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please help

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    please help

    i'm really sorry i turn up here every noe and again and all i do is ask for help i dont mean to be selfish and i dont want to be i should help myself but i cant. i dont know what to do drink is destroying my ralationship and my life i hate it . i hate it i hate it i hate it.i become so aggresive when i cant get what i want when im drunk. i hate it i want to end it. im so sorry

    please help

    Hotpot, dont be sorry, this is not easy. If it was we wouldnt need sites like this, we wouldnt need our gp's and we wouldnt need AA. you probably are selfish, all of us are on here, but hey.. it doesn't matter cuz we are all the same. No one will judge you or preach to you. Read, post and come back as often as you can. thats all you have to do.
    Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


      please help

      hi there..hotpot..come to chat and talk about it
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        please help

        I don't even know what to say.. except I've been there...

        hotpot.. check in here again...
        P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

        As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
        - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


          please help


          Hi. It is okay to be selfish about this disease. We need to be selfish to take care of ourselves. It is important.

          All of us know and have been through the questions, the failing, the stupid things we do drunk.

          The only advice I can offer is that you need to plan some way to get out of the cycle of destruction this drug causes. AL is one sneaky, mean, SOB and he will rob you of anything and everything.

          So, make a plan. Start with baby steps. Do not let AL deter you from your plan and you will start seeing a difference. I go to AA occasionally, I come here too frequently and read and post and chat.

          One day, I got tired of being sick and tired of who I was and what I was doing and I am now on day 28 sober. If I can do that, you can do it.

          I plan on seeing you here a year from now and still sober.

          You can do this. Read the book, if possible buy the supps, if not buy the basics at your nearest drug store, start exercising, even if it is just a little, and read your plan every day and start moving towards your goal.

          We will all be here to help support you in anyway we can.

          AF April 9, 2016


            please help

            Hi Hotpot

            I'm sorry that you are not feeling good about yourself. I know how that feels too....but there are all these people on this website that understand you and are happy to try and help - how wonderful!..I have only just discovered it. But the "only way out is through"....even though I'm not "through" yet, but I have been through lots of other trials and now look back and see why I had to go through that particular feeling to get to the other side. Try to relax and "let go" of everything. Good luck, Cooliex


              please help

              You're going to be ok. Keep coming here and posting and reading. This feeling will pass.


                please help


                I am in England and guess you have had a bad Saturday night........I was exactly where you are now but for soooo long. Eventually I got there - found the strength to face it and life without AL can definitely be good.

                I am proof.......35 days sober and entering a 5K fun run in May - I was an athlete before the AL took over and now I am racing again well, slowly!


                  please help

                  Hi Hotpot ............

                  Asking for help is not selfish, its sensible ........

                  Check in again and let us know how you are soon .......

                  Love & Hugs, BB xx


                    please help


                    i know what you mean about becoming nasty when drinking. it has destroyed my relationship to the girl i wanted to marry, all i can say is do it now. STOP drinking. dont do like i have and lost everything and then quit drinking.. i think i would be much easyer with the support of your SO. i didn't get the opportunity to have that..

                    Try your best, and if you truley belive in yourself and that you want to quit before you loose everything you will succeed.

                    take care Please..


                    an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do

