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Here comes that time of day

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    Here comes that time of day

    So, got into it big time with the x on Saturday - he took the kids (14 and 10) home with him I'm thinking he is wanting to spend time with them then I realize he "smelled" liquor on my breath at a sporting event and decided to the be hero. So Sunday when I find this out I'm angry as hell for more than one reason. A) I had been drinking but not to the capacity of incompacity! B) I'm angry at myself because then when the kids came home I took it out on them. C) I'm PMSing like mad so the combination of drinking and PMS made me psycho so I yelled like a lunatic at the kids, who certainly didn't deserve what I really wanted to say to their father.

    Today is Monday and I have all the tools (supps, CD, book) to get sober but its 2:30 pm and i'm thinking more about the half pint I'm going to down when I get home to "show them" they can't tell me when to drink and when to stop.

    GOD this sucks, I know I have a problem I just wish someone would take me at 4 pm and keep me busy till 7 pm till these terrible mental cravings go away! One of my children is so kind and tender and the other is a bratt (14) and not supportive of me whatsoever, just quick to point out anything bad about me (weight, clothes, drinking). This AL is the most powerful demond I have ever met. I want to win but boy I can find any excuse in the book for that one more day!

    Please, please someone give their tricks for those first week of evenings, cause I'm failing miserably!

    Thanks for listening! Without this site I would feel so alone and crazy!

    Here comes that time of day


    You know all the jobs that need doing around the house? Do 'em now. Stay busy. One of the primary trigger points for drinking is when you sit down at the end of a day "deserving" a drink.

    I found it helped to bypass that feeling by staying deliberately busy. Literally any task will do - just keep rolling until you're tired and then fall into bed (and it will help you sleep!).

    ...and a side-product of this was that all the jobs I was postponing so that I could drink finally got done

    It's hard, and I wish you strength. It can be done.

    Take care,



      Here comes that time of day

      I have a cup of coffee when I get home from work. Used to be a glass of wine, because I was tired. It gets me up and doing something until I make it through that transition time.

      I also picked up some good books. Sometimes when I'm tired I don't want to do anything productive. So now I read.
      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


        Here comes that time of day

        I think that, maybe, there are no tricks or shortcuts to get rid of AL. Distractions, children, changing patterns, watching out for triggers. Sorry, I'm feeling so low and so tempted, right now, 1/2 a bottle of wine would get rid of my pain until it's time for bed.... more would be better but that's all I've got.
        Thinking about my liver, I'm going to get up and pour the wine down the drain. Oh, haven't moved yet....keep your fingers crossed for me as I retrieve the be cont.


          Here comes that time of day

          :thumbs: I dumped it. There's still the proverbial 99 bottles still out there, but at least there's none open and within reach! Thanks for being here. So, I'm slugging my way through Day One again. The last 11 were so good. Again, WHY???:h


            Here comes that time of day

            stay busy. that will keep you from sitting on the couch and drinking.

            it's not easy, but it does get easier
            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              Here comes that time of day

              Make a non-Al drink so your hand to mouth habit is satisfied. Or pacified. Start going through closets and donating unused clothes to charities. Same with kitchen. Get kiddies to help so donating to charities is instilled in them and they see you with something besides AL. Make them one too! Hope that helps.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Here comes that time of day


                i can also relate to the kids thing. i have two teenagers and one of them gets on my case so bad when im drinking wine. i have thought like you to hell with it no one is going to tell me what to do but i think at the end of the day its about you and how you feel afterwards. i have been AF for two weeks now and loving it. my craving hour is late afternoon so i try and make sure to keep very busy around this time. i am also on the kudzu which seems to be working. good luck to you, keep strong, you can do it !!!!


                  Here comes that time of day

                  what works best for me is EATING something! I find if I eat I won't get that buzz so then why drink!!! Also, eating something sweet. Just remember not to get too hungry, angry, lonely or tired....HALT!! good luck to can do it!!


                    Here comes that time of day

                    Yaa! I just took my kudzu with a fast acting GABA chaser and a soothing cup of tea. Take a deep breath or two and just carry on. You guys have my sympathy. I had 3 male teenagers and would often lock myself in the bathroom and scream (of course I had a bottle stashed in there) Kids are getting harder to raise with every passing decade I think!!
                    Grandchildren are our reward and payback to their parents:l:l Be well and have a great evening and sweet dreams. g.


                      Here comes that time of day

                      Thanks for all the good advice and the fact that I'm not alone in this battle! I didn't make it last night because I had already convinced myself I was going to drink but its Tuesday morning now and I'm going to think the opposite - that I will not drink, just for today.

                      I have all those things to do (cleaning closets, reading, etc.) I am going to keep a great attitude all day and at "that time" I think I will walk up to the local coffee shop with the laptop and get a coffee and read. This site is so good and when I feel like I'm the only one on the planet who has this problem I can come here to feel sane.

                      Thanks everyone.


                        Here comes that time of day

                        Wow Thuzzy...

                        14 is a tough age.

                        First... quit drinking for you, not anyone else. The kids will see the benefits but do it for you.

                        Second... Evening primrose oil is great for PMS.. so is Lecithin.

                        Third... Don't take the 14 yr old seriously.. my son is 19 and still makes little comments but I take it as a joke.. and I/we laugh about it. Don't take him/her so seriously. Say something they don't expect like.. yeah I know, shrug, then enjoy the reaction . Tell the kids you're doing the best you can ...

                        I don't blame your reaction to your ex... I would have been pissed too during my drinking days... How DARE anyone take my bottle away... !

                        You need a few AF days to get your thinking cap on. Not for them, but for you..

                        Hope my rambling made sense or helped...
                        P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                        As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                        - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                          Here comes that time of day


                          Thanks so much, I really needed to hear that, it makes me feel a lot better. I agree with everything you suggested and said. I definately do need some AF days, I have my supplements also and will take some extra primrose for the PMS.

                          I think you are right about the X, deep down I am angry that he "caught" me and started in on me again but I would do the same to him if it were the other way around. I am doing this for myself and I do know that the kids will see the change and like it.

                          I'm just mad that I have this problem! I love to drink and I think I will miss it but I truly believe once I change my life style I'll wonder why I ever drank.


                            Here comes that time of day

                            HELP! Its getting so close to the time I get off work and I'm already working on convincing myself to stop for a bottle, just one more night before I start! That's bullshit! Tomorrow it will be one more night. I HAVE to get past this it sucks!

                            I cannot believe it! If I had more money I would grab the kids and go straight to the movies. I'll be so happy when I get some time AF under my belt, this constant thinking about it is exhausting!

