There was always an excuse: if not to dull the pain;Then to heighten the celebration!
Reason to drink: Family problems
Reason not to drink: Family problems
Reason to drink: Money problems
Reason not to drink : Money problems
Reason to drink: Problems on the job
Reason not to drink: problems on the job
Plus a load of others..........
* It's not my fault.
* I didn't create these problems.
* You don't know what it's like being me.
* I can't help it, my father was a drunk and i take after him.
* You don't understand.
* I can quit anytime I want.
* I drink a little, so what?
* Everybody drinks now and then.
* With a marriage like mine, what do you expect?
* You have no idea what I've been through.
* Do I try to tell you how to live your life?
* You just don't want me to have any fun.
* I'd lose all my friends if I stopped drinking.
* Go preach to someone else.
* I don't need your advice or help.
* What would you know?
* It's my birthday.
* Here's to Santa, Easter Bunny ect........
* I just lost my best friend.
* I just lost my job.
* I just lost my dog.
* I just lost my wife.
* I just lost my kids.
* I just lost my car.
* I just lost my home.
* I Just lost.
I got that off the internet years ago. I don't kid myself with excuses anymore, I drink because I'm an alcoholic and I'm going to beat it before it beats me.