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any interactions with topamax and wellbutrin

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    any interactions with topamax and wellbutrin

    I am new here and ordered the book, cds and supplements yesterday...i have a drs appt today and am nervous to ask for the perscription....i am on wellbutrin and dont know if there are interaction problems... anyone seems like the topamax is very important and i want to try the program with all i so scared it wont work and i so need it to...i dont know where else to turn...any help would be soooo appreciated...thanks for listening

    any interactions with topamax and wellbutrin

    Hi and welcome! I'm new myself. Just started on Saturday. I too am on Wellbutrin and Effexor. I was also very nervous about asking for topomax but just went in and said, "I need a script for Topomax because I'm starting an alcohol recovery program and that's what I need." She was very interested in the My Way Out Program and wants me back in 4 weeks to see how I'm doing. She said I shouldn't have any interactions with my other meds and Topomax AND since I already have some headache history...that should be a bonus! She gave me the starter pack and a script. I already feel better but can't wait til next week when I get the 50mg. I have hope for the first time in years!


      any interactions with topamax and wellbutrin


      I have been taking 50 mg of topamax for about 4 weeks and 300 mg's of Wellbutrin for over a wekk and I am just fine. I think I am weird though because that is a lot of wellbutrin and I have no side effects! I am on such a high dosage because I want to quit smoking. It should kick in any day now. We shall see! But no, you should be fine. Good luck!


        any interactions with topamax and wellbutrin

        how is it going?

        You said you started saturday...are you doing all facets of the program? How is it going....Thanks for letting me know about the interactions...


          any interactions with topamax and wellbutrin

          Re: how is it going?

          Yeah...I'm doing the whole program. I just started the supps yesterday though because I only received them yesterday. I feel good but a little jittery which is weird because I can go a few days with no alcohol and not have the shakes. I don't know what it is. I also have a slight headache. But the good news is that I haven't had any desire to drink! And I had a huge argument with my difficult 8 yr old last night. That usually would have driven me straight to the bottle. I just took my kudzu for the afternoon and took the max dose cause I know my weakest part of the day is late afternoon. I feel good though!! Let me know how you're progressing.

          I'm off to counseling now.



            any interactions with topamax and wellbutrin

            Re: how is it going?

            I have found that the Calms Forte helps calm my nerves.

