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really nervous

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    really nervous


    when my daughter crossed white wine off my grocery list last week in tears, I knew it was time. Within a few days I have found and read the book, ordered the starter kit and now debating a Dr. visit for the Topamax or ordering online. Any advice?

    really nervous

    Hi Readyj,

    My story is quite similer. My daughter left a note saying "drinking kills, and it hurts me too". Within a week and a half I had everything in place, started the program full force and have not looked back once! There is nothing more important to me than my children!

    I gotta tell ya, I was a mess when I got here, ask my earlier post, I cried day and night! This program works if you want it to. I am on Topamax, (got a script from my doc) and the supps, I do the cd's and the exercise. I also did the 30 days of abs recommended in the book.

    Actually, we just started a knew abs event today if you would like to join us. Or, if you are not quite ready for that, take some time, read some more, and get your footing.

    Welcome to MWO, this is truly an amazing place!



      really nervous

      thank you


      Thank you so much, I have a Dr.'s appt today @3pm (hopefully to get a presciption for the Topa), although I could lose my nerve - he thinks I'm so cool and totally have my act together in every aspect

      I have NEVER spoken to anyone about this before,
      amazing what support a few sentences of support can do



        really nervous

        Re: thank you


        I know what you mean about loosing your nerve. My doc almost fell off his doctor stool when I fessed up about how much I had been drinking. I have known him for years, and he knows my story, and thus thought I was this really strong together lady. Little did he know! Good luck with not loosing your nerve! I know it can be scary!



          really nervous

          Re: thank you


          Thanks, I'll let you know how it goes...I am just going to do it!!
          No doubt, he will fall off his doctor stool as well - and then I'll have to avoid him when I see him at the grocery store (which I did last week) and make sure there is no wine in my cart

          did you go straight from daily drinks to nothing?? did your kid(s) notice? how hard has it been for you???


            really nervous

            Re: thank you

            Yes I did go straight from daily drinking to nothing at all. And to be honest, I did not find it to be that hard. However, in all fairness, I came at this with full force!! I was mad as hell at myself for having let myself slip into the mess that I had. It really is a long story, but lets just say I got the wake up call I needed, and I am on my way back to being the person my children are used to seeing. And yes, they have noticed because the last six months before I started this program I was in pretty bad shape!

            Your daughter must be very strong to have crossed that wine off the list. I know it took courage for my daughter to leave that note for me. Aren't they amazing?



              really nervous

              Re: thank you

              Hi J,

              I have to say one more thing. Yes, it was hard to not drink!! The part that was not hard was the reason why I was not drinking. I need to make that clear. My motivation for not drinking far out weighed my "wanting" a drink. Yes, it was hard not to drink, and there are days, like last Friday for examplethat I want to drink!! I wanted a martini (srew the wine, I was going staight for the vodka) so badly I could taste it!! But, like I said, my motivation for not wanting it was stronger!! I really just wanted to make that clear.

              This is not a walk in the park by any means, but it does work if you want it to. All the parts of the program work together, and the last part is your own will to make it work.

              Ok, I am done now. Good luck at the doctors!


                really nervous

                Re: thank you


                Thanks for your feedback yesterday. It really helped. The Doctor was trying to act cool but I think he was suprised (to say the least) - I showed him the research and he wrote the prescription - did try several times to caution me about the "Dopa" effect - any comments on this?

                then he hugged me ( very wierd)

                I don't have the supps yet, but I started the Topa last night
                again, thanks



                  really nervous

                  Re: thank you

                  Hi J,

                  Glad to hear the appointment went well! I have heard of hugging doctors...wierd, but sweat!

                  I can't speak to the dopa effect personally as the topa has had the the opposite effect on me. However, there has been much discussion about it on the boards so I encourage you to read the boards alot. There is even quite a funny (although I took it quite seriously) thread about sex drive and topa. Also, RJ speaks about the side effects of topa in the book and steps to take to help with them.

                  On the home page of this site there is a link called "Important Program Updates". There you will find the most recent info on the supps.

                  Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help!



                    really nervous

                    Re: thank you

                    Boy, Donna,
                    Am I ever glad you were here today to guide J thru!
                    WELCOME J!!
                    You sound like you've got your wheels turning already! The dopa effect is definitely different for everyone. I'd say what is most common is some fatigue, especially the first few days of titrating up. I just went to 100mg today. I have not noticed any mixing up words, forgetting things, or anything like that. Well... maybe some word finding problems, but I think that's just me!!!! On the flip side, my lack of hangoveredness (see, I can even CREATE words) has made me more clear and I am accomplishing a heck of a lot more during the day than I used to!! (that is, when I can pull myself away from the keyboard:b ).
                    Best of luck to you! Great to have you here.


                      really nervous

                      Re: thank you

                      Great job J having enough courage to go talk to your doc about this!! My doc(who's a female) hugged me last week when she found out I was going to try treatment, I was shocked too. Of course I haven't been able to get in because they can't get the preapproval from my insurance. I'm still doing good so far this week and plan to stick with it. I need to get back into the MWO program because it really was helping me. Best of luck J and welcome.



                        really nervous

                        Re: thank you

                        Thanks all of you for your feedback, it is great to have "someone" to talk to. I can't very well talk to my kids,
                        drinking buddies or employees about my plans - so it's kind of a lonely place. I think my husband is afraid I'm going to become some kind of nutbag (sure he's afraid of losing his drinking buddy too).

                        how have you guys handled this? is everyone moderating or abstaining or what?

                        and thanks for your advice Donna - I'll check out the boards
                        for info



                          really nervous

                          Re: thank you

                          Hi J,

                          In answer to your question about abs or moderation, Rj, the founder of this program recommends a period of 30 days of abs before moderation. This is to rewire your brain so to speak. The use of the hypno cds play a big part in this. She does recommend picking a time in your life that is good for you. I think this has to do mostly with the topa/dopa effect your doctor spoke of. BTW not everyone has that side effect.

                          You will get many different opinions on abs verses moderation here. I believe that the 30 days of abs is important before jumping into moderation. It gives you a time to step back and evaluate the role alcohol has played in your life, and the role you want it to have in your life in the future.

                          My husband and I speak of this often. For now, we are just happy not to have alcohol running the show any more. Best of luck to you as you make this decission!



                            really nervous

                            Re: thank you

                            I too, am just getting into the program. I have the book and the CD's. I have ordered the All One sup, and the Kudsu and should receive them next week. I am buying the other sups locally. I saw my Dr. yesterday and was very surprised at how supportive he was. I took him some of the research materials, as suggested. He was interested in reading more about the program. He had never heard about using Topamax to treat problem drinking. I was honest with him for the first time ever about how much I drink on a daily basis. I have been seeing him for about twelve years and for twelve years I have been lying. I told him if I had been truthful he would have insisted I quit long before now, and I wasn't ready. I also explained to him how nerveous I was, and how hard it was for me to open up to him, and he said he totally understood. I felt a big load lifted when I left his office. I have been dreading that day ever since I decided to start the program. Hope you other newbies will have the same experiance.


                            I forgot to mention that I left my Dr.'s office with two perscriptions for Topamax, and he is going to see on a regular basis while I'm on the program.


                              really nervous

                              Re: thank you

                              good to hear from you Eliziby, you sound like me. I was a mess before going to see my md - and he was really great.
                              Have you started the meds yet? for me it is day 4 and I feel great, except I have the urge to down a large bottle of wine right about now, I am at the office and my clients are driving me nuts...
                              I hope the night goes well

                              I am also anxiuosly awaiting the arrival of the actual book (I downloaded a copy), the CDs and supps..think that will help

