 3. I have done this before but somehow, this time feels a little bit different -- even thinking about setting a goal for 30. Bessie, I think I would try your approach of limiting my drinking, but for me it seems to be impossible -- I think I must be all or nothing. Good luck and maybe just for today we can all be sober. Lots of love,


              ODAT - Sunday

              It's quite awhile since my last post. During that time I was back to the same old things....Mixing up where I was buying AL so the store clerk wouldn't kknow, hiding AL in my closet or dresser drwers so that the family didn't know.... finding a dumpster on the way to work so the garbage man didn't know, but I was not folling anyone but myself. One night after hiding in my room with AL I came out to yell at my son about something and he mumbled...."so how much have you drank tonight". Of course I said nothing. I guess everyow knew.

              So even though I had been reading here everyday I got reallly desperate. I have had antabuse in my drawer (next to the hidden AL and empties) for a few years. When I saw Croft's post about doing April AF and I saw the success that Cindi and others were having with antabuse I decided it was time. So today is day 6 AF and I am feeling really proud and hopeful for the first time in a long time. I really want this to work and could not be here without all of you and MWO. I am doing the CD's which I have had for quite some time(also in the drawer) and they are really helping also. Thank you all for being here because without reading your posts I would be right where I was 7 days ago and that was not a pleasant place to be. Thank you all and good luck meeting your goals today.


                ODAT - Sunday

                time2change - congratulations on your 6 days -- that's awesome!!! Keep up the good work.

                I woke up today to my youngest throwing up all over the place (actually - all over the carpeting we just had put in on Friday). Thank god I am not hungover (and thank god I don't have any events to prepare for like Bessie and Cindi) -- everything is certainly much easier to deal with without the effects of AL. I will add this to my list of benefits of being sober: 'Children's vomit - much easier to deal with.'

                Good luck to everyone on this brand new week.


                  ODAT - Sunday

                  Hello everyone!

                  Hope everyone has a great day.

                  I am trying like made to not be grouchy - wish me luck.


                    ODAT - Sunday

                    Good luck and congratulations to you TTC. I see a number of people have had success with antabuse. I can promise you you must not take a drink while you are taking it. I tried with very bad results. As a result, my doctor will no longer prescribe it to me -- can you blame him? Guess not. But it does work for many people with an ounce of restraint -- go for it!!!

                    I am stunned that there are so many legions of alcoholics throughout my town, state, country and the world not to mention throughout history. How can this stuff be legal? Unbelievable, I suspect that if it were invented today you could never get it to the market. Oh well, I guess it just has to be off my market to survive. Thanks for sharing .


                      ODAT - Sunday

                      :Hbtw: Croft, don't be grouchy today, you don't seem the type; at least "never on a Sunday":H

