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Today I hope i hit rock bottom....

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    Today I hope i hit rock bottom....

    Hi grey mare; I normally don't post. I lurk a lot and I apologize to all those out there. This is a good place. Your post stood out to me today and I'm praying for you. I also have to plug in my six month AF day, today, so there. You can do it, believe me


      Today I hope i hit rock bottom....

      A big welcome to Grey mare!

      Hi! :welcome:

      I'm a white wino myself, love the damn stuff. I'm day 10 AF right now and feel
      great about it. I've read the book, use the CDs and supplements and this forum.
      I couldn't be doing this without all of it.

      I have had challenges every day. My biggest things are to: 1. Be careful around
      my bewitching hours of 4pm-7pm. That's tough. and, 2. To be very aware
      when I feel something trigger me. Usually it's either being in a REALLY good
      mood (hey, I've done great, I deserve "a" glass of wine) or REALLY bad mood
      when I feel like giving up (what the hell, it won't make a difference anyway).
      That kind of duh thinking.

      Congratulations on your day 4 AF! :goodjob:

      I'm so glad you're here and I'm so proud of you, buddy :l
      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


        Today I hope i hit rock bottom....

        Hi - Grey mare here-

        thanks for all the messages and advice- I have thoguht about it a lot today and it has kept me going.

        I am home for almost an hour now and I haven't had a drink yet- it is only day 4- feel a bit sweaty but i think that is bec aue the cental heating is up to max- I have the sort of children who think it is their brithrght to live in a house where you are always so warn that you don't have to wear a sweater!

        I was lookign for a recipe for chicken and came across one that said- add half bottel of white wine and it was so tempting. In the past- i can say that can't I?- that woudl eb trh trigger to drink the rest of the bottle- in about ten minutes and that sets me up nicely for another bottle that night.... and oh dear.

        So i think we will have tandoori!

        Wish me luck you lot

        grey xx


          Today I hope i hit rock bottom....

          Just wanted to add a Welcome to you as well Grey Mare.

          I have nothing new to add than what has been already written.

          Congrats on your AF days and we will pull for you to continue to succeed. It's a rollercoaster trying to beat this alcohol demon especially trying to figure the root of the problem For some it's anxiety, some it's past history, trauma, family environment etc there are so many stories here and so many people willing to help you succeed. I hope you continue to post. Good luck
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Today I hope i hit rock bottom....

            HEy Grey Mare:

            I too am a www! I just joined to day after a night of coming home where my mother in law was watching my child and I was bombed!!! Embarassment shame you name it! .....Please know that I will be wishing you luck and hoping that we both can do this!


              Today I hope i hit rock bottom....

              Another person who cares about you.

              My heart goes out to you, Grey Mare.

              You can do this. I, too, am struggling, but this website is going to help me get through the weekend. My husband and I drink every night out of habit. He is now retired and we look forward to cocktails every evening at 6p.m., but lately I find that I'm not interested in supper, just in another glass of wine. And the wine makes me relax at first, but then I get feisty and we both get somewhat disagreeable sometimes, or else sleepy enough to go to bed, then wide awake in the wee hours feeling yucky. I have also gained a lot of weight and lost my motivation to exercise. There was a 5:30 p.m. pilates class that I missed and missed b/c it ran into the cocktail hour. I think we all need each other more than we need that first drink.
              Let's stay sober tonight....congrats on making it several days in a row.


                Today I hope i hit rock bottom....

                Grey Mare..
                You know when all other resources have been used up ! Then all you have to look forward too is up ! I'ts hard to look past the hole you doug yourself into !!!
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  Today I hope i hit rock bottom....

                  now i think i've failed

                  well I nearly made it to five days. My son (20) is going back to university tomorrow and He asked me to get champagne and it is a bit of a tradition and I said no and then agreed and as my husband is away tonight I didn't want him to drink it all and I have had two glasses. I feel ashamed and really angry with myself- as i know that i shoudl ahve been strong and said no and all the other things. I am not drunk but i have let down not only myself- I chose to do that; nothing made me; but also the other peopel on this great site who have been so helpful.

                  Its also tied up with the really bad relationship I have with his father (my first husband )who is violent and irrational and a bully.

                  Sorry. Feel pathetic.

                  GM xx


                    Today I hope i hit rock bottom....

                    Grey, you haven't failed at was a slip, thats all. Try seeing the positive of whats happened this week - you achieved nearly 5 days!!! You have only failed if you let it all slide and go back to how you were before you joined MWO.....just get up tomorrow even more determined, having learned how much you really want this. I really want you to do this!! Janicexxx
                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      Today I hope i hit rock bottom....

                      Hi Gray Mare - just wanted to echo Janice's post. It's just a slip. Learn from it and don't beat yourself up over it...look at how good you have been doing lately, a really great start!

                      Please post again so we know you are back on track.

                      We are all rooting for you !

