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AF Team April - Day 10

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    AF Team April - Day 10

    1/3 of the way into April - GO TEAM!

    AF Team April - Day 10

    :b&d::applaud::applaud:you can do it .. go girl go
    you are all doing
    a great job
    be proud and say it loud
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      AF Team April - Day 10

      Croft and everyone else,

      Yep, 1/3 of the way and riding the waves!!

      I feel exceptionally perky today, or call that manic, but am excited about making a whole month from start to finish AF.

      Hope all are doing really well.

      AF April 9, 2016


        AF Team April - Day 10

        April is 1/3 over?!!! Yipee! I hate to "wish time away" - but I am ready for MAY - weather is still bad here - Gloomy skys - I want SPRING ..... May Flowers!!

        Way to go everyone!

        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

        (from the Movie "Once")


          AF Team April - Day 10

          Well done everyone. Didn't realize today was the 10th.

          I've got Spring here - 70s and sunny.


          Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


            AF Team April - Day 10

            Congratulations Team April.

            Has anyone found any new guilty pleasures along this journey so far as rewards?

            Mine is watching James McAvoy movies (Atonement...Becoming Jane). Watching him is better than 3 glasses of wine every evening in my book. I will switch to something healthier next week but for now, he is getting me through the AF boredom...


              AF Team April - Day 10

              I am guilty of wishing time away. It is snowing here in Boulder, Colorado. I am watching an estimated 8 inches accumulate.


                AF Team April - Day 10

                Ski time Croft!! If I were there - I'd hit the slopes ~ Nothing better than Spring snow up to your knees --- the kind where the ski's just sink all the way down ........ push me right over a cliff ----- I AM SICK OF SNOWWWWWWWWWW!! I am a time wisher awayer. But OH WELL
                AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                (from the Movie "Once")


                  AF Team April - Day 10

                  I was supposed to go skiing today, but work got crazy and I had to stay and deal. Besides there is not a bigger trigger than a wonderful day skiing. Everyone sitting around after the day with rosey cheeks talking about the day. Munching on nachos and enjoying a mug of beer while you sit there enjoying those salty chips and drink water. Makes AF too hard. Better to just stay at the bottom and work.


                    AF Team April - Day 10

                    just think about all af days you are diong for yourself doesnt it feel so good great job crofty
                    i got to get out side and work too see ya
                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                      AF Team April - Day 10

                      Croft, it sounds like you have a lot more triggers everywhere you any of the AF part getting easier? Are you getting any benefit back from it yet (like - feeling physically better?). Sorry if this is prying, I'm just wondering how others really feel since I have no one else going through this with me to talk to...

                      I am doing it because it's just easier for me than modding right now and I'm happier without having to think about it this month. But - - I have been holed up in my house like a hermit for most of the time outside of work, and temptations and cravings have been ziltch. Once I venture forth again it will be harder, I know, and I actually love being a hermit once in awhile, so..hasn't been a stretch so far for me to do a month AF. Just a nice break.


                        AF Team April - Day 10

                        happy4once - yes, I guess I am a bit trigger happy. I hang out with people that drink. they rarely get drunk, but they do drink. wine with dinner. a beer after skiing, or mountain biking or whatever the sport we are all doing. we are a work hard play hard crowd. Saturday we are climbing a mountain - keep in mind that it is winter in the mountains here so this will involve ropes, crampons, ice axes and take most of the day. And yes, everyone will want to go for beer and nachos after. No one will have more than 2 beers and most will only have one beer. Usually only Eddie and I have 2 and sometimes Eric has 2. I used to keep drinking once I got home while we unpacked gear. None of them know. So yes, it is hard. And when i dont drink they don;t say anything, but I always feel like they are wondering. And I feel like, heh I busted my arse today too, I deserve it. I am working on that. I am trying to change the attitude. But I have also had a lot of successful days where I did just have one with the gang and went home and did not drink more. That is where I want to be eventually. Anyway...... Go Team April!


                          AF Team April - Day 10

                          Hi Croft

                          I'm just dropping in to this April thread as I haven't done very well this month but am panting now to catch up!

                          Whew! Your life sounds tres sportif! Where I live it is really flat so mountains are alien features to be admired in other parts of the country! I can just imagine how difficult it must be though to have a full day of sport and then resist the 'reward' beer after then deal with that as a trigger for more. I suppose it's like a day's hunting for me... though at least the socialising drinking is done at the meet at the beginning so it isn't quite the same!!!

                          Keep it up - you're a big inspiration!

                          Bessie xxx


                            AF Team April - Day 10

                            Wow. Go climb that mountain!

                            You, my dear, are going to be one of this board's success stories for modding once this April is done. You should be very proud of yourself (we all are).


                              AF Team April - Day 10


                              goodmorning, hope your doing fine. xxxxx

