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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Lovely morning here in the UK - actually the weather is getting better bit by bit but still really cold for the time of year and quite a bit of rain. I want it warmer so I can stop wearing wellies all the time and leave the horse out 24/7!!

    Friends came up yesterday - good to see them. They loved the holiday let and I just laughed when I saw the bedroom the children are in - they have pretty much packed everything from home and decorated the bedroom with all their toys, softies and stuff!! Only staying 2 nights but they are making the most of it!!

    I did drink with them but it was easy to moderate and I stopped when I had enough. And I really had had enough - there wasn't a desire for another glass. if only drinking at home was that easy but it isn't - I know the thing to do is avoid it. We were in bed by 10.30 and I'm up bright eyed and bushy tailed this am (though not as good as if I had been AF).

    So today is a new day. I think we will either be going out to eat tonight in which case I will be duty driver. If we are in I know I can moderate again so that means today is planned out. That makes me feel more secure for the day. I don't need to worry about how to get through the evening.

    Wishing you all a secure day (one without wellies too!)

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Sunday

    hi ya bessie, good for u moderating, dont know how u do it.

    i had a little sleep in this morning, i guess i needed it. just now the weather seems pretty enough, but im sure we will have rain at some point.

    so wishing everyone well today, take care see u tomorrow.

    day 44 AF


      ODAT - Sunday

      Good wee hours of the morning to my ODAT friends!!

      I have to admit, Bessie, I am so enjoying your posts. I am also very happy that you are constantly thinking about how much you are drinking. I know it is hard but you are working it.

      Okay, so here I ask our dear Bessie for all of us across the pond who are not quite sure what Wellies are, I need you to translate. I am thinking Wellington boots, which means you are tired of having to dress up for muck and mud.


      You are doing amazingly well despite all you are going through mentally and physically. You are a truly an inspiration to me. I am chasing your down the sobriety road. I did want to quote one of your lines, and make a note of how it struck me today.

      just now the weather seems pretty enough, but im sure we will have rain at some point.
      This is kind of like life, isn't it? Somedays are great and others are horrible and some days are just there. We just have to take it as it comes.

      I'm ready!!

      Thank you both for giving me something to think about this morning.

      Love to all who come and I pray each and everyone of you meet your goals and expectations.

      AF April 9, 2016


        ODAT - Sunday

        wellies are wellington boots or gum boots what do you call them in the US


          ODAT - Sunday

          Inspiration to me too barebones. Read your story and you are a legend! Keep it up.


            ODAT - Sunday


            Boots. :-)

            If they slip over your shoes, we call them galoshes.

            AF April 9, 2016


              ODAT - Sunday

              Good Mornig All,

              I tend to post mainly on the ABS board but could really use some ODAT. Seems everytime I come up upon a milestone 30, 60 days AF I all but trip over it. I nearly packed it in at day 65.

              Bessie, always fun to read your posts. I lived in England for 4 years, so I speak Brit. No wellies needed here today in sunny Virginia.

              Cindi, you seem to be in good spirits this morning.

              Good morning Bbones and boozehag.

              Today I get to paint some, clean out my car, pack away all the winter clothes, garden, and grocery shop - and of course, not drink.

              Better get on with it, I guess,

              Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                ODAT - Sunday

                Good morning all - it's another rainy day here, but I like that. I love the rain and all the fascinating worms roaming around and the way the smells of the foliage opens up. I need to get some wellies for myself. Kids have them, direct from an Auntie in England.

                I should never have posted that the stomach flu had left my house, because it has decided to stay a few extra days. I am going to stop focusing on AF days and start trying to get to a few VF days (sorry - that's vomit free) for April. Would be nice to go somewhere with the kids again. We had to cancel an outing yesterday because of more 'episodes'. Anyway, this is a piddly problem in comparison to everything that happens on this board and will pass soon.

                Today I am just doing laundry and cleaning the germs away. Would like to go to the library to get some books. Am reading "Why AA Failed Me" among others. This particular book is not that great, but she has some good recommendations for inspirational authors that I would like to try out to help fix some of my inner issues. Need to work on the inside as well as just stopping the wine-in-hand-going-nonstop-to-mouth syndrome. My goal is to start working on figuring out who I am, start moving a bit physically, start branching out a bit into a, gasp, hobby, like I used to have prior to children. Maybe gardening or cooking. I used to have a horse, would love to get into riding again....but it's not the same without my old horse. I do miss those days. Anyway, I have been holed up at home for 2 weeks and watching movies at night instead of drinkng. Think I'm done with that phase and my husband is getting, rightfully, very peeved with me for escaping into movies...ready to branch out. Oh well, posting way too much information today just to get thoughts off my mind and I am quite sure no one ever reads my posts beyond a cursory glance-over, if that, so indulging the need : ).

                Bessie - congrats on your Mod night! enjoy the craziness of the company and the calmness to follow after they leave. I know how hosts must feel when my kids invade with all of their 'necessities'. We tend to bring the whole house with us...

                Beck - what day are you on? Sounds like you are over 65 days? Fantastic for you!

                Happy AF or Mod Sunday to all.


                  ODAT - Sunday

                  Barebones - I just went back and read 'your story'. Wow. You are doing great and have come so far.

                  Congratulations on 44 Days : ).


                    ODAT - Sunday

                    Hello and good morning.... or is it closer to noon?

                    Hello to everyone!

                    I enjoyed reading all your posts to catch up on how y'all (a little southern US for ya are doing. I, too, feel the spring in the air and have become inspired to clean up around the house a bit so that it doesn't look so...hmmm - messy.
                    I'm happy to be on day 8 and finally feel like I can notice a difference in how my body (and mind, for that matter) feels. I must say that coming here to the forum everyday - reading posts & sharing posts - helps tremendously!
                    I look forward to hearing more... Till then, have a happy sunday everyone!:h
                    Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.


                      ODAT - Sunday


                      Today is Day 70 for me. Never thought I would get that far...

                      I read your entire post. You sound so much like me. I have 4 girls (7,11,13, 15) and yes they do take over completely if we let them. I decided that I want to become the main character in my own life again. Not entirely sure what that means yet. But on Friday my husband was home from work and the kids were off school. Weather forecast was for the first 80 degree day of the year. I told my husb that I wanted to go off to VA beach (about 2 1/2 hours away) for the day. He hemmed and hawed made excuses. I told him I would go anyway. He asked if I was taking the kids - I said "No" but I am taking your BMW - you can drive the Mommobile today. I had such a great day ALONE.

                      Off to my next project,

                      Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                        ODAT - Sunday


                        I read both posts. :-)

                        Yes, raising a family is a hectic, time consuming, little appreciated job and it is so important that some "self" time be given to each parent. Otherwise, when one or both parents are in a bad place emotionally, the whole family suffers for it.

                        Good for you, Beck, for getting out and having a day to yourself with no responsibilities and no worries. Also, very smart for taking the BMW!!


                        8 days sober!! Wow. You are doing fantastic!!

                        Talk to everyone later, I have Li'l Bit over today and have to keep up with her. 5 1/2 year olds are not too hard to watch but you do have to watch them.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          ODAT - Sunday

                          Beck & Cindi - thank you for the post back : ).

                          Beck - you are hands down, my new inspiration, from an AL standpoint and aas importantly, attitude! I love that - you take the kids, I'm taking the BMW need to add: see you for dinner and make sure it's my favorite : ).

                          Have not done anything I planned beyond the chores today, but did enjoy shopping with my little guy. He's such a much as I long to go off by myself, it's nice to have just one of them tagging along. And we did pick out a pair of gardening gloves together, so it's a start.

                          Hope everyone made it through the weekend meeting their personal AL goals. I think we are all doing great from what I can see! See you tomorrow.



                            ODAT - Sunday

                            I just want to extend a very big thank you to Bessie for starting this ODAT post. I so look forward to it every day. I love reading what everyone has to say each day. I love hearing what everyone is up to and love hearing all the warm wishes for a good day. I even love hear an occasional grumble.

                            So here's to Bessie! I raise my Non-AL beverage in her honor!!!! ODAT!

                            ps. sometimes I raise my AL beverage, shhhhhh

