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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    And a good morning to all.

    It's amazing to me how many perky people are at the gym at 5:30 AM as I crawl through the door trying to choke down the rest of my smoothie. Summer is approaching and people are trying to whip those bodies into shape I guess.

    Everyone have a great day. Keep your pants on.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Thursday

    You mean there are others??!!! As nuts as you??!!! That's keen!

    5.30am I quite like. Gym I no like! (but then that is probably reflected in the saggy parts of my body!)

    Feeling MUCH better today - more like my usual self. More energy after a good, slow indulgent day yesterday. I even had my dinner in the bath! A bowl of pasta! Thought I could rest it on my chest and spoon it in. Then realised that the bath water had flooded into the bowl! The dogs thought it was a nice mix anyway!

    An AF day for me yesterday - about bloody time! It felt so normal. Another one on the cards for today. ODAT.

    Love and health to all who post today (and those of you who just read too!)

    Bessie xx


      ODAT - Thursday

      ODAT here and on day 11 AF. Woke up at 5am for a 7am meeting. I take longer to wake up! No gym but I have my pedometer on, does that count? LOL

      Supposed to be sunny and beautiful today. Looking forward to it!

      Have a wonderful day
      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


        ODAT - Thursday


        Yeah, this long week is ALMOST over!! It is sooooooooo difficult getting back into the routine after being on vacation for a week, but I AM doing it......................

        Go Greenie!! Up and at the gym at 5:30 AM!! good for you!!:goodjob:

        Bessie, glad you are doing better, you sound great this AM! :thumbs:

        AWESOME job Becoming!! 11 days is no small matter!! Keep up the good work!:wd:

        Everyone yet to come, have a wonderful day, another busy one for me, but glad to be here!!!

        lots of love,


        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          ODAT - Thursday

          Hi everyone

          Well done Greenie on the early gym start. I find am the best time to exercise, it sets you up for the day and then if you do get lazy later on it does not matter, you have already done something.

          Glad you are back to your old self Bessie. Hi to everyone else, on Day 11 and feeling good, still sticking to my healthy eating plan!!



            ODAT - Thursday

            Good Morning Odaters,

            It is so good to wake up and find my friends doing well.

            Bessie, your stories always crack me up. A ruined dinner in the tub. Sounds just like something I would do.

            I am still doing this ODAT like everyone else but thrilled as I come close to a month. Just 5 more days!! I haven't done that since fall and rehab.

            Take care all and I hope all attain their desired goals, no matter what they may be.

            AF April 9, 2016


              ODAT - Thursday

              Good morning everyone!! Looking out, it's cold and snowy--what happened to Spring!!

              Day 12 AF for me. I used to never go for more than a couple of days. Luckily, I haven't had any "reasons" to drink this week. Now I'm almost afraid to drink, because I DO NOT want to experience that hangover!!!

              ODAT--it's great! Have a great Thursday everyone!!
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                ODAT - Thursday

                Hi everyone - no 5:30 am for me this morning, thank goodness. Stomach flu is making it's way one by one through my house but no one woke me this morning. I am the only one left to get the bug...but still feeling good. The rest of the sicky's are coming around too...

                Greenie - the gym at 5:30 am...i just can't even fathom. Good for you!! hmmm, I'm way too self conscious for that at this point (and too comfortable in my bed at that hour).

                Bessie - the pasta in the tub is too funny. Will try the tub part of that myself tonight. Nothing like a good soak (without noodles floating around you, though).

                Congrats to everyone on your AF days -- life w/o a hangover is good, isn't it? Here's hoping we all keep up the good work.

                Happy Thursday to everyone.


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  good morning greeneyes and everyone have an awesome day
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    That does it! If Greenie can do it. I can do it! Although I hate the gym, I have been threatening to join a "boot camp" that meets on the beach at 0600 am............I need something like that. Some stranger screaming in my ear telling me to get down and do 20! It can only do me good right?!
                    Happy AF to all.


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      Its ME!

                      perkfully i crawled to the computer to send a message! i'm sober today too! back to bed..


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        Smiley Toes - You are insane - by the way, I need an update.

                        Bessie - Pasta in the tub, rub a dub dub!

                        Becoming/Rustop - 11 - YEA!!!!

                        Cowgal - getting back in the saddle after vacation is always so hard!

                        cindi - Keep up the great work!!!! you go girl

                        LVT25 - DAY 12!!!!!!

                        Happy - Yes, Life w/o hangover is better than life w/ hangover

                        tlrgs - you really ARE the sweetest

                        FinallyRN - Bootcamp on the beach sounds perfect - GI JANE - yes, Master Chief!

                        Ripple - where did you find that doll head?


                          ODAT - Thursday

                          Its ME!

                          croft, i'm a 50's gurl...thats me RIPPLE! have some really good ones from a repair site that look so wasted i pissed myself copying to picture files....i can't explain how much fun i had playing Barbie at my age...:H

                          before and after vintage barbies...mugshots from the past.:H


                            ODAT - Thursday

                            Good for you Green, but 5:30 at the gym. Well maybe I should try that.:goodjob:


                              ODAT - Thursday

                     out for greenie..she may be talking about gym beam! she likes to drink that kind of stuff you know! :H

