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really nervous

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    really nervous

    Re: thank you

    No, I haven't started the meds yet. I am putting off starting till I have everything in place. I am waiting for the All One Powder. It should be here any day. I want to start everything at one time. I know it will take an adjustment, body, soul, & spirit. I guess I'm just putting it off for one last night of a date with my wine. My daughter has always acused me of being overly organized wanting everything in it's place. I'm blaming my procrastinating on that. I'm really dreading the start. I have tried other things to quit that failed, and I don't want to fail again. Feeling like a failure isn't good. This program sounds almost too good. I have already benefited from by all the great posts. It has been so encouraging. I would never go to AA and stand before people and confess my problem, but to go here and open up has been good for me. I feel like a weight has been lifted. Thanks for responding. Eliziby
    PS I was typing my post name when my doorbell rang and it was UPS with my All One. Now what excuse do I have?


      really nervous

      no excuses now

      good timing for the ups guy, or not...

      I'm with you on the AA thing, I could never in a million years stand up in front of a group and talk about this, sure is a lot easier this way. I have found in my 4 days that it makes a big difference to change up the habits, I used to walk in the door from work, head straight to the frig for the glass of cold wine

      I've been keeping myself really busy with anything I can find .. making up stuff to do, kids are looking at me like I'm crazy, they are asking me, Mom, you want to drive me where? normally I never drove anywhere after 7pm
      so, good luck and good thoughts are with you eliziby


        really nervous

        Re: no excuses now

        Am not there yet, but will be soon. Keep in touch. Eliziby


          really nervous

          Re: no excuses now

          Know what you mean about standing up in front of a group and proclaiming to them all "I am an alcoholic". I have been having therapy for three years for depression and my psych knows that I drink. She has prescribed Campral but I never took it. Didn't want to go into a pharmacy and be recognised as an alcoholic.... Managed to stop once or twice for short periods - once 7 weeks but normally five or six days. The wine in the fridge is very hard to resist after a hard days work and three boys in the house! Why can't we just have one glass..... Went to see the doctor yesterday - she didn't hug me but have decided to give the Campral a go. She didn't have any experience of Topa for drink problems and only speaks French so it was not possible to give her the research but with a bit of luck I will succeed this time. But TOGETHER we will succeed. Good luck to everyone for today. Elaine x 8)


            really nervous

            Re: no excuses now

            Don't give up. We can do it with encouragement from each other. There are too many sucess stories. If we work at it, we will be one of them. Eliziby


              really nervous

              Re: thank you

              hi..........what is the dopa effect? i am on my second day 25 topomax and fell kind of spacey and dull, is that it?

