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I'm a newbie too

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    I'm a newbie too

    Hi - Today is day one for me. I was sober for almosst two years...about two years ago. I've just decided I want to be healthy, happy and free from this addiction. I've enjoyed reading the threads, it sounds like this is a great website. I found it accidentally, while googling "alcoholism." I had never heard about any of the drugs to treat alcohol craving. Do they work?

    I'm a newbie too

    Hi Marley -- glad you are here. I found this site the same way, very cool place. I had a sober time in the past but this time I have 5 days and counting. Seems to me that this time is somewhat different, maybe this time I REALLY am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Hope so. I have no experience with the anti craving drugs -- my best own anti craving drug is to make sure I eat something. But lots of people here mention that they have had a lot of success with some of the meds.

    Good luck, glad to meet you and let us all know how you are doing. :welcome:


      I'm a newbie too

      :welcome: :new:

      Order the Kudzu and L Glut from this site and give it a try. Works for me.


        I'm a newbie too

        hi Marley... :welcome:

        I found this site the same way... I honestly don't think I'd be AF even this long without the support here... I know I can't do it on my own...

        I shy away from AA because A. I'd have to find a meeting. B. I'd have to get in the car and put gas in (lol). and C. I'd have to make my self go.. and then probably talk myself out of it.

        MWO is always here... always available.. and there is almost always someone online. AND... it's a huge support group.. more than could fit in one room..

        I wish you well on your new journey..
        P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

        As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
        - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


          I'm a newbie too


          Welcome Marley!

          I was on the topa (med) for 7 weeks - and hated the side effects. But there are plenty of people who have lots of success on it. Visit the thread on this site for Meds - you will find tons and tons of reading and experience that people have on different meds.

          I am a firm believer in the Supplements. They WORK. Read the MWO book if you haven't. It will help explain everything!

          Best to you!
          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")


            I'm a newbie too

            Hi & Welcome!

            I found RJ's book after I googled Topa after my Dr. prescribed it to me 3 yrs ago.
            I find this place an absolute God send. There is so much support here any time you need it.

            As far as anything-what you put in is what you get out. There is no miracle drug. If you are willing to put your all into this-then the Topa, the supplements, the cd's, the boards are there as aides. You need to do the work. Nothing comes easy. I always say "sobriety is not for sissies".

            You can do it. I wish you success! Any questions-we're always here!

            p.s. congrats on those 2 yrs
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              I'm a newbie too

              Thank you!!! I did the AA...but you are right, find a convenient meeting, and then actually go. This site is great...I love all the replies with good wishes and support, it's so touching. I'm on day two...luckily I have tons of work to do, but I don't just want to fill up my time with work. I'm just trying to figure out this site. I was always told that the ONLY answer is AA. I haven't really had any "cravings" yet, but what I've found is they just hit you out of the blue and before you know it, you've bought that bottle of wine and drank it. 2 days now. I love your graphic by the way. Very cool.


                I'm a newbie too

                My prior time with two years I always had a supply of plain M&Ms and believe it or not, I was a LOT thinner. ; ) It is a fascinating study as to why we who have been sober would ever go back. I think it is that egotistical thinking that we can actually control this disease. I haven't tried the medications listed here, but I still love the concept of the site, sometimes (for me at least), it's easier to be candid and honest in this forum vs. an AA meeting where you're kind of just trying to figure out what the protocol is and what's going on. Finding a good group is also key. Thank you so very much for the good wishes, this is all very touching, I didn't expect any responses.


                  I'm a newbie too

                  Thanks for the words of encouragement. Day 1 is always good and relief. Day 2 is good too. My typical downfall is around day 30, where I "feel in control" which is a total mind game. I'm going to see how this website, which "feels" right works out. I appreciate any advice, encouragement, warnings, etc...very open


                    I'm a newbie too

                    Hi Marley and :welcome:

                    This is a great site. You will love it. Lot's of support and many inspirational stories. A great bunch of people from all over the world.....just absolutely amazing. I recommend reading RJs book "MY Way Out". Very interesting. Take want you want from it and go from there. Supplements are good, and the L-Glutamine too. As for the drugs, some people do take them and have helped them. All depends on the person. Too scary for me though. You will surely hear from the other about the drugs. Since we are all in different time zones, some people are sleeping now (like I should be), you'll get more responses later.

                    See you around the boards. Take care.
                    Miss October :blinkylove:


                      I'm a newbie too

                      Just want to say :welcome: to you Marley....wishing you lots of luck on your journey. Janicexxx
                      AF since 9 May 2012
                      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                        I'm a newbie too

                        :welcome: Marley,

                        This is a brilliant site, I found it the same way as you last year. 2 years sober is brilliant. How long have you been drinking again? A few people on this site have had long times of abstinence and then had a drink. People like me have a lot to learn from you.
                        I wish you all the luck in the world getting your sobriety back.
                        take care
                        AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                        Snake....... come crawling,
                        There's fire in your eyes,
                        Bite me, excite me,
                        I'll learn to realize.

                        The poison transmuted,
                        Brings eternal flame.
                        Open me to heaven,
                        To heal me again.

