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And the weekend approaches....

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    And the weekend approaches....

    Day 5 here, and what ya know it's Friday! My fav day of the week. Drunk by 6:00, usually put away a case of beers. Guess I'm gonna have to find something else to do ! I think I will chase my wife around the house naked for the evening...should keep my mind off AL.

    Tommorrow Evening I think I will kidnap all of the dogs in the neighborhood, feed them laxatives and return them home Sunday am.

    As for Sunday, I think i will spend the day baking the worlds largest cupcake, so big it will take up the whole oven. If that doesn't take the whole day than I am going to figure out how to make homemade habanero jolly ranchers. They should come in handy for Next Friday nights adventures.....

    Good luck to everyone this weekend Be strong I hope I can be!

    And the weekend approaches....

    DOINK....I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK!!! Friday nights are hard for me as well, but hit got it right, keep yourself busy.....

    Day 19 af
    "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


      And the weekend approaches....

      Let us know Monday how your weekend went? I remember day 5 .... the first weekend is like a test. Hope you can do it...


        And the weekend approaches....

        That's the way to go! While you're at it....can you figure out how to make that cup cake not go to the hips....I'm watching my weight.
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          And the weekend approaches....

          I plan

          I plan to go to my favorite AA meeting, afterwards we all go out to eat and fellowship. It is really nice, mostly guys, but they all treat me like "one of the guys", and I like that!! I will stay super busy all weekend too, as this is the second one af since my trip.................

          Good luck DOINK, cmh and ripple!

          Have a great weekend,

          lots of love!!!:l:h

          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

