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    i'm a very private person, but have been inspired and motivated by the mwo plan. i've tried AA before, and it wasn't a good fit for me. I am encouraged by the comprehensive and confidential approach..which is too often missing from addictions recovery programs. I am willing to take medication to help me with withdrawal symptoms, (I'm nervous about seizures) however am also open to vitamin suppiliments to help in the withdrawal phase. i'm also skeptical about hypnotism, but at this point, am open to anything that can help me beet the demons of addiction. Please pray for me.



    You've found a GREAT place for information and support!

    Read as many posts as you can -- there's so much here to learn. You'll find you are NOT alone. You'll also find that there are many things you CAN try, will WANT to try...and many thing you WON'T want to try, too.

    It's all up to you. Different strokes, and all that.

    But mostly, keep coming back, keep reading, keep trying, keep posting. We're all here for each other.

    If you haven't already, you might want to start by downloading or ordering the MWO book -- it's a terrific start for beginners on this path.

    All the best to you, and hope to see you around here.

    Taking it all in



      Hi TraceyO and :welcome: to MWO !

      Not sure how much you have been drinking but if you are worried about seizures, make sure you go to the "Need Help As Soon As Possible" section and go to the first thread from Roberta Jewell. You don't want to mess with that. The best way is to tapper off first instead of cold turkey. I started by just having two glasses of wine for 3 days then stopped, but still had night sweats for the next 3 nights, but that was it. Also take vitamin supplements, b-complex, and drink lots of water. But really, please go read the withdrawl section by RJ under "Need help ASAP. "

      I'm sending some prayers your way to give you strength, hope, and courage.

      Good luck to you and stick around. Do lots of reading on this site. It could be your life saver :l
      Miss October :blinkylove:



        Tracey, welcome to really is an amazing place. Wishing you lots of luck.....Janicexxx
        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)



          Welcome Tracy!!

          As Hopeful says - there are many variations availalbe. When I first read the book I was so excited and wanted to do the "full monty". Take everything & do everything to kick this thing. As I'm also on antidepressants I was concerned about reactions. Anyway, long story short - I'm on supplements & GABA and feel very good!! I'm also feeling strong enough to start weening off the antidepressants as they are also not helping me to understand the full impact of my addiction etc.

          Reading and knowing that you are not alone helps tremendously!!

          Good luck & take care

          The mind is in its own place, and in itself
          Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

          John Milton



            Welcome Tracey,
            I tried AA a few years ago and it really wasn't for me either. Don't know how much your drinking but read everything you can about withdrawal. Go to your GP and get a mini course of valium if you can.
            I second what everyone above has said.

            Start your journey to freedom Tracey.

            Good luck & I hope to see more of you around the boards

            Take care
            AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

            Snake....... come crawling,
            There's fire in your eyes,
            Bite me, excite me,
            I'll learn to realize.

            The poison transmuted,
            Brings eternal flame.
            Open me to heaven,
            To heal me again.



              Hi Tracy,
              I am so glad whenever a new person posts on this site, including you. The support here is beyond imagination. Reading RJ's book gave me the hope I had lost. I have my life back, the life where I am active instead of sitting in my chair somewhere with alcohol. My husband drinks wine responsibly, but after we finished a bottle I would sneak out for more. My excess drinking was alone. Yuck!

              You are in my prayers, as you requested.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.



                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



                  Hi & Welcome~

                  A goal & a plan and never give up. I wish you success.
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



                    :welcome: Tracy..

                    I felt the same way... I'm a private person and didnt' think I'd make myself go to AA..

                    Look forward to seeing you around!!
                    P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                    As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                    - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago



                      Dear hopefulnow, Miss October, Janice, jinja,wantrealmeaning, sunbeam tlrgs,breez and Pilatia:soo sorry for the delay in responding to your kind words of encouragement. I'm still trying to find my way around this website. i'm a computer novice, believe it or not and have never before in my life gone online for anything, let alone support for addiction recovery! Soo you can imagine what a huge step this was for me!!! I did send you each a sincere message of thanks for your kind words of encouragement however was dismayed when it did not show up the next day on posting. Tonight I had my hubby who is much more computer literate show me around the site.
                      I want you each to know how grateful and humbled I am by your responses. To think that strangers take the time to reply to my sincere cry for help is overwhelming. God bless each and every one of you.



                        Dear wantrealmeaning. thanks for the encouragement to go to my Gp. Great suggestion. big step for me but essential. I now have an app't scheduled for this week to discuss the medical perspectives on withdrawal. Thanks for caring. TraceyO



                          Dear Palatia. Soo as a private person you know how hugh a step this is for us both. congrats on your courage! looking foward to further comunications with a fellow private person. All the best. Traceyo



                            Dear Breez. Thanks for your encouragement and wise words about a plan. My hubby and I are already working on that. Thanks for your support. LOL Traceyo



                              Dear tlrgs. Thank you for your welcome. It meant a lot to me. God bless you in your progress. LOL Traceyo

