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Just gettin' Started...

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    Just gettin' Started...

    Hi All ?

    I?ve been reading the posts on here for a while telling myself it is time for a change. Well, I am finally doing it. This ends Day 2 AF! I thought it would be helpful for me as well as others walking the same road if I chronicled the first few days.

    First, a bit about me. I am a 43yo spouse and father of two teenage boys. I was a pretty heavy drinker in college and slacked up once I graduated. Over the past 10 years I have let things get out of control AL-wise. Each evening I was downing three pretty large Rum and diet cokes. When I say large ? think 3 shots per drink ? Jeez ? I just realized that that is 9 shots a night. Also think of it as approx $35/week on Bacardi.

    So, what finally made me decide to quit? A trip to my GP! I am 6ft tall and am currently 280 pounds. My blood pressure was 170/112. Basically I was scared straight.

    So, this past weekend I had my last drink for a while. I hope to be AL free until July when we go to Cancun. My year end goal is to be down to 220 pounds, AL free, and off BP meds.

    Monday ? 4/7 ? Started my day with 2 Campral (cant believe my insurance covered it). Fruit for breakfast (usually start the day with McD). 2 Campral for lunch and 2 around 6PM. Here is the scary part ? joined and spent the evening at a health club. Got home too tired to drink so drank ice water and watched a recorded version of Extreme Makeover.

    Tuesday ? 4/8 ? Ditto to day 1. Just got home after 1.5 miles on the treadmill. It?s 9:30pm as I write this and beside me is a glass of tea (regular ? NOT Long Island!!!). Funny, I think the Campral must really be working ? No craving at all. I mean that if I think about it I say ?I sure wish I had a drink?? but I think it?s more habit than craving. Then the thought goes away as quick as it came.

    Here is what scares me. As long as I keep myself busy I am in good shape. I really think I can hold out until Friday. However, the weekend is coming up. I normally start drinking around 3PM on Saturday and Sunday. Also, for those that have been down this road, is it normal to be doing good day 1 and 2 then get clobbered by cravings after that? I just want to brace myself.

    Hope I did not bore you to tears but it feels pretty good getting this out.

    Just gettin' Started...

    Hi & Welcome!

    You're doing great! Good job!

    Stay focused and prepare yourself. I don't know if you have a support system at home but I would get rid of all the booze that way you have no temptations. Plan something during that witching hour. Keep busy, busy, busy.

    Tell yourself that you can not drink while on Campral (which you shouldn't) because it defeats the purpose. Plant positive thoughts such as how good you'll feel come Sunday and Monday morning. You CAN do it!

    Use the drink tracker. I found it very helpful in my early recovery. I loved putting in my daily 0's. A good incentive.

    wishing you success.....keep it up!
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Just gettin' Started...

      Good evening :welcome:
      Sounds like you're off to a great start! If you've been reading around here for awhile, you've probably seen some good advice and motivation. If you don't have it, get the MWO book and go from there!!!
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        Just gettin' Started...

        GREAT START! Preparing and Planning ahead make such a difference. You plan and it goes much smoother. You plan and it falls apart - you instantly go back to your plan. You have no plan .......... You either just get lucky - or you fail.

        Way to PLAN on doing this! Welcome!

        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

        (from the Movie "Once")


          Just gettin' Started...

          WTG!! My experience is similar in that if I don't think about it, it doesn't come up in my brain. However, we are all exposed at some point... went to lunch with a friend yesterday and saw people in the bar drinking... didn't bother me... my friend didn't drink (thankfully, and I thanked him for that)...

          BUT, Friday nights are the bad nights for me... the last two Fridays have been Day 7's AF in a row for me.. So yes, it may seem kind of easy at first, but there may be a time, a certain day, time of the week, whatever, that it wants to sink it's gnarly teeth back into you... Now I know when that is for me.. so I will brace myself and do what I can to get through Fridays...

          Congrats on your decision !! :welcome:
          P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

          As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
          - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


            Just gettin' Started...

            Thanks everyone for all the encouragement. This site is great!

            Well today ends Day 3 AF!!! I almost caved in this evening. I did not go to the health club this evening and when I got home no one was here. I could just see myself pouring some rum and diet coke up and watching some tv – for the last 10 years that is what I have done. My brain was telling me that just one would not matter and just to make it a lite one…. It was really hard. So, I tricked my brain out. I made myself a glass of peach tea in a glass that I would have used for a rum/coke and stuck a straw in it again just like a r/c. I kicked back in my recliner with it and watched a movie. Pretty soon the idea of a drink left me.

            I’m still worried about the weekend but I have to take it one day at a time...


              Just gettin' Started...

              MNL - congrats on Day 3 and good for you for tricking yourself -- you can do it this Friday, too. Keep posting & welcome.


                Just gettin' Started...

                Congrats! you got it! We each need to figure out our triggers and then find ways to avoid letting the trigger set off the old normal chain reaction, and you did real well with that..peach tea instead of r & c, same glass, straw, nice job! (I use cranberry juice and soda. Be sure to drink a lot of fluids as you start to go A/F, your body will need the fluid and the nourishment.
                Keep reading, posting, let us know how you are doing! This site has wonderful support. Even on the weekends!
                Stay Strong!
                War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                  Just gettin' Started...

                  Congrats on the successful start MNL! I'm new too and looks like we have a lot in common and a lot of the same motivators to quit (me: 41, 5'11" 260 lbs, HBP, etc..). Essentially quit drinking or, well, the other alternative... I am choosing to change my life and live as long and healthy as I can. Glad to see you are making that choice too. Back to the gym tomorrow. Good luck on your journey and see you around the posts.
                  I went to my doctor and told him I had a serious drinking problem and that I was in desperate need of a solution. He said, 'Stop drinking.' I said, 'I don't get it..' He said, 'Go home and think about it.'


                    Just gettin' Started...

                    Day 4 AF!!!!!! Totally Awesome!

                    Hey All ?

                    Today ends Day 4 AF!!! This is really cool. I feel absolutely GREAT!!! My wife took my BP this week and it?s already dropping like a stone! When I get up in the morning I have an extremely positive attitude and believe I am thinking more clearly. I have noticed that sometimes during the day I get a little more crabby than usual ? my patience is not what it was ? not sure what that is about but it?s a small trade-off. Also, when I wake up in the AM I can remember going to bed as well as what I was watching on TV before bed ? sometimes in the past I could not say that.

                    I went to the health club this evening and did 20 mnts on the treadmill and pushed myself a little harder than usual then 15 mnts in the sauna sweating out the remainder of rum that is in my system. Now I am ending the day with my usual peach tea?

                    Couple of other things that I have done is cut my consumption of diet coke down from a six pack a day to 2 per day ? morning and lunch. Now I replace all the coke with water. I also cut down on carbs (God I miss bread almost more than rum??)

                    The best advice I have received from everyone on the board is to watch out for triggers. I think that plus the Campral and the support from everyone here has been key so far. I look forward to posting about another successful day each evening. I also look forward to going to Drink Tracker and posting a zero each morning.

                    BigMac ? looks like we do have lot in common except you got me beat by 20 pounds ? but I?m working on it.

                    Finally, tomorrow evening (Friday) starts the really bad part. I think I will be at the gym each evening of the weekend and really push myself. That way when I get home I will just fall out. I have made a commitment to myself that if I feel myself slipping the first thing I am going to do is reach out for help on this board. If I can make it to Sunday we are looking at 7 days AF!!!

                    Night All!


                      Just gettin' Started...

                      You sound great! Thanks for sharing such a positive post!
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        Just gettin' Started...

                        Day 5 AF! Totally Rockin!!!!!!!

                        I am about as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. I made it not only thru Day 5 but also a Friday night AF!!! This time last week I was pretty well plastered.

                        I have to tell everyone about this morning. I awoke for the first time since I can remember in an awesome mood. My beautiful wife leaves for work at 6:30am then calls me around 6:45 to make sure I get up. 99.999% of the time I roll over and go back to sleep then get up and slug thru the morning rituals. Not today. I actually bounced out of bed. To her surprise when she got home, prior to going to work I had picked up the house, cleaned the kitchen and made up the bed. If you knew me you would swear I was under alien control doing something like that!

                        At work my boss was being a total butt hole over some budget crap. Rather than getting extremely pissed like I usually do, I simply blew it off.

                        I really can?t remember ever feeling like this. The only difference between now and any other time is that me and the Bacardi bottle have not seen each other in 5 days. I really appreciate all the encouragement each of you has given.

                        I plan to keep posting to this thread as I progress. It might be boring to some but it really helps me and hopefully encourages others ? I look forward to documenting my progress.

                        Now, all I have to do is make it thru the rest of the weekend. If I can do that I think I have started beating the crap out of this?.

                        Take care and good luck to all of us!


                          Just gettin' Started...

                          You sound great MNL! Thanks for sharing another positive post!! I sound like a broken record!!
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            Just gettin' Started...

                            Please!!! Be a broken record! This is one time that being that is great...

                            Take care!


                              Just gettin' Started...

                              I just wanted to report that I am ending day 7 AF!!! I'm in pretty good shape and think that I can whip this sucker now. I even fixed my spouse an AL drink a few minutes ago and did not even miss mine!!! I wanted to do it to see how strong I could be or if I would cave in. I'm gonna end updating this thread unless I get into trouble but will be on the other threads. Thanks to all that have given me such good advice this week. There is no way I could have done it without you all. My next short term goal is getting to day 14.

                              Take care all!!!

