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    hey all i havent been on much lately so i just wanted to let you all know where i stand. 17 DAYS AF and stronger than ever! good luck to all of you! :l:h


    thanks secondchance. and yes it feels GREAT! i cant ever remember feeling this good. oh btw, i LOVE the hypnotic cds. they really do the trick.



      17 days! :goodjob::yes2:
      You are now starting to feel the freedom that comes with being sober..the no hangover mornings, the end to "What did I say or do last night."
      Glad you decided to stop bay and let us all know!
      Stay Strong!
      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!



        OMG! I soooooo dont miss the hangovers! it makes me sick to think about feeling that way again. i keep wanting to kick myself for not going AF sooner. but no looking back. there is to much to look foward to!


          GOING STRONG!

          Congrats on 17 days! WOo HOo. No more hangovers is my life goal now!

          Day 15 AF
          "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


            GOING STRONG!

            Way to go findingme!!!! It does seem at this point the confidence begins to build and build! Much love and congrats to you! Keep on ........ You can do it!
            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

            (from the Movie "Once")


              GOING STRONG!

              Congrats on 17 and going strong

              Yes, no hangover is something of a spiritual experience. I'm on day five and the last three days or so have been unreal. The gloom is lifting. Can't believe it. And this morning I took my car for servicing after procrastinating for months.

              So on the way home from the auto shop I began to wonder why I don't think of myself as having STOPPED drinking -- as opposed to TRYING to stop drinking. I guess the answer is that I have had way too many failures in the past.

              But just for today I am going to try to move into the mindset that I have STOPPED drinking -- as opposed to trying to stop. I'll let you know how it works out.


                GOING STRONG!

                Matt, thanks for the support! i think you made an important step. changing your mindset makes all the difference. you arent trying you have suceeded! when my friends approached me to go out my response was always" i have quit drinking" not i am trying and that seemed to really enforce my desire to continue. so best of luck to you and LOVE your new life! i sure do! 20 days and counting!


                  GOING STRONG!

                  matthen;305987 wrote: Yes, no hangover is something of a spiritual experience. I'm on day five and the last three days or so have been unreal. The gloom is lifting. Can't believe it. And this morning I took my car for servicing after procrastinating for months.

                  So on the way home from the auto shop I began to wonder why I don't think of myself as having STOPPED drinking -- as opposed to TRYING to stop drinking. I guess the answer is that I have had way too many failures in the past.

                  But just for today I am going to try to move into the mindset that I have STOPPED drinking -- as opposed to trying to stop. I'll let you know how it works out.
                  I understand your point of view Matt... I didn't even tell anyone I was 'trying' to quit drinking in the beginning.. my son started noticing on Day 2.. so he knew my goal. But I've only let my two daughters know since.. during my week 1.. and said.. "I quit drinking." Not trying to... did.. lol..

                  Neither of them live at home anymore so haven't known the depths of my drinking in the last few years... but I suspect my son has talked to them about it. They are all pretty close...

                  Oh and my best friend knows.. a guy.. (no, it's not a romantic thing) lol. But mostly, I dont' feel the need to tell anyone ... oh except the gas station attendant where I used to buy my beer. I think that's it though..

                  I think it's a personal thing... a personal decision... however we choose to view it.
                  P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                  As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                  - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                    GOING STRONG!

                    It is a very personal thing. You don't have to tell anyone you don't want to! They may and may not notice..doesn't matter.
                    As was noted above, the attitude..the mindset..go a LONG way in kicking AL out to the curb, where he belongs. with the rest of the rubbish. If you approach it as "I am a non-drinker" then it is easier. I have an axtremely good friend who made the desicion in college never to drink again. He is as much fun or more as anyone at a party, meeting,,etc...but he never has worried aobut the morning after. I want to be like him. I am like him!
                    War isn't working. Let's try Peace!

