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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Hello lovely ODATers - new and old (or perhaps 'established' would be a better word!)

    Glorious morning in the east of the UK here. Need to get out and do a load of stuff. No, actually what I really need to do is stop thinking that I NEED to do some stuff and decide what I WANT to do.

    Had a bad night last night with Al and have finally got it into my head that I am stressed, anxious and not myself at all really. A workaholic as well as an alcoholic. Using Al to knock myself out. Still have a sense of humour (thankfully!) but my joie de vivre is not what it could be. My usual enthusiasm and energy is not all there and I don't like it. My life is wonderful really but I am just not allowing myself to enjoy it. I'm going to put some effort into changing that.

    So Bessie is focussing on Bessie today.

    Hope you all can do the same - enjoy your lives - even if parts aren't good, focus on the bits that are. Would love a group hug :l:l

    Have a wonderful Wednesday....

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Wednesday

    Hi Bessie and all to come

    You are right Bessie, you need to focus on you. You have been going at a crazy rate the last few weeks. Take some time out and take care of yourself, you deserve it. Believe me you will feel so much better. As well as kicking Al's butt I have been on a healthy eating plan the last week or so. I need to loose about 10lbs before summer!!

    It's not a diet but I have been having a healthy three meals with fruit in between. No junk and no white bread. I can notice the difference already. I have a real sweet tooth and I think that taking the sugar out of the picture has also helped with the cravings for Al. Physically its doing me good but also psychologically. On Day 10 and feeling positive.

    Good luck everyone else whatever your goals are.



      ODAT - Wednesday

      Rustop - I am going to follow you down that route - I know all about how to eat healthily and I haven't been doing it lately. But not today....! Am just back from a walk in the woods with hubby and the dogs. Then we treated ourselves to a bacon butty and a mug of tea at a cafe.!! So the white bread has already been eaten today! Enjoyed it very much. Just getting away from the work/house. I realised that it was the first time in ages I had just sat and ate. No talking, planning, jumping up to do something while I thought of it, no bolting just to get the meal over and the next job on.



        ODAT - Wednesday

        OK, What's a bacon butty?
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Wednesday

          OK - I knew that would fox somebody!! A roll, a bap or even a sandwich. English lesson number 2 for Greeny!


            ODAT - Wednesday

            You tease me Bessie!!! :H A bap? What the heck is a bap? You are going to have to send me an English dictionary!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Think you would call it a bun. Like a burger goes in. Here a bun is usually a sweet thing. Bath bun, currant bun, iced bun. Need to find a translation website for you hun......:H:H.


                ODAT - Wednesday

                Here 'tis!

                British to American Translator & British Dictionary


                  ODAT - Wednesday

                  ROFLMArseO!!!!! Dictionary said a bap was a breast!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT - Wednesday



                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      That translator is the most fun!!! I'm SO excited!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        Maybe now you will understand what I am saying!!

                        Sorry to everyone else for us hijacking this thread! We've obviously got something far more important that we need to be doing that we're putting off by spending time on here! Am I right Greeny?!


                          ODAT - Wednesday

                          I'll do anything to avoid the black hole!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            ODAT - Wednesday

                            Good Morning! It's Day 2 for me again! Feeling great.
                            Bessie and guys are so funny!!! Have a great day everyone!!
                            Love and Peace
                            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                              ODAT - Wednesday

                              i lived in England for a year i know what a butty is . Now a bap..... af yesterday hoping to string some together. love you all rudemama

