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AF Team April - Day 8

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    AF Team April - Day 8

    thanks, yes, also if i do get into trouble i will talk to my doctor about antabuse. glad it works for you.


      AF Team April - Day 8

      go girl go
      you are doing
      a great
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        AF Team April - Day 8

        Hi Ask4Help. I agree with you that its enough to just deal with one thing at atime. Anyway, my counsellor mentioned that because I was feeding my body daily at a certain time with high-sugar alcohol then my blood sugar would drop every day at the time before drinking. So now that Ive stopped drinking I have needed to top up my sugar levels at that time of day .This I do by eating somewhat more and also some sweet things. A bit of extra kilojoules should be offset by not drinking ,any how the AL problems more serious. Tweezy


          AF Team April - Day 8

          Croft;306603 wrote: Ask For Help - I just got off the scale and since March 30 I have lost 8 pounds. That is when I had my last drop of AL. So, maybe this AF thing is worth it afterall......hehehehehee.....
          Yeah, and weren't you a size 4 to start with? God, one of my thighs is a size 4.


            AF Team April - Day 8

            matthen;306644 wrote: Good for you all. I am on day 5 and could use some advice. My problem is not a constant craving but my triggers, at a certain point a glass of wine is put in front of me, or i get a sudden madness and rush out to buy a bottle and I am gone again. All of my relapses (maybe everybody's relapses) happen this way. Although I am OK now (no booze in the house either) I am really scared that the madness will swoop over ma at some moment.
            HI Matthen: Our trusted retteacher, who posts daily on monthly abs threads, has spoken about experiencing and handling "drinking thoughts". I'm sure I can't do it justice, but in essence it starts with a thought. . .
            1. Maybe I'll have a drink today"; next comes
            2) driving to the liquor store
            3) going in to the liquor store and buying a bottle
            4) returning home and having a drink.

            The earlier in the process one can stop the process, the more likely one is to be successful. Remember you have the choice of making the decision to STOP at any point along the way. The car doesn't drive itself; the liquor won't pay for itself. Even if you talk yourself into a 15 minute break between each step, maybe you will stop the process.

            One trick people use when the thought first occurs is to review the list of reasons why they've chosen not to drink. Another is to think the process through to the end, how you'll look, sound feel and act after having drunk a lot.

            Hope this helps some.


              AF Team April - Day 8

              Only just noticed this thread. I am day 9 and estatic so I think I will join you. Never thought I could do it. Feel freaking fantastic so much energy and I am sure I have lost some weight too without all the calories from the bucket loads of wine I was drinking. Have also given up smoking too (with the help of quit smoking meds) so I dont think I will worry about losing weight at this stage. Got some social challenges coming up (and I am usually first to the bar and last to leave) so hopefully I can get through them. It really helps to read all the posts as it keeps me focused on getting rid of the evil twins (alco and nico - I think they must be italian) and doesnt allow my brain to try to trick me into thinking that "of course I can just have a few"...... cos I cant it is all or nothing for me.


                AF Team April - Day 8


                Thankyou so much for your support. xxx

