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AF Team April - Day 8

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    AF Team April - Day 8

    A whole week accomplished already!!! WAY TO GO ALL ON THE TEAM WITH ME!!!!!

    To be honest, I am surprised I have gotten this far. So YEA ME! And YEA YOU!!!

    Let's all keep up the good work!!!!

    Let the crusade move on!!!!!!!

    AF Team April - Day 8

    hi Croft and all to come

    Yeah the first week of many I hope. I have done numerous 30 day stints and am gradually changing my way of thinking. Up to this because I could drink moderately when out socially and enjoyed wine with my meals a part of me did not want to give that up. Now I'm at the stage of thinking is it worth it?? I want to get past the 30 day mark and am well on the way, Day 9 today and feeling positive.



      AF Team April - Day 8

      rustop61;306581 wrote: hi Croft and all to come

      Yeah the first week of many I hope. I have done numerous 30 day stints and am gradually changing my way of thinking. Up to this because I could drink moderately when out socially and enjoyed wine with my meals a part of me did not want to give that up. Now I'm at the stage of thinking is it worth it?? I want to get past the 30 day mark and am well on the way, Day 9 today and feeling positive.

      Good for you rustop! I am so happy to have company on this journey. It has been a difficult one for me. I could not have done it without the support!!! THANK YOU!


        AF Team April - Day 8

        I'm here too. Happily Day Two and feeling cheery. Had yoga last nite and slept like a lamb. Hoping to do a spinning class tonite as my daughter (age 13+) is going to her first rock concert (with several parents) I told her no smoking dope! We laughed, but I meant it.. . because she's never smoked but you know how concerts are.
        Found out yesterday that everyone on my "biggest losers' team has lost ten pounds except me (I've only lost 3.5) so now I'm embarrased but honestly how many battles can one fight at one time?? But being AF does help on that front, and God, the cheefulness has to burn up some calories, right?
        Hope everyone has a GREAT day!
        Best to all!


          AF Team April - Day 8

          Ask For Help - I just got off the scale and since March 30 I have lost 8 pounds. That is when I had my last drop of AL. So, maybe this AF thing is worth it afterall......hehehehehee.....


            AF Team April - Day 8

            This is day 8 for me also. I hesistated to chime in since I had serious doubts if I coule do this. I have been reading these posts daily and after much thought decided to take antabuse to get me started on his journey. It is so easy to not be able to have that debate in my head whether to drink or not.

            It feels really different this time. I truly am enjoying being AF. Can this feeling really last? Can I actually deal with life again after so many years of using AL to hide behind? I don;t know but I do know that this is a start and I could not have done this without all of your support.


              AF Team April - Day 8

              time2change: thanks so much for joining the AF April Team!!!! We need all the support we can get, especially ME! Glad to hear you have been feeling good! I have heard many others say that antabuse frees them of the daily struggle of "should I?". I know I have that struggle daily and it is not a fun one. But for now I am a Topo gal and will bear that out for April and see how it goes. Keep us posted on your antabuse progress. Would love to know how it goes.

              And keep us posted in general!!!


                AF Team April - Day 8

                Good for you all. I am on day 5 and could use some advice. My problem is not a constant craving but my triggers, at a certain point a glass of wine is put in front of me, or i get a sudden madness and rush out to buy a bottle and I am gone again. All of my relapses (maybe everybody's relapses) happen this way. Although I am OK now (no booze in the house either) I am really scared that the madness will swoop over ma at some moment.


                  AF Team April - Day 8

                  Croft - if I knew how to do all of the fancy smiley's, I would do a bunch for you. Well, wait a minute here, let me try this:


                  Very proud of you - Week 1 down and a very tough event to get through and you did it. You know with your social life this is much harder for you than those of us who can control our environments (e.g. drinking at home), so we are all rooting for you. Keep it up!

                  Please keep up the daily posts - they help everyone, especially when you write back to us -- good luck AFers. Happy Tuesday everyone.

                  Matthen -- have you tried the hypno CDs at all? Have read a few of your posts and sounds like you are doing great - good for you! The CDs and supps help quiet the noise in your head a bit. Keep going strong.


                    AF Team April - Day 8

                    Thanks happy4once!!!!


                      AF Team April - Day 8

                      matthen - triggers are the worst!

                      I agree about the CDs - the hypno CDs. I really think they help. Although at first I thought they were silly. Actually they still are a bit silly and I still get the giggles somethings when I am going down the escalator. But they do really help me.

                      What other tools are you using? supplements? Topo?


                        AF Team April - Day 8

                        Thanks, yes I do have hypno discs for some other program but haven't listened to them and I will dig them out. As for sups, i am on meds for adhd/depression and i believe that they are part of my salvation. and i do take lots of good vitamins/etc. I did try kudzu but my stomach does not seem to like it so gave it up in favor of st. john's wort.

                        I believe what you said that just try to avoid dangerous situations. sometimes, for example, a neighbor might come by with wine and say lets have a drink together. i of course leap at it like a wolf.

                        At the moment I am trying to anticipate " practice" how i will handle these situations. Oi, sobriety is hard but it took a long time to becoming a convincing drunk -- guess it will take some time to climb out of the hole :thanks:.


                          AF Team April - Day 8

                          matthen - have you tried L-Glut - it is great at helping you avoid cravings. I understand about the Kudzu - not everyone's tummy can handle it. Topo is also great for cravings. Have you tried any of this? Have you read RJ's book yet?


                            AF Team April - Day 8

                            No I haven't heard of Lglut but am willing to try it; and haven't seen the book. I will look for it on line here at this site. Thanks for the help.


                              AF Team April - Day 8


                              Wow, a whole week has gone by fast. I can't believe it either.

                              I am just now able to log in today and read and this is the first thread I hit.

                              So, happy you are making it. One more week and you are 1/2 through the month!!


                              I do hate those triggers. Going to any restaurant that serves alcohol is tough at first. Oh well, since I do take the Antabuse, I simply know I can't, so I grieve and then order dinner and forget about it.

                              It does get easier.

                              Love and strength to all,
                              AF April 9, 2016

