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Hello from a newbie

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    Hello from a newbie

    Hi everyone this is my first post :new:

    I've been lurking on this forum for a while now, soaking up all the wisdom, courage, support and fun. I've read the book and have ordered the CDs, kudzu, and a whole heap of other supplements. Once they all get here I plan to go AF until I stop wanting Al every night (however long it takes for that to happen, perhaps it never will?).

    I've not posted before because I felt I should wait till I've actually started my AF journey (until then I'm a fraud?), but I read this yesterday and wanted to share:

    Don't be afraid. You needn't slay the beast nor scale the entire mountain. That's not how it's done. You only need to move through today. Think of the distance you've already covered. Focus on your strengths. Let each new step remind you of your freedom. Let every breath you take remind you of your power. Seek out friends and guides; they're anxious to help. You're not alone. You're understood. This road has been walked before. Dance life's dance, just a few steps at a time, and in the wink of an eye you will wonder to yourself, "What beast, what mountain? Was I having a dream?"

    Your stories remind me that I CAN slay the beast, and that I am indeed not alone.

    Look forward to "meeting" you, especially once I take the AF plunge (may take a week or two for all the stuff to arrive, as I'm in Australia).


    Hello from a newbie

    Woof - Good to have you here! Go get that beast!!!

    (I'm in Central Vic.)


      Hello from a newbie

      That was a great post. Thank you for sharing that and Welcome!
      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        Hello from a newbie

        Congratulations Wolf, you're on your way!

        I enjoyed your post and know where you're coming from. Don't worry about feeling like a fool here - this is a safe place where you can express your thoughts and feelings without judgement or condemnation. Whether you plan to be AF starting today, or until the package arrives, we're hear to listen.
        I know that posting on the forum has been part of my healing and recovery process... and without the forum, I can't say that I would have made it this far. It helps so much knowing that you have kindred spirits out there who have walked the same footsteps... who've had the same doubts, fears, tempations, questions.... and successes, too.
        I feel that support is such an important part of the healing and recovery process, and it's hard to find a place where you, yourself, feels safe and comfortable. I didn't feel like AA could do that for me. Plus, I'm non-religious, and didn't want anybody bringing the god factor into my equation. I feel so lucky to have stumbled upon this website - and with its discovery, I was finally brave enough to take that 1st step in creating a new chapter in my life.
        I'm proud of you, too! Keep in touch and let us know how you're doing, ok? :l
        Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.


          Hello from a newbie

          Thanks for that wooflet. Brought a tear to my eye (well both actually).
          Good luck on your journey.


            Hello from a newbie

            Great post! Did you get the quote from here at MWO - or someplace else? It is really great. Don't wait until you are AF to start posting here. Do it now - it will help you start that journey!!

            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

            (from the Movie "Once")


              Hello from a newbie

              Hi Woof-

              I love the quote you sent us! This is why I am really liking this site, no is the real thing and we are trying to help each other. I am also just starting out and excited about the change.

              I do have all my ammo at the house now...finished the book, started the supplements and now working on day 3 with the CD's, do feel a difference and planning on tomorrow being my first AF day.

              Take care, Saje


                Hello from a newbie

                :thanks: everyone for the lovely warm welcome, it really means a lot to me. It probably sounds silly, but it took a bit of courage to post - I've never done so on any forum before, even the ones that are less confronting. However after reading hundreds of threads I've realised that being a serial lurker is probably not going to get me through the tough times, and I need to learn to ask for help and to let others support me (something I'm not so good at). Hopefully I'll be able to contribute to others too, along the way.

                Gathings, thanks for the welcome on the chat board too - it was my virgin attempt there as well. Well done on your progress thus far, you make me hopeful...

                Liv, your story and posts have been so inspiring - thank you. The quote was from a free daily email I subscribe to called Notes from the Universe, which is kind've along the lines of The Secret if you're familiar with that. I think I've seen a thread on it somewhere in here...I tried to include a link to the site but apparently I can't use links till I've had more than two posts. I can post the link later or if you like I'll keep sharing the notes that really resonate with me.

                Tawny, I've loved reading your posts too - great to have another Aussie around

                Thanks again all for your encouragement and for making me feel this reaching out thing isn't so hard after all.



                  Hello from a newbie

                  Hi Wooflet

                  Bugger...... I just lost my post!!! I will try and duplicate it, but obviously the original was soooo much more eloquent!! lol.

                  You have already started your journey, because you are here and know that changes are necessary. Small challenges at first - don't overdo it and become demoralized. If you fall down, don't think 'Crap, I've got to start again'. Just get up and carry on from that point. Set your own parameters - but don't cheat yourself.

                  I have 18 AF days under my belt. Not consecutive, but when I am more confident I will try that route. The other thing is gradually learning the why we drink. Painful, yes. Difficult, yes. Achievable, YES. Mr J says that I have the emotional intellegence of a brick - unfortunately he is right!!! I have been too scared of 'feeling' for soooooo long.

                  I look forward to seeing you around the boards.

                  Good luck & take care
                  The mind is in its own place, and in itself
                  Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

                  John Milton


                    Hello from a newbie

                    Welcome wooflet!

                    It's ok to lurk, but soooooo much better when you know the responses are directed personally to you. (who doesnt think the world should revolve around them???) kidding!!

                    I loved that quote!

                    Welcome and hope to see more of you!



                      Hello from a newbie

                      Glad you're here!


                      :goodjob: I'm glad you're here!:h Use this thread to tell us how you're doing so we can keep in touch! I'm proud of you for taking those 1st steps, which are the hardest. The road maybe bumpy up ahead, too, but having read other friends' posts, and being able to post your own thoughts and feelings will help you find that shining light to you need to carry on.
                      I hope you have a joyful Saturday, and look forward to hearing from you again soon.:h
                      Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.


                        Hello from a newbie

                        Hi Wooflet! :welcome: Loved your post. Here's the link.

                        TUT's Adventurers Club - Take the Oath!!!

                        Nobody is a fraud here. Just a lot of people trying to not drink and to offer support and encouragement to others as we move along that bumpy road. Look forward to seeing you around.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          Hello from a newbie

                          Hi Wooflet,
                          I'm usually way behind everyone else cuz I'm on mountain time USA. But I wanted to let you know I loved the quote and keep em coming, please! I'm glad you're posting now. I think part of the healing process is becoming comfortable enough to share insight with the newcomers. (gathings, boozehag, matt, and many others--good job)!:welcome:
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            Hello from a newbie

                            ditto all the above

                            :welcome: from one "let" to another,
                            Speaking for myself, there are so many inspiring people who post here from all walks of life with so many ideas to share and love to spread that it just makes me happy to wake up each day (AF or not) to come here and read or to try to give someone a "way to go" or a "welcome." You don't ever have to feel alone with your problems - we're here to listen, not to judge, and to offer love and support.
                            Hope to hear from you again and that you're reaching your goals.


                              Hello from a newbie

                              Thanks everyone

                              Wow, thank you so much everyone for reading and posting. I really appreciate the welcome - feels like I've just received a big group hug! :hug:

                              I've spent WAY too much time on this site since discovering it, I think it might be my new addiction! Seriously it's been so wonderful to read other people's stories, journeys, setbacks and triumphs. Really makes me feel that I'm not alone and that I can do this.

                              cke123 you are so right - it is really cool to get personal responses

                              jinja I think a brick has more emotional intelligence than I do at the moment! I drink every evening to avoid feeling anything and in the day I escape via other means - work, reading, surfing the net. I think the hardest part by far is going to be finding other, healthy ways of coping with my thoughts and feelings. There is a huge backlog of things I've not really dealt with - it's going to be like opening floodgates...

                              saje how did your first AF day go? Will look to see if you've posted elsewhere.

                              Thanks everyone for being so non-judgemental. I was expecting to hear "why wait any longer" type of responses and didn't receive even one. Thanks for respecting my decision to have all my ducks lined up (CDs, supplements) before going AF. Hopefully they'll arrive soon, and in the meantime I feel like I'm getting a head start by hanging out here.

                              Here are a couple of quotes about courage that I read over the weekend - they reminded me of some of the people at MWO:

                              Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow".
                              Mary Anne Radmacher-Hershey

                              The only courage that matters is the kind that gets you from one moment to the next.
                              Mignon McLaughlin

