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CD Falling asleep

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    CD Falling asleep

    I keep having trouble listening to the CD's without falling asleep.

    I especially am having trouble with the subliminal CD and using it at is the only time I really can do it and I get sooo tired listening to it....I run my own biz so there are no worries as far as losing my job etc


    CD Falling asleep

    Hi Pete,

    Are you really LISTENING to it, or just using it as background noise? The subliminal is supposed to be used just as background noise as you go about your business. If you are getting really sleepy while you're doing other things that IS a bit of a problem! I listen to it while I'm driving or sometimes when I'm online and have no issues with it, but that is only with the subliminal CD. With the others you have to be in a safe place and not doing anything that requires your attention. If the subliminal does put you to sleep, maybe you could substitute it for the sleep learning sometimes!

    Good luck!


      CD Falling asleep

      I keep trying the Cd's but they don't do it for me.
      I think I am having too much distraction?
      But even when I don't, I tend to stop half way through them very annoyed they aren't working. I try to stop and be relaxed (which works until half way) when I think that this is just really annoying.
      I find the sublim fine, no probs, but all the others I am having problems with getting "in to".
      I want them to work, but am continually finding myself frustrated.
      I hope that I am not trying too hard.


        CD Falling asleep

        Have you tried listening to the clearing CD in the AM - before you get out of bed? For some reason this is the time when my mind seems to be the most open to it. I leave my CD player next to my bed and reach for it when I know I am awake but not so awake that the noise of the world has really taken my attention. Hope that makes sense. What I mean is awake enough to stay awake but still relaxed from sleep. Works great for me. Only done it a couple times, though. I used the sleep CD last night and it worked except my husband's fan was fighting to upstage it. No fan tonight! We'll see. I listen to the subliminal at work in the afternoon.
        Hope this helps.

