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Thursday Start Date?

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    Thursday Start Date?

    I have used up my excuses - the last one is me talking myself into thinking that the weekend will be an easier "day" to start AF. BULL! I'm going to make this the best day ever to start a AF period because like in a previous post - sorry I can look at see which person posted it - the poem - there is always a reason to drink and there is always a reason not too. I get myself worked up every evening like its going to kill me to not drink so then I do and then its off to the races. I'm trying not to be angry at myself today but its difficult.

    Thursday Start Date?

    ThuzzyQ, I know the feeling. I have been on a 5 day binge of 10 beers a day. Then I vowed to go AF, so far have not made. Let's make Thursday an AF day.
    Like you I get angry with myself, but that is not a good idea. I choose to be angry at the behavior but love myself (still working on that by the way).
    Have a great Thursday,
    Love and Peace,

    Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


      Thursday Start Date?

      Hi Thuzzy

      Thuz, any day is a good day to start, but TODAY for some reason always seems best. If you have the inspiration today, grab it and ride it. By the way, throwing anger, shame and other emotions at our alcoholism just doesn't seem to work. For me, I think it was just a quick way back to the bottle. I have spent so much time building my head up to a frenzy over my drinking that i think -- it actually gove me an opportunity to go back to the drinking faster, if only to quiet the noise in my head. We have to try to be more deliberate in our thinking, maybe the work is analytical. It is very hard to look at our own drinking in a calm manner -- and plan rather than scream our way out. I am trying to do that and so far am on day 7. Let us know how you do, :good job:


        Thursday Start Date?

        Thanks guys. You're on CPN! Among the many, many reasons to go AF the one that makes me most excited is the extra money I will have to spend on healthier things that buying booze every night! So many positives to be excited about.....


          Thursday Start Date?

          What's CPN?:H


            Thursday Start Date?

            ThuzzyQ - sounds like you could have a buddy above to start today. Grab the chance and you and CPN should help each other through today. You can do it - it helps to make a plan for your normal drinking time...when I was starting, my husband would tell me to just make it until 9:00pm and then if you really want a glass of wine, you can have one. I would go off and do the CDs and be so happy to have done something positive, that 9:00 would come by and I would decide, well...I'll just skip it tonight.

            So - plan something different to do at your normal drinking hour if you can. It's not easy to start, I know, but sounds like you have the resolve to make it through today. So try it for today and see how it goes. Doesn't have to be forever...

            Wishing you much luck and please let us know how you do. : )


              Thursday Start Date?

              Okay - the day is getting to that time where I'm almost off work and its the drive home so far my excuses to drink include:

              I'm hung over so maybe just a little.
              Its crappy and suppose to SNOW here tonight
              Tomorrow is Friday (WHAT?)
              My 14 year old will be gone till 8:30 (my worst guilt is when she is home)


                Thursday Start Date?

                The hour of hell starts for me right now. I work from a home office so about 230pm, I say why not have a beer? So far today, I have resisted. Hope you make it ThuzzyQ.
                Love and Peace,

                Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                  Thursday Start Date?

                  Every day is a good day to go AF -- especially Thursdays. It has always been easy for me to quit drinking -- I've done it 100's of times.

                  I am a newbie on this board but it seems like a really supportive group.
                  Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck.
                  Psalm 69:1


                    Thursday Start Date?

                    It is an hour from hell and I'm going to have the commute home from hell, yet another excuse, or wait - it was on the list?

                    Geez, if I tried before not to think I have a problem with AL I am convinced now when I fight harder to keep AL than to be AF. But the good news is I'm here. There will be that first AF day (maybe today?) and many after, I owe that to myself.

                    Can I just say one more whine.....If I wasn't a single mother with two teenage daughters who need me right after I leave my full-time job (dinner, home work, just be home for them) and if I could just have a week to take care of only me maybe it would be easier? No, I doubt it.


                      Thursday Start Date?

                      It's 4:45


                        Thursday Start Date?

                        I'm on day 4 -- the next few hours are tough.... newbies (including me) don't argue with yourself, don't justify. Now its hour by hour until tommorrow.. Think positive thoughts.


                          Thursday Start Date?

                          I will start with you.

                          Count me in....I'll start with you. If I can just make it from 6-8pm, it will work.


                            Thursday Start Date?

                            I'm in -- I started Monday. It is much easier for me to abstain completely than just have 1 or 2 drinks (1 is too many; 15 is not enough). I am also getting back in shape and the numerous empty calories in alcohol don't help.
                            Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck.
                            Psalm 69:1


                              Thursday Start Date?

                              Okay.. how about an update on THursday??

                              Have a backup plan... what can you replace AL with... ??

                              Once you get past that first day, you'll see it isn't so bad!! Yes it isn't easy. If you can think about Anything besides AL, do. Don't let it consume your mind. THat's the nasty little trick it plays...

                              Come in here when you need to.. or even when you don't 'need' to...
                              P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                              As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                              - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago

