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I hate Friday's at 5pm

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    I hate Friday's at 5pm

    Hey guys-

    So it's Friday and I haven't had a drink since last Saturday. That is the longest time I have gone. Also no ciggies since then either. I feel quite pleased with myself, but have a girlfriend asking me to meet her out.

    Why do I feel obligated to go? I know she will understand that I can't/dont wanna, but for some reason I feel like I will be letting her down or something. I cracked jokes during the day about a noon beer, etc....but now I feel like I have been called on it. I feel like I am wavering and a small invite will do me in....

    OK people...write me back and tell me how shitty hangovers are and all that jazz....(also feel like maybe have lost some weight since not drinking a 12 pack every night so maybe throw some weight loss stuff in there)

    Go ahead...I'm ready for ya!


    I hate Friday's at 5pm

    DONT GO! Day 5 and 6 are the hardest! Trust me! I am in the same boat with a friend tonight but I am not meeting my him 0ut tonight, after work friday is my biggest trigger. If I go I am afraid I will "have just one". I understand, but trust me stay home tonight alone and dont drink, you will be so proud of yourself tomorow I can promise that.

    Day 19 AF
    "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


      I hate Friday's at 5pm

      don't make my mistake

      I was on Day 5 and I have had two glasses of wine tonight and am very cross with myself. The taste and feeling wasn't worth it. Don't do it.

      Grey mare xx


        I hate Friday's at 5pm

        yes that 5th. day is just a memory now. do you want to wake in the morning with a fractured skull and stinkie mouth, thirsty all day..:wahh: Still have Saturday nite to deal with..its a matter of is said 30 days you are re-set...:question: 183 days for me and it still seems like forever.


          I hate Friday's at 5pm

          Thanks guys...

          Ripple..I dont know about you, but I love waking up with a stinky mouth, so does my boyfriend. HAHAHAHAHA

          I think im in for the evening!

          You guys are the best.

          Love to all!


            I hate Friday's at 5pm

            cke123-bad gurl...wot kind of breath now are you saying...if its hersey kisses then thats perfectly okay. although they can give you head injury as well, i know, i can inhale a bag in a few hours. sugar hangovers are awful too dear..whatever works. sugar is legal and you cannot get arrested for that. i like the kisses without nuts. :h


              I hate Friday's at 5pm

              I always wondered what hangovers would be like if I didnt smoke ciggies.


                I hate Friday's at 5pm

                If you friend is really 'your friend' she will understand. You will feel a lot better tomorrow if you don't drink tonight. You can do it and will like yourself more in the morning 'cause you stuck with it. :good:


                  I hate Friday's at 5pm

                  cke123;308948 wrote: I always wondered what hangovers would be like if I didnt smoke ciggies.
                  They are just as bad.


                    I hate Friday's at 5pm

                    CKE...I'm in the same boat as you almost...I have a party to go to were everyone there will be getting blastered because it's a pre-wedding party and I am feeling week having thoughts like, "I will have 2 glasses of wine..I'll just sip on it." You know what I mean? This is day 36 af and I'm thinking if I can go that long without a drink maybe I can moderate...I don't know, I've never gone that long's hard. I don't want to wake up in the morning with a hangover but I really want to have a few drinks...SO..I guess we will all have to tune in tomorrow to see who stands strong and who cracks under pressure...Good luck to us all.


                      I hate Friday's at 5pm

                      Don't do it! I was on day 95 and I picked up a drink. been drinking for 5 days now.
                      Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                        I hate Friday's at 5pm

                        hi cke
                        I was terrified about going out with friends too but it was actually not too bad. It might be a bit early in the piece for you yet but you cant become a hermit otherwise you might give in. I have told my friends that I am not drinking as I am giving up smoking and they accepted that no problem and all were telling me how well I was doing. Giving up smoking seems to be much more socially acceptable than giving up drinking!!! If I said I was giving up drinking I think they would keep on about it "are you really giving up drinking" etc "you going to be boring now you nana" etc etc and it would be too hard. But after a short while (of being out) they forgot about it and I didnt drink or smoke even though they did and it did not bother me in the least (the drugs did it not me). Its only been 12 days but I have been in quite a few of my usual social situations and most people quickly accepted that I wasnt drinking/smoking pretty quick (despite being renouned for my abilities in those areas).
                        You are doing so well - soon you will be in double figures (days wise) and you will be so proud of yourself. Why dont you tell your friends about your days AF like as if its you won the lottery rather than hide it. I bet most people will actually either be really pleased for you or jealous! I know I would have been if someone told me that a couple of weeks ago.
                        Hang in there.


                          I hate Friday's at 5pm

                          Congratuations on your 5 days and quitting smoking :goodjob:

                          I also hate Friday nights they are definately my trigger after a long, hard week at work my head still tells me that is it ok to have a bottle of wine and that is after 75 days af (i have slipped 7 times now and all on Friday nights). I think the ritual and reward system that has been built into our liftestyle is the hardest to break. :upset: Not sure where you are from but it is a big social thing in Australia to drink on Friday after work.

                          My Fridays really tear me apart from the moment i wake up at 7.00am the haunting thoughts of allowing myself to drink tonight excites me and then at the same time really terrifies me. I battle with the thoughts constantly during the day, i talk to myself at least several times with all the reasons not to drink but the desire is so strong that by 5pm i am very exhausted and on occassions give in.

                          I think the best thing to do is keep busy on Friday night and do something that doesnt involve al. At least you are aware of your triggers and can prepare for them.

                          I have learnt from my experience that is not just putting down the bottle it is a lifestyle change.

                          Good luck with your journey love to hear how you are going.
                          I am the author of my life.


                            I hate Friday's at 5pm


                            I had a date last night (Friday) was getting so nervous, i knew if i went i would have drank b4 hand. Sensibility took over, i canelled the date. he wasnt best pleased, but thats his problem. this morning im clear headed, and feel good. Im so glad i didnt go. Dates are not for me right now, peace, a good book, snuggled up on the sofa is far greater joy for me right now than the anxiety of dating. if i date i will get drunk. Simple as that. im not ready. Hope this helps a little. xxx


                              I hate Friday's at 5pm

                              Hi everyone!

                              Wasn't sure whether to post a new thread or contiune here, so I continued here. I did not give in last night!!! YAY!

                              Now today is day 7. I remember what I did last Saturday and if I am never that drunk again it will be too soon.

                              I am concerned when I am actually in a public setting, I think I will use Boozehags idea. All my friends are all over my ass to quit smoking so seems like pretty good logic to me. I mean, its a fact that if I have a beer, I will crave a cig anyway, so not a total lie. I will test out the theory tomorrow at brunch.
                              I am sad to say that this is the longest I have ever gone without drinking in a very long time. At least 4 years. And I am 27. Thats pathetic. I mean, its good now that I am doing it, but pathetic that in 4-5 years I couldnt manage to remain sober for longer than 4 days.


