Glorious morning in the east of the UK here. Need to get out and do a load of stuff. No, actually what I really need to do is stop thinking that I NEED to do some stuff and decide what I WANT to do.
Had a bad night last night with Al and have finally got it into my head that I am stressed, anxious and not myself at all really. A workaholic as well as an alcoholic. Using Al to knock myself out. Still have a sense of humour (thankfully!) but my joie de vivre is not what it could be. My usual enthusiasm and energy is not all there and I don't like it. My life is wonderful really but I am just not allowing myself to enjoy it. I'm going to put some effort into changing that.
So Bessie is focussing on Bessie today.

Hope you all can do the same - enjoy your lives - even if parts aren't good, focus on the bits that are. Would love a group hug :l:l
Have a wonderful Wednesday....
Bessie xxx