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Topamax and when to expect results

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    Topamax and when to expect results

    I have been on 25g for 1 week with no results. Maybe I was expecting a mircle. I have gone to 50g now. Any advice PLEASE on when these craving will cease. I am at my wits end. I thought this was going to really work.

    Topamax and when to expect results

    Hi Tippgirl:

    I started Topa Friday so I've taken it 4 days now. I really thought it was helping me until last night when after two glasses of wine I went on to my normal 4 or 5 and was mad at myself. From what I've read, a few people notice a slight difference at 50 mg but most not until at least 100 mg or so. I'm just telling you from memory here.

    Hopefully others will share their experiences as well. I feel anxious for it to "kick in" too. Are you doing the other parts of the program as well? Sups, CDs? I am doing sups and less faithful with CD's. Best wishes.



      Topamax and when to expect results

      You also have to mentaly prepare yourself. Ever heard the phrase "YOU can lead a horse to water? But you can't make it F**k a chicken!" Food for thought ...

      PS Sorry, Don't take me too serious! I've got a bad cold & PMS, bad combo! But seriously, hang in there! Just gotta keep trying,... you're here. That's a great start! Good luck, Hugs, Judie

