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    Thanks to the user who told me to start a new thread.
    I am new here. To make a long story short, my husband has told me I need to leave if I don't get my drinking problem under control. He has been very patient, but has run out of patience now. My 3 young children notice a difference in mommy also. My sick mom was over yesterday, I drank about 3 bottles of wine. She started crying....I feel so sick of myself right now. I never used to drink like this, i feel like I am trying to drink away my problems and the wine takes it all away. I haven't ordered cd's or supps. yet. Should I? DO they really help??


    Welcome HJSMommy,

    I can't tell you how much the supplements helped me. I was drinking at least 2 bottles of wine every day and more on weekends. I have been af (alcohol free) 63 days. Everyone's system is different, but I didn't have ANY withdrawl symptoms, and I attribute it to the supplements. I have the CD's, but must confess, I have not listened to them yet. You can download the book from the Health Store. It is wonderful. It will give you the encouragement to tackle going 30 days af (to clean out your system and brain). I wish you the strength you are needing now. You have come to a wonderful place.

    Miso :heart:



      hi hjsmommy
      just thort you might want to try st johns wort and omeaga 3,6,9...... tell the supplements come

      some one told me about them on here and l find they work
      good luck
      there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning



        HSJ Mommy, welcome again to MWO!! Looking forward to getting to know you.....Janicexxx
        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)




          :welcome: mommy!

          Congratulations! You've already made your first step towards recovery and regaining control of you life. I'm on my day 4, today, and it hasn't been all peaches, but I'll tell you what's gotten me through this is this amazing My Way Out forum! People here are so kind, supportive.. they're here to listen, not to judge! I've opened up about my alcohol problems for the first real time, and it feels cathartic!
          As far as the supplements/book/CD's go - I ordered the Kudzu, book and CD's from the website, and went out to my local Vitamin world to get the L-glutamine (it helps with the alcohol cravings), amino acids, omega 3's, and a multivitamin that I could start taking immediately. Think of all those pills as helping replentish your body of all the minerals it lost due to the drinking. As for the book, I'm one for positive reinforcement, and just reading Jewell's account on the website, I knew that the book would help encourage me to continue towards my goal of being AF. Also, earlier in my life, I dealt with anxiety and panic attacks, and I had some hypnotherapy that helped me get through those rough times. Because of my prior positive experience with hypnotherapy, I was excited to go ahead and get Jewell's CD's. I am eagerly awaiting for the package to come!

          As for withdrawal symptoms (I drank 2 bottles the night before I decided to quit - red wine being my drink of choice), since I've been taking the supplements I bought, my withdrawal symptoms don't seem nearly as bad. Before I got the supplements, I was shaking and had hot flashes, major headache, etc.

          I hope this info. helps you out. I wish you best of luck on your journey and look forward to catching up with you soon!:l
          Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.



            Hello HSJ,
            Just keep coming and posting, asking whatever questions you have, sharing your darkest drunken moments if you like. Soon you will have the success to help others, and that's very powerful.
            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


              JUST STARTING OUT

              Hi & Welcome~

              Yes, every little bit helps, ONLY if you want it to work. What you put in is what you get out. There are no miracle drugs but there are aides to make this process easier.

              I was in the same shoes as you. My husband had just about enough with me. He married a loving wife who just threw herself into the crutches of booze. Anything I couldn't handle-there was booze. I tried to moderate for 4 years & then to quit for another 4 years. I went to my Dr. to work with him & he prescribed Topa & that's how I found RJ's book. A year later I joined this site & was 7.5 mo AF last year and had my first slip. This was the longest AF time I had since I was pregnant with my babes. I never gave up and am still AF. I learned slips are a part of the learning process of staying and becoming stronger in my sobriety.

              So in a nutshell-yes, this program works if you want it bad enough. I went into this fully. I wanted to change my life. I no longer wanted disappointment from my parents, my husband and my kids. But mainly I did it for myself. And I'm glad I did. I'm finally living again.

              Good luck and I wish you success.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                JUST STARTING OUT

                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  JUST STARTING OUT

                  Hi HSJ ... :welcome:

                  I couldn't/can't afford all the supps at this time so I did it cold turkey... but I do drink different herbal teas at night which helps with the habit of drinking something. I also have good supps with herbal mood helpers etc which I already had and hadn't taken lol. Withdrawal was fairly painless for me... just palpitations at night, nothing major. I have tended to get Hot at night.. maybe sweats.. but I think that's my body getting rid of the AF and toxins.. As time goes on, I notice less of that.

                  Whatever help you can get is probably good in the way of supps...

                  Look forward to seeing you around!!
                  P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                  As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                  - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                    JUST STARTING OUT

                    Yes, the supps help

                    Welcome HJS Mommy,
                    I've been trying to cut down for a few weeks now, and the supps have definitely helped me. If you haven't ordered from this website yet and live in the US, there is a health food chain called The Vitamin Shoppe - they seem to be all over the US except for the midwest, and they do carry the kudzu and some of the other over-the-counters, so you might want to give that a try. Even if you can go one day AF, it's a start. Also, sounds like you might be dealing with some depression issues, and if you feel you can confide in a family doctor, that would be helpful, too. Easy for me to say -- I haven't told anyone about how much I drink.
                    Best of luck. We're here anytime :l


                      JUST STARTING OUT

                      Also..just wanted to point out another supp shop..

                      Super Supplements ...All ov er U.s.,,Sorry...did'nt see where you are,sweetie,but if you ARE in US ,they are EVERYWHERE...L-GLUT and GABA-ROCK stars of w-drawl supps fpr me,anyways...:huggy: to you!!!


                        JUST STARTING OUT

                        Hi HJSMommy,
                        how are you today? Hope your feeling a bit better. :l
                        Wine doesn't make are problems go away, it just numbs them out whilst we're drinking, and then they seem ten times bigger than what they actually are with a hangover so we end up drinking again, and round and round we go. try to cut back on your drinking enough to slow the merrygoround down so you can step off and get some clarity in your life. I've cut back a lot so i've been able to step off the merrygoround it's so much better than going round in circles. Sometimes I jump back on out of habit cause i'm still sick but I getting help with that now by going for alcohol counselling. I feel really hopeful now.
                        Keep coming back here and reading and posting. It's a long hard journey but one that I KNOW is going to be so worth it.
                        Thinking of you & sending massive hugs your way :l

                        AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                        Snake....... come crawling,
                        There's fire in your eyes,
                        Bite me, excite me,
                        I'll learn to realize.

                        The poison transmuted,
                        Brings eternal flame.
                        Open me to heaven,
                        To heal me again.


                          JUST STARTING OUT

                          HSJMommy - the supps and CDs do help. The supps help you get through the withdrawl -- have you ever not been able to make it past 2 or 3 days AF because you are just really tired without the wine? That's a mild withdrawl symptom and the supps help take care of that. I had also used the excuse that I can't sleep at night w/o the wine and experienced insomnia when trying to quit. I found the supps and especially the CDs helped me get my sleep back to normal very quickly.

                          Everyone has different levels of ease going AF or moderating, but from what I've read here...the combination of reading RJ's book (you can download from this site), taking the supps, using the CDs and posting to this board...really help.

                          Keeping my fingers crossed that you will give it a try. Good luck to you, HSJM, we've all been there...

