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Day 8

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    Day 8

    WOW! I cannot believe it! I am starting Day 8. This is the longest I have gone without a drink in years! I am really amazed. Last night I woke up with some negative "stuff" floating through my brain - which would normally keep me from sleeping for the rest of the night - and I was able to shut it down and go back to sleep. This is definitely new for me and I attribute it to the CD's.
    I give MWO tons of credit for the way this program was designed. I think that many of us wanted to get help but were frustrated in our efforts because of need for anonymity, lack of access to proper support, lack of time or opportunity, lack of education on what is happening in our bodies, etc. This program is just what I needed and it is working beautifully. The support I have found here along with all the brave and honest stories I have read here have made all the difference. I think we are all in front of a huge change in the way alcohol dependency is treated/viewed in the medical profession. Thanks to you all for each and every sober day I have had these past 7 - going on 8 days. I have made a commitment to myself in my mind that I won't even touch a glass of wine again until I know I can stop at one or two. If I never feel that I can stop there, I pray I am strong enough to never drink again at all. My guzzling to stop the pain and dull the senses and feeling days are OVER!! YIPPEE!!!!

    Day 8

    Great job ws.
    Doesn't it feel great to break away from the alcohol? Keep up the good work!



      Day 8

      Congratulations! It does feell great, doesn't it! It is such a HIGH realizing the world just keeps turning on its axis, even though you're not drinking! I'm sure we all thought it would just stop now, didn't we? Keep up the good work!



        Day 8

        Congrats!!! Keep it up. I'm not far behind you, and it's a struggle, but it always encouraging to hear good things like this. I'm really happy for you!!!


          Day 8

          Ok, it's me, E., again and I have a confession to make. Last night, with regrets, I had 1 and 1/2 glasses of wine. I was upset with my husband, and feeling sorry for myself. He didn't know how I was feeling and I didn't want to start something before going to bed. He had been out of town all week (my first week of MYO). He came home Fri. eve. only to leave again the first thing this AM (Mon.) and he spent the entire evening playing computer games in the study instead of spending it with me. Nothing too serious, and I should have overlooked it, but I guess I was looking for an excuse to have a glass of wine. I enjoyed every swallow of what I had, but I can tell you, I didn't want another drop!!! I was so happy. My usual is 8 or 9 glasses every evening. I wasn't even having cravings when I decided to give in. I can't believe it. Oh Well! Anyway I went to bed, got another great nights sleep, and got up feeling great this morning. The Sleep to Sleep CD really does the job for me. Eliziby


            Day 8

            Hey, in my book, you did great! 1 or 2 glasses of wine is fine AND you stopped yourself before 8 or 9 even when you were upset with your hubby. So, a trigger went with no reward, as I see it. That is my goal - to be able to enjoy a glass of two and stop. So, don't feel bad about it - you passed a test of sorts as I see it! Congrats!
            I have been sleeping better as well. The Calms Forte helps alot as well as the sleep CD.


              Day 8

              Thanks wellseasoned for the encouragement. I think we both, as well as all the other one weekers here, have reason to be proud of ourselves. This is quite an accomplishment for me anyway. I can't remember when I have done without my daily portion of wine for this long at one time. E.


                Day 8

                Eliziby.... I'm so happy that you were able to stop at one-two glasses!!
                As for your husband, I understand the feeling. Mine works away from home some and I do look forward to his being back. I have come to understand that when he gets home, it takes awhile for him to "shake off" the work and relax. I wish he would listen to my cds but thats not going to happen at my house. Sometimes I feel so alone even when he is here but I have to look for ways to "entertain" myself sooooo...while he does his stuff, I do mine. Like coming on here to chat and read or I go outside and work in my garden, read a good book or watch a movie if the weather is bad. I also spend time with my Father (my true Husband) and even "tell on " my earthly husband if he doesn't pay enough attention to me! :lol
                My relationship with my Father has grown as I share everything with Him and He NEVER fails to understand!
                In His eyes I am His "Baby girl" and He picks me up when I fall down.
                Keep up the good work !
                (today is day 4 total abs for me)


                  Day 8

                  Thanks Nancy, I know exactly what you mean. I have the same Father. I have known Him for a very long time. I talk to Him, and He talks to me every day. In fact He is the reason I found this site. I was seeking His help with my problem drinking. It was a long time coming, but I think this just might be His answere. Eliziby


                    Day 8

                    Nancy and Eliziby
                    I would be lost without my relationship to our Father. I turn to Him every day for help and direction. I believe He led me to this website as an answer to my prayers for help with my problem with alcohol. He saw my struggle and knew when and where to direct me. I am so very grateful. It did take a very long time and there were lots of tears and lonely moments, but when the time was right He took my hand and led me here.

