I feel as though I'm in a much better place mentally than what I was last year. my bi polar medication has changed and I feel it is working better. Although my mindset is stonger and more positive, my drinking pattern has changed from every day/every other day, to a binge about once a week. Two weeks ago I started going to a drug and alcohol centre and have been assigned a key worker. I'm really going to embrace the support and work hard at recovery.
I last drank, last Friday so i've only been af for 3 days. Last year I was drinking 2 bottles of wine a day, so i'm getting there, slowly but surely.
I hope to be able to give and recieve help here at MWO and be more involved than I was last year.
It was my daughters 15th birthday yesterday and she had 6 friends sleep over so I have to go and clear up the mess that they think they've tidied up.

Hope everyone is well and meeting their goals.
take care