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5 days...

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    5 days...

    Day 6, WOW. early days however.

    5 days...

    Hi Lucy! :welcome:

    WTG on 5 days under your belt... Feel free to share more when you're ready...
    P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

    As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
    - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


      5 days...

      hi there lucyxxx..:hello2::colorwelcome::good:read alot and post any or all of your questions.this is great place for surport. we are here for you..peace and god bless
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        5 days...

        5 days...

        thankyou for your support.


          5 days...

          Hi Lucy, I am on day 6, not bad for me. This site has helped a lot, for one thing it is interesting to hang around here. Hope you can declare another AF day today. All the best!!


            5 days...

            Day 5 for me, too!

            Wow! I made it to Day 5, too! I never thought.....

            I think I'll go take a nap. I never thought I'd be this tired AF. Congratulations, you guys! We did it!

            I'll probably share more over the weekend, but it feels so good going online every night to read a little bit on how my AF friends are doing. I gives me that extra kick in the rear to resist those temptations and stay with it!:thanks:
            Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.


              5 days...

              Day 6....

              Early days, but im doing ok, felt like my wine last night, then i thought of the hangover the next morning, oh no not again, the retching in the morning, head down the loo, tears falling down my face and another wasted day sleeping it of in bed. So, im sitting here with a coffee, no hangover, smokeing like a trooper but hey, one thing at a time. I truly want to do this, this time. Heads a bit dizzy and body not so much shakey just anxious i guess is the best way to desribe it. Tired, but get energy boosts and yesterday started on a clear out of my bedroom, so much i threw away. Ive been binge drinking for 20 odd years, it crept up on me unawares. My tolerence level increased as did my consumption. I functioned at first, high profile jobs, which of course i lost them all in time, with days off and or making a complete idiot of myself. I have practically a life story to share, and will just share as time goes on if thats ok. But believe me, i have some or should i say many occurances to share. Thankyou for your support in the mean time.


                5 days...

                Step by step, inch by inch. On your way to a new life. Congrats!
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  5 days...


                  I keep doing a bit of housework and coming back to the site. Ive decided no longer to blame anyone for being an Alcoholic... Jeez, ive said it.. Im an Aloholic, brings tears to my eyes. Im not going to blame my parents for being Alcoholics and a crap childhood because of it, im not going to blame my drinking friends for there influence, Im not going to blame Post taumatic stress depression due to the loss of so many friends encluding my partner of 12 years also my sons dad who passed away a cple of years ago,all of which were alcohol related. Im not going to blame the highs and lows of life that ive made excuses to have a drink, not loneliness, or stuck on a dating site on the comp talking to some very dishonest people for hours and days on end etc etc.... Im going to take full responsibility for my actions, and FORGIVE MYSELF for the mad, embarrasing, hurtful, degradeing acts of drunken behaviour ive been responsible for over the years. My head is clearer than i can remember it ever being, i know its such early days and one step at a time, (heard that phrase somewhere before), im going to TRY. Im going to stay away from my drinking friends who think im so funny when drunk and have great pleasure telling me the next day what a scream i was drunk and how many people i insulted and how many times i fell over and was sick. Im cleaning my house because i want it fresh, away from the stength of alcohol, cant do much about the cigg burns in the carpets caused by me and my drunken friends, but i will replace when i can. i dont want to die as my friends have hrouh Alcohol, i want to change it all around to lead a happy respectaful life. I want my dignity and self respect back.


                    5 days...

                    Good for You Lucy

                    Oh Lucy, you are a very good writer and you remind me just how bad it is to be an alcoholic. Thanks for this and go for it; btw I am on day 7, feels nice to be alive, if a bit shakey and confused about life. :goodjob:


                      5 days...

                      Keep going Lucyxxx--you'll feel better every day. Keep writing and getting it out--I like the idea of cleaning to make everything fresh!!:goodjob:
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        5 days...


                        You are now on day 6 already? Going fast.

                        Clean, clean, clean. Clean AL out of your body, clean the cobwebs and crap out of your mind, and start feeling better and better every day!!

                        Day 10 is the magic number. When you get to day 10, the physical stuff is gone and you will be feeling like a million bucks.

                        After that, it is truly one day at a time. Each day is a gift. Each sober day is a miracle.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          5 days...

                          Lucy - good for you for writing your reasons to drink in order to say 'no' to them. Helps to write.

                          Keep up the excellent work - sounds like you have a lot of influences to keep at bay and you are very determined and moving in the right direction. Stay strong and don't focus on the past -- keep cleaning and get through today.

