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My hardest day of the week and a party to go to.

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    My hardest day of the week and a party to go to.

    Hi all I'M Teechino and have been watching the postings for about two weeks have read the book and have been on camparl as of this Tuesday with no side effects and taking all of the supplements. Have listen to all of the CD for six days.The cleaning one the 1st time went well seen alot of crap from the past and so very real. Today is one of my hardest days don't have to work and my patten of years is to start as soon as I get up and go until I pass out . Which my better half and kids are tired of for a long time now and finally ME to. Have stopped before for them many times but have always went back to drinking. This time I'm doing it for me and want it real bad going for total abstain. Been doing better each day this week until today have a brother turning 50 today with a big family party to be at.I really don't want to mess up they all know what I'm doing as far as this program and have been helpful. But as in the past are looking how it usely ends up. I listen to the cleaning CD this morning but must of had to much on my mind to get into it does that happen sometimes? Any idles on what to do next would be great . Thanks

    My hardest day of the week and a party to go to.

    Hi Teechino,

    Welcome to MWO! Sounds like you are off to a great start! The clearing cd is quite helpful indeed. I would strongly suggest at this point moving onto the hypnotic cd, both tracks, before your party tonight.

    Since you are planning on going total abs, go to the section in the book, page 125, for some suggestions of the visualizations and cues that you will be asked to give yourself while listening to this particular cd.
    Make sure that you are in a very calm and quiet place so that you can really concentrate on this. It should help.

    If there is time, perhaps while you are getting ready for the party, listen to the subliminal cd. You do not have to concentrate on this one. It can just be background noise.

    Try not to let the expetations of what your family expects from you sabotage the positive changes you are making in your life right now. Concentrate and focus on what you are doing to better yourself, and try best that you can not to let the negative influence of others derail the strides you are making!!

    Best of Luck to you tonight!! Let us know how it goes!!



      My hardest day of the week and a party to go to.

      Yes, Teechino, families can be sooo stressful when trying to be "helpful"...They mean well, but can almost be suffocating at times! Just remember you're doing this for YOU... Cograts on 7 days ! That's great! Have fun @ the party, don't stress it, you might just enjoy it more than you think!


        My hardest day of the week and a party to go to.

        Thank to both who replied partiy was ok weather could of been better as I live in the midwest cold and on off rain but not all bad the beer stayed cold. And guess who was asked to tap the beer ME which I did and then went and get a coke . Had no craving or even a thought to drink hard for me to believe. Took a 30 min fast walk and listend to the CD like you said . Thanks again to you both I made it. One thing I have a question on is why some post get alot of replies and others don't. Later


          My hardest day of the week and a party to go to.

          Great job teechino. There are a few of us from the midwest who have been drowning in the rain the past few days. There is rain in the forecast every day for the next week by me. I really could use some sun one of these days!



            My hardest day of the week and a party to go to.

            Hey Teehino,

            Way to go!! So glad to hear you made it. I must say I can't believe you were asked to tap the keg though...what a trip! I would imagine you are feeling pretty good right about now.

            As far as your question, that is hard to say. It is the weekend, so not as many people may be around. People just try to answer post where they think they can be of the most help.

            I encourage you to read and post around as many of the boards here as you can. Soon you will get to know people, and people will get to know you. It really is like one big family!

            Congratulations on tonight! So Glad it went well!!



              My hardest day of the week and a party to go to.

              Hi Teechino,

              Congratulations on a great job at the party! And I don't mean pouring the beer! :lol
              I hope you are feeling proud and strong as well you should be. Good going!!!

              As to your question - if you read around the boards you can see why some posts get more responses than others, for instance, not many people may feel qualified to reply to a hard situation, other times there is a lot of joking going on, etc, it varies. Sometimes I wish more people would respond to my posts, but then I remember, hey, it's not a popularity contest, and as long as I get the help I need, I'm fine. But if you feel you're not getting the answers that you need, you could try posting again - starting a new thread. There are really wonderfully generous people here as I'm sure you'll find...

              Keep up the good work!


                My hardest day of the week and a party to go to.

                Teechino, glad to hear you made it thru the party OK. So, it wasn't too bad being asked to tap the keg? Do you think it was an oversight that someone asked you?
                I remember being @ my cousins wedding last year, and they had a spiked punch, & a kiddie punch. They both looked the same(dumb, idea,...poor planning), Anyway, my Mom came up and sniffed my punch(right there in front of "GOD" & everybody...I'm only 45 yrs old!!
                Up to that point, I was behaving "perfectly"... but as soon as that happened. Well, to me, it felt like, the party's over for me. So I left... picked up a 12 pk on my way home & drank with a conviction...for a few days!(I'm sure I replaced that 12'er more than once before that bender was over with) God, that pissed me off! Well, I'm sure you know how that goes...
                That's what I love about this program. I feel like I can still live with alcohol around... & in my life, ...but my life doesnt revolve around it.
                Sorry I went & wrote a book! Hugs, Judie


                  My hardest day of the week and a party to go to.

                  Ya know Judie,

                  That is EXACTLY why I have not told any of my family (exept one very trusted sister) that I am doing this program! The last thing I need is the "Donna patrol" following me around making sure I am watching my P's & Q's!! Boy, I hear ya on this one one, that would have made one one mad Irish gal!!!



                    My hardest day of the week and a party to go to.

                    Yeah Donna, I'm pretty sure my ears were smokin when I left the wedding!:evil >:
                    "Donna Patrol" I like that. Actually, I've told my Mom about this program, even loaned her the book, when I finished reading it, which she just finished. But I think she's pretty much accepted my Dad's not gonna change(?)... That would be a real miracle!:rolleyes :
                    I'm still not sure she wasn't just kidding around when she did the "sniff", she has a funny sense of humor(guess that runs in the family!), But you know how "WE" are... any excuse!...

