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    DAY 9. All day yesterday i had such a battle with my mind. It kept telling me to have a drink, how much id like a drink, go on go on go on etc etc, phew what a battle. Kept myself so busy all day and sat down with my son to watch Dr Who, without AL. Mind was still saying have a drink have a drink, in the end i had a shower and went to bed. Its just gone 8am in the morning, im up!!! made a fresh pot of coffee, haveing my cigg, CLEAR HEADED. Years since ive had a clear head on A Sunday, on any day truth me know. The house is clean, couldnt be cleaner ive been so busy. Today a friend of mine , her three children myself and son are oing to a theme park for the day, normally im still up drinking, then off to bed to sleep it off. All seems very alien to me. Dont think im bragging, showing off... im not.... im finding it so hard, but last week i realised i didnt want to feel that ill again, head down the loo, retching, gagging, crying, shakeing, mind dizzy, unable to function, house messed up and my son LONLEY for his mum. Its so hard to do this, but its happening. My thoughts are with you all, achievers and non achievers. I just so hope i dont give in. Have a good day everyone. xxxxxx


    Dont give in Lucy. You are doing so well and you will be on double digits tomorrow! Wo ho....
    Hope you enjoy the day at the theme park so much more fun than having your head down the toilet. Been there done that. Am on day 14 tomorrow - 2 whole weeks - I cant believe it. Its a miracle.
    Only good things can happen if you dont give in.




      Yes. I agree with Boozehag. Giving in is not an option.

      You are doing so fabulously!! Yea!!!!

      I know, those damn AL thoughts that come and pester us. Geez, you'd think he'd get the idea that he is not wanted but he keeps coming around and pestering us.

      What a jerk AL is.

      However, remember he is the enemy and not the friend. Brush his pestering away and keep him out of your life. Your son deserves a mom who is and can be there for him at anytime. You deserve to wake up every day knowing what you did the night before and not destroying your lovely body and mind.

      You are on day 10 now, and from here on out, it is just the thoughts and not one speck of physical. You got rid of the physical manifestation of AL and now you just need to keep kicking AL to the curb.

      You can do this!!

      AF April 9, 2016



        Lucy - you are doing great, keep it up. Talking AL out of your head is awesome -- you need to start each day with a plan, make sure you have a positive attitude, and see yourself getting past all of your drinking triggers. Remember how good you feel without AL. I think it gets easier with practice, but looks like everything you are doing is working, but it IS hard work at first. Come online and read and post if AL starts winning the argument.

        Keep it up! You are doing awesome, awesome, awesome.

