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Man oh Man

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    Man oh Man

    Hey guys-

    I am here with my tail between my legs. I was strong on Friday, but totally fucked up yesterday. I drank beer. Lots and lots and lots of beer. I suck. Thank god I didn't do anything stupid (that I know of) but still. What the fuck is wrong with me? We were supposed to go to the movies. We didn't. Oh, and I smoked like a chimney. Nice.
    Anyway, today is day 1, i spose, am I allowed to count it as day 7? I would really like to.......

    At this rate, I wont be drinking for aother week. :H


    Man oh Man


    Ouch!! Been there done that, only with wine or voddy.

    I recommend you drink lots of water today and pamper yourself a bit.

    You can count this as day 7 or whatever you want!! 6 days AF can never been taken away from you.

    Get back on the horse and keep on keepin' on!! You can do this.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Man oh Man

      thanks Cindi....

      My poor liver and lungs.....You know whats weird? I never think about what drinking does to me physically...just mentally. If I ever stopped to think about the damage it is doing to my body...after I puked, I would probably never drink again.



        Man oh Man

        oh a slip well get back on that bull of life and ride baby ride.
        and you are thinking about how it afects your liver .
        so just keep on doing your best.peace and gol bless
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Man oh Man

          E, it's all about progress right? We've all been there. I was having a hard time stringing AF days together after 30+ days on MWO and then joined the Booze Busters 30 Day Challenge. It's in the Monthly Abstinence forums. It seems to help me a lot. Dust yourself off and don't beat yourself up! Congrats on your progress.
          I went to my doctor and told him I had a serious drinking problem and that I was in desperate need of a solution. He said, 'Stop drinking.' I said, 'I don't get it..' He said, 'Go home and think about it.'


            Man oh Man

            Hi CK...

            I'm in the what the fuck boat today too..

            Dam I went 8 days AF this time! I don't know what it is.. I was doing so well.. so confident.

            If my goal was to mod.. then it wouldn't be bad, but that' isn't my goal.

            You can count your AF days however you want! As for me, I'm back to day 1.

            I have to say I've made LOTS of progess though... my body really was detoxing. It was like I never drank before (almost)..

            Not giving up here...
            P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

            As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
            - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


              Man oh Man

              CKE, don't beat yourself up ............

              Call it whatever you want, you still did 6 days AF :goodjob: .......

              You should be proud of your achievements ........

              Well done also to Bigmac and Palatia ..... Good work .........

              Love & Hugs, BB xx


                Man oh Man

                Ck -
                It's not a big thing. I've been at that point several times. Like so many on the board, you just have to reset the game and start again for a high score. The fact that you are thinking of your health is really a positive sign....

                I am on Day 7 AF and am really having a hard time of it today for some reason. I could very easily fix up a rum and diet coke right now. I am so on the fence that I could go either way. I know that I will feel like crap later but part of me is saying "just one - it wont hurt". I went to the gym earlier thinking that would help. It did until I got home. I'm thinking about hoping in my truck and driving around for a while just to get out of the house but I know that I have to come home sometime so that plan really sucks. Oh well, guess I will just browse the board and read some posts to get my mind back on the right track. Just took my Campral so maybe it will kick in in a sec.



                  Man oh Man


                  Day 7 can be hard. You are coming off the physical and heading into the mental.

                  Take those urges and kick 'em in the butt. AL is just trying to fool you.

                  You can get to double digits, you can do it!!

                  By day 10, those urges are a whole lot easier to deal with.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Man oh Man

                    Thanks Cindi -

                    You are right - I wasnt expecting it to hit as hard as it did today! Got off schedule with the Campral today because I slept later and I think it really knocked my system for a loop. Oh well, I think it's kicking in now and I just ate a bunch of fruit and fixed some tea.



                      Man oh Man

                      CKE -

                      I know everyone is different but for me, I have to find a substitute. For example, before last week - every night I would fix a rum and diet coke in a tea tumbler with a straw. This will sound like a strange event but I accidentally bought peach tea mix (you know, those single serve packets). I meant to buy regular tea. Anyway, on day one I mixed in the same glass with a straw the peach tea. I think because it was a taste I was not expecting in my regular rum glass - but it seems to work - at least I **think** it is satisfying the physical habit. I'm no analyst but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last week.... - Ok, that was lame and if you are not in the US then that phrase will be completely lost on you. My point is to try to find some kind of substitute. It may not be 100% satisfying but I think every little bit helps.

                      Good luck!!!
                      Day 7 and still counting!


                        Man oh Man

                        Hi MNL-

                        just curious as to how the rest of your day went. What part of GA are you in?

                        I think that I need to quit creating the environment to drink. For example....My friend and I were supposed to go see a movie that Saturday, and she suggested that we meet for a drink beforehand..I agreed without even thinking about it. I put myself in a situation where I almost felt like I had to partake. So next time, I need to say..."I'm going to run some errands beforehand, I will meet you at the theatre" HA! Let's see if that happens.

                        But then there are days like yesterday where I went to dinner with 5 girlfriends, and didn't drink a thing. They all were, but I just didn't want to. Partly cause I am trying to save money, but also cause I just didn't feel like it. I wonder what makes me blow it out of the water some days, and leave it alone all together on others.



                          Man oh Man

                          Hey CKE -
                          I'm in Lawrenceville but work downtown Atl. so we are in the same neck of the woods... maybe we even frequent the same package store and didn’t know it - are you the one I bumped into a few weeks ago on the Rum isle? :-)

                          Anyway, I know what you mean about the environment. At the same time you don’t want to turn yourself into a social misfit... I would recommend telling your friend that you'd like to meet up but make it someplace without a bar. Tell her you have been craving Sonny’s BBQ or something safe like that. Even if BBQ is not your thing you see where I am going with this. The night before I started this AF journey my spouse and I and some friends went to the Fox to see Ron White perform. My first time at the Fox and guess what they have - Bars everywhere. So next time I go I will be more prepared with will-power!

                          Also, maybe it's timing. I really struggled yesterday for about an hour or so. It really hit hard but the strange thing is that the craving went away just as fast as it came. Maybe I am just weird.

                          Anyway, hope your Day 1 is going ok (or is this day 2 for you?)

                          See ya!
                          Day 8 AF and loving it.....

