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Day 3 and going for 4
Day 3 and going for 4
Scared that I might slip back because in just 2 days of AF I feel sooooooooo much better and for the first time in so long I have a sense of hope about the future. It is great to get up and have MWO to go to and tell other people who care. I hope we all can go today sober.MattTags: None
Day 3 and going for 4
Way to go Matt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A few suggestions -
1. spend your day feeling really proud of yourself
2. Write a long letter to Al or Alice "breaking up" with him/her
3. Do something today that you wouldn't do when you were your drinking self (take a run, etc)
4. PLAN on staying Alcohol free today
5. Stay here at the website if even slightly tempted.
6. Are you taking any supplements? Now is a good time to START!
You can do it - congrats!!!!!!!!!! :goodjob:
LivAF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.
(from the Movie "Once")
Day 3 and going for 4
Good for you, Matt!
:wd: Hang in there! I'm on day 2, myself, and thought about making a list of all the important reasons why I want to stay sober, and keeping it with me so that I can look at it when I get weak.
I'm mostly worried about tomorrow, because I'll be dealing with the stress of work from 8am-6pm... that is when I feel pulled by the desire to drink. After a "hard" and stressful day's work, wine has always been there to calm my nerves and relax me. So, I'm already brainstorming some relaxing things I could do, instead. I definitely would love to find a yoga class somewhere... any other suggestions?Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.
Day 3 and going for 4
I don't know Gathings -- but someone told me something that clicked. Acceptance means that I have to accept the fact that I can not drink alcohol. It made sense to me because I realize that for years I have been negotiating with "well I'll take just one or two" and wind up drunk. I simply have refused to believe that I can't drink at all! I am trying to get it through this thick skull of mine.
Good for you, and glad that we are here together, thanks,Matt
Day 3 and going for 4
Matt, be aware of your triggers, not just the cravings or urges. Arm yourself with as many defenses as you can. If you know your triggers, you can avoid them.
Days 3 & 4 are tough for a lot of people because in the beginning most of us have not gone that many days w/o alcohol for years.
1). There is no liquid in the world that tastes better than sober feels!
2). And there is no liquid in the world that can make you feel better than sober!
Alcohol makes you happy, self-confidant only temporarily.
Alchohol free - makes you happy, self-confidant permanantly!
So hang tough! Remember how good it feels right now to not be drinking. You don't want to mess that up.
Love, Me
:lAlcohol is simply the device between success and failure.
Day 3 and going for 4
Dear Me, yes thanks for that; in fact I believe that my triggers are usually more dangerous than my cravings. Triggers are my compulsion and suddenly I find myself lunging for a drink. Right now i have no booze in the house........that's a good thing.
But triggers are my downfall and I think I will sit down with pen and paper and try to write them out .. than avoid them if I can. talk later and thanks so very much!Matt
Day 3 and going for 4
hi there..matthen.sounds like you are doing a great job keep it up. stay strong .peace and god bless:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
Day 3 and going for 4
Hey Matten,
I am very trigger driven. I also think I had more triggers than cravings.
I have started doing jigsaw puzzles. For me I find that they take my mind of off things and relax me.
That is unless I get frustrated because I cannot fine the freaking piece I need!!!! Then I go make a cup of tea and see what the kids are doing. Sigh.~Laura
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein
Day 3 and going for 4
Thoughts on "the witching hour"
"I'm mostly worried about tomorrow, because I'll be dealing with the stress of work from 8am-6pm... that is when I feel pulled by the desire to drink. After a "hard" and stressful day's work, wine has always been there to calm my nerves and relax me. So, I'm already brainstorming some relaxing things I could do, instead. I definitely would love to find a yoga class somewhere... any other suggestions?"
Hi Gathings: Good for you for thinking ahead to the times that are hard. Keeping busy is a good idea. Yoga class or tapes, reading, listening to the CD's if you have them, finding other rituals that replace drinking wine . . .
Wine after work was my challenge as well, so I stocked my house with alternative, and was very surprised that keeping AF beer in the refrig, even though I am not a beer drinker, was very helpful to me. I also drank club soda w/ a splash of cranberry juice and a lime, fresca, tried tomato juice, but didn't like it. Just tried things until the wine drinking habit was broken. Since I had a daughter at home, I needed to be home (rather than out) so I got books from the library, spent a fair amount of time on this website ( an addiction in itself), eventually started on some other hobbies . . . all in all ( after a few weeks) realized I'd gotten my life back.
SO Good job for starting, Keep up the good work, both of you! and you'll do GREAT!
Day 3 and going for 4
Congratulations to both of you for making it work so far! It is a good feeling...and it does get better!
I am following what was just posted regarding what to do during the witching hour. I keep my glass of cranberry and soda very full, keep sipping it. Also started some of the home repair projects I had let go for too long. Started reading again, talking with my wife!
perhaps a change in routine? Can you stop on the way home, and, rather than get something to drink, go for a powerwalk? Even a short one can help to change your mind set.
The best is yet to come!
Stay Strong
BHOgWar isn't working. Let's try Peace!
Day 3 and going for 4
Congrats, you're dong great. Seems like the first 12 days are the sneaky ones.... when the old voice says "sure, you can handle just one or two" thats turns into lots. Good for you getting ride of the booze, it helped me a lot. Seen the light has good advise in the sups and exercise. Exercising has made all the diff for me. Guess it's becoming somewhat of an addition to me now. One I would rather have.
For me it seems, just whan I start thinking I'm doing great, I have a really stressfull day and slip. I try and remember that after the drinking fun is done I feel like crap and know I've done stupid things.
Remember you are worth so much more.
On my wayWas an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!
Day 3 and going for 4
still dry on monday
Thanks so much for the help, I am getting to the point where I can admit I need help and can even ask for it. Your suggestions are ones I am using.
On another thread, I just said that no hangover is almost spiritual. The past 2 days have been wonderful for me, less guilt, less gloom and doom. I even dropped off my car for servicing this morning after months of procrastinating.
I am toying with the idea of trying to believe that I have STOPPED drinking as opposed to my usual mindset of "I am TRYING to stop". But too many past failures make it seem like too big a step -- with the possibility of huge disappiontment. Any advice. Thankyou so much.Matt