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About time too

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    About time too


    Only just came across this forum. It seems very helpful and supportive.

    I have realised that my binge drinking at weekends was running over onto Mondays and the usual pattern of feeling remorse, not drinking for another week or two was sometimes followed by a Friday/Saturday night binge or even a whole weekend and so on. My wife drinks as well but she knows when to stop (or doesn't have the capacity) and socially it has been difficult to abstein in social situations. She has recognised it's become a problem for me as well and is supportive.

    As I was a former rugby player I have started to feel jaded in myself, my fitness has slipped and I'm fed up that I cannot pass up a drink at home or when offered. I seem to manage to abstein during the week at times but occassionally if staying away on business, I have got through a bottle of vodka two nights on the trot. I am also partial to wine. And the people I work with wouldn't even know next day. I felt like shit but carried on.

    Anyway, I have realised that it can't go on any longer and to be honest it's daunting thinking that I won't be drinking but I had my last drink Monday night and it's Thursday night now - I had the most horrendous hangover and comedown for 2 nights. I could have murdered a vodka after dinner tonight and almost went to the shop. Then 30 seconds later it passed and I felt ashamed but relieved and went to my room.

    Binge drinking at weekends has been an occassional problem since my mum died 9 years ago but it has been the last three or four years (we moved abroad for a period) that it has got worse and with hindsight I reckon it started to get really serious about a year ago.

    I don't want it to ruin my life and really want to stop. I would love to be able to drink in moderation but...... wouldn't trust myself at this point in time.

    So going to give this my best shot and I really mean it this time.

    Any tips, help, support or encouragement gratefully received.


    About time too

    Hi MidWalian,

    I was so glad to come across this post! I just joined MWO today myself, and am eager to see how this works.

    I too am a weekend binge drinker - but lately (just last night) I binged - and was unable to go to work today because I was so ill this morning. It is really disappointing to know that I have failed so miserably.

    I know the feeling that you have ... I can't pass up a drink if it is offered to me either. I am praying for the strength to get through this and finally be proud of my ability to kick this terrible addiction once and for all.



      About time too

      Hi Mid

      I am on day 7 after lots of time stopping and starting. It seems to be a different experience here. Something about having all these people who also are starting out and going through the same thing day by day.

      I have a suggestion for you at this point. Try to forget guilt and anger at yourself for being an alki. Believe me, that is a one way trip back to the bottle. It is a non productive waste of time and good emotion.

      Instead try to think analytically and strategically. Like figuring out when you lunge for a drink. And plan ahead how you will reach when you come across each of your triggers. For example, when a drinking buddy says "lets have a drink", what will you say? And when he says, "whats wrong are you going too fancy on me", what will you say.

      And if you slip, don't take it as proof that you will not stop, or worse yet, "permission" to slip back to the old ways. Just get up and remember what YOU want in life.
      This madness can be like a puzzle to confront. Also, it can be maddening and painful. Fantastic that you are here, we are all together going in the same direction. Hope to talk some more, good luck. :welcome:


        About time too

        Hi & Welcome~

        Get/read the book. Some do the meds(Topa or Campral) or just the supplements. Everyone here basically tweaks the program to suit their needs. Take a poke around here. We're a diverse bunch with much support to offer.

        A plan and a goal & never give up! You CAN do it!

        I wish you success! Any questions-we're always here to answer.
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          About time too

          Welcome Midwalian and Hemlock!!


          You are definitely in the right place.. and ditto what Matt said.. that was good advice.

          This is a non judgmental place. No scoldings, just support. Whatever works for you is great! I find, also, that this site makes the difference for me...
          P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

          As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
          - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


            About time too

            MW -
            Welcome to the site. I've been here a short time but it has been really helpful. First if you can get it try Campral. Some says it does not work for them. For me it has been perfect. Also, stay busy at your weakest times. I try to avoid situations that put me anywhere near AL. Also, try the drink tracker found on the main community page. Lastly, post your success each day. Folks that you have never heard of will offer encouragement! This is my 5th AF day and it has to be the best day of my 10 year habit!

            Take care,


              About time too

              I have totally been where you are and very recently (less than 2 weeks ago). Binging, hangover, guilt, binge hangover guilt,.... It truly is hell but there is a way out and I feel confident that the brain can be retrained. If have had 12 days of bliss with no binge drinking and smoking (usually 2/3 times a week) with meds. I feel like a different person now and looking back at that binging it doesnt make any sense at all. Initially I thought I would not be able to socialise and that I wouldnt be able to relate to people without alcohol but I have discovered that it actually doesnt make a lot of difference - its all in the mind. Mind you people (including myself) do talk such a load of bollix when they are drinking. I feel sorry for all the people that have had to listen to my nonsense over the years!
              Anyway you will find plenty of support here and for me reading the posts helps keep focused.
              Good luck. You can do it.


                About time too


                Glad you found us! I too had become a binge drinker and had several start and stop attempts. Matt has great advice, know your triggers and set up action plans. I think the supplements help as well.

                Good Luck and Keep the Faith,

                Day 19 AF
                "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale

