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Topamax and Kudzu

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    Topamax and Kudzu

    Hello, everyone, I am just reading about this MWO programme. After a bad, bad binge with black out, which has not happened for months - The time has come to Quit Drinking. I don't think moderation for me is effective, cause once I start I cannot seem to stop & I am a bad drunk. Not a happy one. I did try Naxoltrene (sp) and it made me quite ill, even in reduced dosage.

    Is it possible to just use the programme with the herb Kudzu?
    Or is medication necessary element. I don't drink everyday but when I drink it is not good.

    Thanks for your answers

    Topamax and Kudzu

    I am coming up on one month (three days to go) and my 3rd full week of abs (one day to go, woohoo!! one more week and I'll have my month of abs!!!) on the program and I have done it without the Topa. For me it has worked quite well. I had made a promise to myself at the start that if I couldn't do it without the Topa, I'd bite the bullet and get it. So far I haven't needed it. Though I would certainly say that it is unlikely that I am an example of most people (if so, why include the Topa in the program at all) I will tell you that it can be done. I have had no huge cravings for alcohol (and I could guzzle a case of beer daily before), primarily it's been my own mind playing games with me. For me, the Kudzu makes it difficult to drink, and makes it not really any fun. It won't make you sick like Antibuse or something like that. I suppose that if I really tried, and I'd have to work at it pretty hard, I could guzzle enough beer to make me buzzed. I just don't want to. I like that. I have wondered if Kudzu could be incorporated into a long term moderation program, such as only taking it before situations that you know the possibility of over indulgance is there (parties, a day at the lake, a night out with friends etc.). Since there is so little info on it, I suppose that it will be my own private study, with results to be released here when I have made my conclusion. I will say this though; if you are going to do it without the Topa, make sure you do the rest i.e. the CD's, all the sups, the excersize. They all play a part in rewiring the way you think and act.


      Topamax and Kudzu

      How much Kudzu do you take? And when?


        Topamax and Kudzu

        Topamax and Kudzu?

        Dear Madhatter (cute name) I read that topiramate is an anticonvulsant and also used for mania, depression, and the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Which I suspect we all have a little. But in my case only when too much drink is involved which is detrimental.

        Kudzu sounds a little less frightening. Just downloaded the book and going thorough it.

        Thank very much for your response and a HUGE congratulations on Not Drinking all month (that is really awesome!)

        Have a fabulous weekend.


          Topamax and Kudzu

          Re: Topamax and Kudzu?

          I take 600mg with breakfast lunch and dinner, however your mileage may vary. The updated schedules allow for as much as 3000mg per day with 300-900mg at breakfast, 300-1200mg at lunch and 300-900mg at dinner. I will tell you that the more you take, the harder it works, at least with me. I found that 600mg per time works well enough for me, so that's what I take.


            Topamax and Kudzu

            Re: Topamax and Kudzu?

            mv, there are many off lable uses for topiramate. Uses other than the ones you have listed are for things such as migrane headaches and weight loss. Though most folks don't expierience all of them (some don't experience any at all), especially the severe ones, there are also many side effects, some simply annoying, some rather frightening. However, with that in mind, I can also say that the side effects of drinking excessively are also pretty frightening, which is why I figured I try without first, and if that failed, go with the topamax. I just happened to be one of the folks that it was unnecessary, and hopefully you will be too. Thanks for the congrats! If you stick with this program, I'll most certainly be returning them in kind. At the very least congrats on making your decision to take control, and good luck on your journey!! You also have a good weekend!!

