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Trying Program Without Topomax

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    Trying Program Without Topomax

    I am new to this program and am leaning toward first giving it a try without the Topomax. I would appreciate feedback from anyone who has tried this approach both successfully and unsuccessfully.

    Trying Program Without Topomax


    I have been doing it without Topa for 8 still drinking but my daily intake has been cut in half.

    Some might say "big deal"...but to me it is a big deal and I am working my way down to nothing.

    Biggest thing for my seems to be the CD's and the Kudzu...900mg in the morning (when I drink) and 600 at lunch and 400 at dinner time. The CD's were kinda goofy at first but I actually look forward to them now. I follow the book sequence pretty close as far as listening.

    But I don't know what is really helping the most so I am keeping up on all of it.



      Trying Program Without Topomax

      I too am doing it without the Topa. I am now two days into my third week, and in two days I will have been abstinent for two weeks. It seems the longer you're at it, the easier it gets. I can now go for half a day without thinking about drinking, and for me, that is strange indeed. The kudzu is a big deterrant for me. I've been slacking on the CD's for the last few days, but I'm going to get back in the groove, since I don't want this to fail, and don't want to blame failure on something as stupid as not listening to my CDs :eek I agree with Pete, keep up on all of it!


        Trying Program Without Topomax

        I'm at 6 months without topa or campral. (drum roll)

        I found the first three weeks were like a lifetime and I had to use heaps of strategies (I was bordering on the insane at that time) to get me through.. after that I felt like I had some sobriety behind me and found that I could then move forward without constant terror dominating my life.

        I dont do RJ's way.. I do my way.... and I thank her from the bottom of my heart that she suggested a format that I could adapt for myself... so I use a variety of integrated strategies to support my sobriety..

        in order of them...
        organic diet
        vitamin supplements
        this forum

        I honestly had my doubts that I could do this at the beginning.. but I knew that I really wanted to change and while I had wanted to change for a while something felt different and it was only over time that I worked out and consolidated my determination and resolve to stay abstinent.

        I still harbour a secret hope that one day I can do moderation but my fear of going back to where I was keeps me abstinent right now.

        Some people say they can try moderation after a month/three months.. different timeframes.. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do that.. but this sober life of mine is not worth the risk any more.

        hope this helps


          Trying Program Without Topomax

          I did great on the program for 7 weeks at the beginning of the year without Topa. Then I slacked off on most of the program, didn't listen to the CD's, didn't take the supps, and I sliped BIG time. But I've been back at it full force for the past 4 days now, still without topa(I can't take it for medical reasons). I'm doing the rest of the program as I was in the beginning, but paying more attention to the supps and CD's and even doing more exercise. After 4 days I feel great, but I know now that I will go for Abs and pay close attention to everything!

          Give it a shot, there are a lot of success stories here.



            Trying Program Without Topomax

            Thanks Marcie and Brigitte - I have been looking through the site for someone who has done this without Campral or Topa. I have got a prescription for Campral after four days of abstinence (big deal I know!) but would prefer to do it without. I am going to get the supps next week and will take them. Most of the people here seem to say that it gets easier even after two or three days but, man, it is not the case with me. I have never cleaned the bathroom or walked the dog so much of an evening to take my mind off the cold white wine that is calling. I am determined to beat this thing this time - have managed very short periods in the past but it is good to know that not everyone finds the beginning easy but that it can be conquered. THANKS! Elaine x


              Trying Program Without Topomax

              Thanks for all the great replies. I am encouraged that there is hope in finding "my way out" without Topo. I have read the book and ordered the CD's and supplements. I suspect it will be a difficult journey, as the alcohol has been part of my life for such a long time. I did kick smoking years ago, however, and also managed three pregnancies without ever being tempted to drink. It is a very self destructive beahvior in my case. I plan to start the program as soon as the supplements and CD's arrive. Again, thanks for all the responses to my inquiry about Topo free program experience.


                Trying Program Without Topomax

                trying without Topomax

                I am on day 6 and I cannot believe what a change - I am so thankful for the Kodzu (sp) and the CDS - It was so fast and I think I have only had one beer and I almost forced it on myself to see if I would drink it with the cookout food.- that is a significant improvment!! I think because in my hynosis I focused on staying away from the hard stuff I forgot the beer. I am so thankful to this company I cannot say it in words. I had been taking care of a chronic ill family member for over 15 years and in the last few ones I started a bad habit to get to sleep and forget the problems she was facing and I was facing. This program is unbelieveable and I have tried other hynosis programs. THANK YOU RJ!!!!!! I have told anyone I know with the same problem about this method.

