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Can I really do this?

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    Can I really do this?


    Hey everyone - I am going to count today as my first day alcohol free. I am worried, however, that I am going to slip up. I can't tell you how many times I have tried to do this - only to fail miserably. I am really, really tired of alcohol ruining my life. I don't need it every day - I just abuse it in social situations and don't know how to stop.

    Most of my friends are still at the stage where alcohol is required to have fun and I feel like I have to drink as well. Any advice on how I can stay strong the next time I am in this situation? Thats going to be my biggest hurdle!

    Can I really do this?

    I am struggling with you and this will be my first AF day in a long time. We go out way too often and there is always alcohol.
    Try telling a white lie.....alcohol will set off your migraines, you have developed an allergy and may break out in hives, or you're on the South Beach diet and can't have alcohol, or you're pre-diabetic, etc., etc. You really don't owe anyone any kind of explanation at all, though. You can just say, 'no thanks' and get on with the evening. You can do it and I am going to do it with you tonight. The cocktail hour (6pm) is fast approaching and I am going to have iced tea, or maybe hot tea, but my husband will have scotch or bourbon. I have tried lots and lots of different soft drinks as substitutes for white wine. Diet caffeine free sprite is pretty good, and it helps to eat something. Sometimes I think I drink because I'm hungry, and then it just increases my appetite and cravings for sweets! Stupid of me.
    Ok, so here's to day one! Let's check with each other tomorrow. Hang in there.


      Can I really do this?

      Hi Hemlock

      I totally identify with what you said. Looking back over the last few years, I have lost work due to an unexpected binge occassionally. I've been lucky to be in a position where I could get away with it because I worked from home quite a bit - my wife reckons that's the worst job someone with a developing drink problem could have and she's right! It doesn't stop the guilt though.

      I have also made a bit of a tit of myself socially on occassions too but then I have a few friends who do too.

      Onwards and upwards!


        Can I really do this?

        Can I really do this?

        THANKS! This is the kind of support I need. I am so glad to have found this place. I'll check in with you tomorrow. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!


          Can I really do this?

          Yes, I think you can

          But it does takes some time and lots of help from people going through the same stuff. I am only on day 7, with lots of slips along the way. The worst slips I have are when I say, well that's it, I guess I can't stop. Then I go on a booze trip for a while until I feel so lousy that I am willing to try again.

          Just started on this site 7 days ago and it seems to be a huge help. Usually by day 4 I feel I have been without a drink too long and deserve one. This time, because of all the people in the same place, I realize I have just begun. It is different -- try it for a while, it seems to carry you along. :welcome:


            Can I really do this?

            MidWalian - Thanks for writing. I actually just responded to one of your posts. Sounds like we have a lot of the same things going on. Hang in there. We can do this!


              Can I really do this?

              Thanks, Matt. I am really hoping that this will be one of the tools that helps me through. Best of luck to you!


                Can I really do this?

                Hemlock, readytotry, midwalian!
                Greetings! you CAN do this if you really wan to. you have picked one of the best sites for support and encourgement. I drink cranberry juice and soda when i go out, I have said, if asked, that I am trying to loose weight (true) or that I have recently changed some of my meds and don't want to "mix it up" (also true). After the first couple of questions, the people move on to other things, and it is kind of funny? sad? to watch how people change when they drink.
                Stay on here, post and read and chat as often as you like and want to. One of the nice things is this site is worldwide, you will generally find domeone else on anytime of day or night. I know for me, being able to get on here made the first few days much easier..also gave me a sounding board to talk with others and find out I was not alone and that the feelings i had were pretty normal, and they would all pass in time.
                I hope to hear from all of you ...positive you make this journey!
                Stay Strong and post often!
                War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                  Can I really do this?

                  *Most of my friends are still at the stage where alcohol is required to have fun and I feel like I have to drink as well. Any advice on how I can stay strong the next time I am in this situation? Thats going to be my biggest hurdle!*

                  I just told my friends that I get a hangover from just a few drinks and cannot handle the feeling I have the next day. Here is the really hard thing to do, if friends cannot accept that you have stopped drinking...make new friends. :goodluck:

                  You can do it.


                    Can I really do this?

                    Thanks for all the great advice. It is really sad to me that you have to justify NOT drinking to people...

                    I wish I had a circle of friends that would rather just do things like movies, dinners, shopping, hiking, etc.

                    I think a HUGE thing for me is going to be to stop worrying what other people think about me. I let that run my life... and I am so sick of it! :thanksbubble:


                      Can I really do this?

                      :welcome::wavin:Hello Guy's...Great to have you join us here..this is a awsome site. I have been AF 35 days today...I did not believe that I could go 7 days AF but here I am and I am so proud of myself. You will be amazed at the help you will recieve...I read other people's stories and think, "I did the same thing." I did not know there are people out there that are going through the same thing that I am but there is and they are amazing. Hang in there and don't give up..that's what I kept hearing and that's what I'm doing...I really want a drink but I'm not giving up...It's one day at a time and sometimes one minute at a time...there is one thing for sure the craving will go away no matter if you drink or not. I take the Kudzu and it helps. I haven't tried the topomax yet because I'm leary of the side effects. I just ordered the hypno CD' will be my 4th day...I keep going to sleep during the relaxation part......LOL Even tried listening in the morning and went sound to sleep.
                      Just hang in here and read, read , read...that's what I did for a long time and it helped.


