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    Dear sunbeam. Thank you soo much for your prayers.. for prayer I believe does move the hand of God. I too am sick of drinking alone. Yuk. Like when my husband goes to bed or when he is busy on the computer doing work. I however take full responsibility for my addiction, and am determined by the grace of God to beat it. We're in this together. LOl Traceyo.Lets keep praying!



      Dear Jinja. Thanks for the encouragement about the suppliments. It's soo great that you have taken the bold step to come off the antidepressants(I assume under your doctors care) I only say that because I know that with most antidepressants you need to wean off them slowly. but I agree it can help you to find the courage to deal with the real issues. I want to quit drinking completely asap but know that it would be prudent to consult my pshsician although I am embarressed to do that. Don't know if
      i'll suffer mild moderate or severe withdrawal symptoms... I've been drinking nightly for over two years but I feel it is better to be safe than sorry. I admire your strength. Let's keep in touch. Best wishes TraceyO xox



        Dear Janice. thank you soo much for your well wishes. I agree MWO is going to prove invaluable in my recovery. Thank you for taking the time to respond. Fondly, TraceyO



          Dear Miss October. Thank you soo much about your concern for my health. i've already scheduled an app't with my doctor. i agree that weaning off at this point before going cold turket is prudent! I've already started drinking lots of water which is helping to rehydrate my dehydrated system. As for alcohol consumption i've already started cutting back from 1.5 litres of wine a day to half that amount. I will order suppliments from the website as soon as I get the ok from my doctor and will be sure to provide him with the website info. Thankk you soo much for your prayers. Keep on keepin on LOL Traceyo



            Dear hopefulnow. Thank you so much for your encouragement about continuing to read the website and to continus to posting. I spent 3 hours on the website today just reading and am encougaged by the info I'm gathering. Thank you so much for your support. LOl TraceyO

