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Hi I'm Coolie

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    Hi I'm Coolie

    Dont know if I'm doing this correctly anyway here goes. I am currently taking Naltrexone for the second time. Took it about a month ago for 3 weeks - worked amazingly. I lost weight and felt great but missed my friend the "wine glass".. have realised that the wine has become a friend. I live alone and have done for about 4 years now, but lately the drinking has become out of control. I can have one bottle and 2 glasses of the second and not have a hangover ie. if its good quality wine. So decided its time to do something about this. So I have now taken the second tablet. See what happens this time. Want to abstain for at least 6 weeks and then would like to do the controlled drinking programme.

    Anyone had success with this? I would appreciate your support. I have read lots of your comments and am amazed that I am not alone in my thoughts and actions over the years.


    Hi I'm Coolie

    Hi Coolie.. love your name...

    I just want to welcome you.. :welcome:

    You will have support here... I'm not familiar with Naltexone.. but I'm sure someone will have an answer!!
    P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

    As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
    - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


      Hi I'm Coolie



      Have you read the book? If so, you know that a long term AF period is recommended prior to trying to moderate.

      Yes, we have some people here who have and are doing very well on moderating. I hope they jump in and give you a shout.

      Unfortunately, most of us arrived here past that point in the alcoholism progression and have realized we have to abstain permanently. I am, sorry to say, one of those. (I wish I wasn't but I am.)

      Either way, you are more than welcome here, you can post any questions you have and you will receive all the support you need.

      I think 6 weeks is a great idea!! By the end of that time, you will have gone through a lot of physical and mental changes and you will be thinking much more clearly about how you want to proceed.

      Good Luck!!
      AF April 9, 2016


        Hi I'm Coolie

        Thanks Cindi for your motivation and support. I really need it. I havent yet figured out how this message board works, but I guess I will after time.

        The hard part with this abstinence will be socially when everyone is drinking. Do you have any tips for that time?


          Hi I'm Coolie


          Plan ahead. It helps. I find that if I tell colleagues that I can't drink due to medication or some other excuse right off the bat, it puts me into the position of NOT being able to drink or making a liar out of myself.

          Some people tell their friends that they are trying to take better care of themselves physically and that they have decided to try to quit drinking for a while.

          There are all kinds of ways to approach it.

          However, if you are talking about the temptation from being around drinking, all I can say is, it is difficult. I would definitely avoid it whenever possible, especially early on, and then only put yourself in that position when you are through any physical cravings. The mental ones are hard enough!!

          You can do it, though, especially if you make a clear goal and plan well ahead of time.

          I am lucky in that my husband doesn't drink, so when we go out together, my only temptation is when I see others drink. I am finally at the point where when I do get the "urge," I can just brush it off and smile. It passes quickly. You would be surprised, especially if you are truly committed.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Hi I'm Coolie

            Hi Coolie & :welcome:

            I have to say that I am trying to avoid most social situations at the moment - need more AF days under my belt!

            If I do want to get together with friends, I try and arrange for a coffe during the morning or something with the kids - which has always been a 99% AL free zone - so it doesn't feel that I'm missing out.

            Good luck & take care
            The mind is in its own place, and in itself
            Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

            John Milton

