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Another Newbie Here

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    Another Newbie Here

    Hi All-


    I have been lurking around the community for several days. I am really liking the support you are all giving each other and I think I have found the place to start my journey.

    I have the book and I am almost done reading it, I have ordered the CD?s and all of the supplements, hoping they come this week. I am going to try to do this without the Trop, as the side effects are really scaring me. I am a consultant and have to speak in public most days; I cannot be foggy or missing on words. I am very determined to do this and from reading this site, I truly believe that I can do this without the Trop.

    I drink every night- mostly wine up to a bottle a night, sometimes having a cocktail prior to the bottle. I have been drinking for the past 25 years. I do not know if I have ever gone a full week AF. I am married and do not have children. My dear husband also drinks each night, but does not go in excess like I do. For the longest time I thought that I could not be AF or in moderation due to his drinking, but now I am convinced that I have to do this for me and only me.

    I need to lose 50 lbs, but all of my physical tests are very good and I am in good health. I do not sleep though the night and blame that on the alcohol. I also know that the alcohol is not helping with the weight loss, so first things, first and I need to address the alcohol.

    So that is my a little of my background?..and I look forward on sharing my journey of MWO of this nasty habit I have!

    Take care, Saje

    Another Newbie Here

    Welcome Saje. Sounds like you are on the right track. This is a wonderful community, as you have seen. There will be others to welcome you - with more experience and more success than I, but in the meantime, welcome again and I wish you success. Glad you took the plunge from lurking to posting! It really will help!

    Love and strength to you.

    Bessie xx


      Another Newbie Here


      welcome glad your here. today is my first day also. I'm scared but I feel comfortable here. The support I have received already is overwhelming. I know we both made the right decision



        Another Newbie Here

        hi there..saje..welcome. and so very nice ot meet you. sound like you know what you want .and that a great start . remember you are not alone we are here for you . good luck and god bless
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Another Newbie Here

          welcome, saje!


          wow! your story is so close to mine! wine has been my drink of choice for the past 10 years, and the only time I had ever gone AF for more than just a few days was when I was pregnant with my son, Max, who's now 3. I'd usually do a bottle of red every night... but this past year, i started to really experience alcohol's long term effects on my body. i've gained over 30 lbs and am the heaviest and the most unhealthy I've ever been. On Saturday, after I woke up hungover from 2 bottles of wine, I decided to truly make a change. I have wanted to go AF for sometime now, but there was always some excuse I could give myself for continuing to drink, whether it was the upcoming vacation, the stressful day I had at work, a night out with friends.... So, here I am, resolved to make it for real, this time! So, this is my day 2.
          This website has been so helpful to me, and I'm sure you'll feel the same, too! It's nice to have support and a risk-free place where I can open up in many ways like I never have before. I look forward to being there for you, too! :thumbs:
          Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.


            Another Newbie Here

            Sounds like you're on your way. A plan and a goal and never give up. Wishing you success. Attached files [img]/converted_files/477332=3227-attachment.gif[/img]
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Another Newbie Here


              Thanks so much everyone for the words of encourgement....I want to have the supplements and also the CD's in hand and then make the date on when I will start my AF journey.

              Lynn- I know this is really scary for me too, I am a pretty private person and did not think I could get help unless I went to AA. Also this is going to be a BIG change on how I live my life, but it has to be done and I want to be happy and productive. I think it is great to have such a support group here with the same goals.

              Gathering- Yes, we are very similar. I also could not believe in reading the book how many thoughts and actions are the same as I am. This is not something that I could talk to my friends or mentors about, that is what I am going to like about this site, we are the same, going through the same struggles. Knowing that someone else is seeking help and working throught it and we can talk about it. I do not know about you, but this is very refreashing to be able to put my real struggles and thoughts out there.

              I will be doing lots of reading on the site and will let you all know when I start my first day.

              Saje :h


                Another Newbie Here

                Hi Saje,
                Welcome! I quit in spite of my husband always having wine in the house. It is possible for you, too. Just harder, perhaps, than if it weren't in the house. My husband puts his wine in a coffee cup when he's having a glass, so it isn't so obvious. Others here put some other tasty beverage in a wine glass, so you are not deprived of the experience. Really, those indulgent alcohol experiences aren't as great as you might have thought they are. And the down side is HUGE. We all wish you the best success possible. I think that posting on this forum is the most powerful tool available.
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  Another Newbie Here

                  Go Saje Go!

                  I too am very new and so far (3days) roaming around the site is a big help. Wonderful folks and so many similar stories. Glad we are all here together. :thanks:


                    Another Newbie Here

                    Wow Sunbeam- 2 months- that is wonderful. I am really looking forward to being able to say that. Thanks for letting me know I am not the only one with a Hubby that will continue to drink, I really like your hints for the diversion.....

                    Hi Matt- have you started the CD's and supplements? We really need to stick together...

                    I will not be posting for a few days- off to Vegas, hope the CD's and supplements are waiting for me when I get back. I will finish reading the book

                    Good bye and Good-Night-


