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New here too!

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    New here too!

    Hi everyone
    Just stumbled across this site today when I was researching ways to quit drinking. I woke up today as usual with a hangover, feeling shame, guilt and remorse. I have tried attending AA but don't find that I really relate to the program or the people. I have seen reference in this site to certain things - campral, topamax, kudzu etc, to curb cravings. Do these things really work? I am going to look into ordering the book today. Also, is controlling drinking (versus abstinence) really a possibility when you are an alcoholic? Everything I have ever read etc. to date has said that is not possible. Can I get some advice? Thanks guys.

    New here too!

    Hi Jenneh, and welcome! I've been thru re-hab...twice. Tried AA, many times...
    Nothing has come close to the results I've had with this program! I'm currently trying moderation, (probably still drink a bit more than I should). But for the past 4 mo. I've been reliable & responsible. Not had to lie about what I'm doing , or where I am... None of that old stuff, that was becoming much too "habitual" if ya know what I mean...
    I'm taking 100 mg of topa, so far, so good! Hugs, Judie


      New here too!

      So, you are finding it helps you be moderate? How does that work? Does the program just make your desire lessened? I am very curious about this and would do anythign to change!
      Thanks again


        New here too!

        Hi Jen,

        I suggest first that you get the book. You can down load it from the home page of this site so you don't have to wait for it in the mail. The whole program works together. There are four basic parts:

        Hypnotherapy Cds
        And Meds

        The Medicines of choice are either Topamax, used to help with cravings, and taking by those whose goal is eventually one of moderation. The other medication is Cmperal. That can only be taken after a period of abstinance, and is for those whose goal is that of long term abstinance.

        The program really does work. There is so much information here, I know it can be overwhelming at first to take it all in!! Start with the book, and reading some of the boards. We are all here to answer all of your questions and help you out however we can!!

        Welcome to MWO. This is a great place!!



          New here too!

          Hey Jen!
          Probably "everything you have read" etc. that states that you cannot moderate when "you are an alcoholic" comes from that AA mentality.
          Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic.
          One day at a time.
          You can never drink again.

          These are OLD theories that have helped thousands of people with addiction problems.
          They have also failed many people. AA does not have a high success rate. In the 30 percentile, I think?

          Why not try something new and cutting edge?
          This program provides you with many tools and a support system that allows you to tackle your drinking problem, whatever level it is, from many facets. It does not just give you a blanket diagnosis, and say "never drink again". Saying you are an alcoholic, I believe, takes away a degree of accountability. This program enables you to examine the ways we drink, use supplements to curb the desire and lessen the pleasurable effects (the topamax does that), and then all the while gives you the support and strength to perhaps DO SOMETHING ELSE instead of pouring yourself that drink!!

          The choice is yours, Jen, but I say, give it a shot! This program has turned my life around. I have learned to moderate my drinking which is something I thought was impossible to do, as I too, was under the impression that "alcoholics can't do that".
          I'm not willing to give myself that kind of label now. I'm me and I'm here and I'm thrilled!!
          I keep pluggin away every day... you can too!
          Good luck!


            New here too!

            Hey Becca
            Thanks for your inspiring message. I am certainly going to give this thing a try! When you say the supplements lessen the positive feelings associated with drinking, what do you mean? Also, you can seriously drink moderately (without having to mentally tell yourself to "slow down" etc.?) Do you DESIRE moderation now?
            I am so excited because I have noticed that since listening to the practices and 'teachings' of AA, (and feeling helpless, labeled, forever "marked"), my drinking has actually gotten worst! It's like when I was labelled, I went nuts. But, it makes me feel very encouraged to know that it might be possible to live without a lable at all! Thank you all for this community - I hope it helps me.


              New here too!

              I know what you man as far as the "label" thing. In the past, when I've attended AA, I've felt that, if I did decide to buy a bottle of wine(for shame!), I couldn't get out of the store fast enough with it! Someone might see me..."Oh my God!"...And this being the small town that it is ... there would probably be a picture & story on the front page of the weekly paper! Just the "stigma" & "label" BS is enough to make you feel like a complete failure and looser... might as well just drink! And if your gonna drink, better do it right "by God!"
              Now when I go shopping, if I feel like buying a bottle of wine or a six pack, I know I'm not gonna go sneak it all down at once in "shame", but, rather, enjoy it, like a civilized(well I did live w/out runnin H2O for 18 yrs ...HA) person. Thanks to this program I don't have to feel that ugly guilt & shame, and I know I'm not gonna be passed out on the couch, or blacked out saying mean & hurtful things that I won't remember tomorro.
              I much prefer the positive thinking I'm finding here. Hugs, Judie


                New here too!

                Glad I could be of assistance! Cool.
                Listen to what Judie said about AA. I have never actually been to a meeting, just had researched it a lot, talked to several members, and knew enough to know that it would be greuling for me to be there.
                As far as the pleasurable/positive effects of alcohol being decreased/diminished with the supps, here's what I found:
                AFTER I started taking the supps AND the topa for a couple weeks, I simply could not get past my first half a drink without having a major head buzz. Like the first time you drank vodka. Don't know how else to explain it. It's a type of buzz I did not want to heighten either, and ask ANYONE who knows me, I am ALWAYS the first and usually drunkest (man, I really hate that about me... correction... hateD that) one at any party or sitting on my couch tuesday night doing nothing.... do dee do.
                Once that buzzzzy thing kicked in, it was like I just did not want to drink it. Almost sicky like feeling, but not sick like throw up sick or anything. Just take it or leave. Ha ha! Get this one. One day, a couple weeks ago, I was so shocked that I didn't drink the *1 glass of wine that I poured* , that I TOOK A PICTURE OF IT WITH MY CAMERA PHONE!!!! :rollin
                Evidence that the program works. Maybe I oughtta text message it to RJ.
                Anyhow, Jen, Check your EZmail box. I'm gonna leave you my # cuz I feel like if you have lots of ?'s, you should just call me! I could type here all day (and sometimes do, but it's getting too nice outside here to do that )


                  New here too!

                  Hi, me again, just wanted to add, I didn't mean to sound anti-AA. I have met some wonderful people there, who are good friends of mine. But some of the philosophies I don't really agree with... IE: the self condemnation, and negativity...
                  I do like to have a positive outlook, rather than, "searching for blame" and accepting sickness & failure as a way of life.
                  Guess I'm more into the "NIKE" type lifestyle, just DO IT!
                  And no more snivelling & wallowing...HA! Hugs, Judie


                    New here too!

                    Thanks guys!!
                    Becca- I hear what you are saying about always being the most drunk person at a party! (or a Tuesday night) - that is SO me! I am so excited that this program might work!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!


                      New here too!

                      Not knocking AA by any means, but it really didn't do squat for me except make me feel kinda dirty about being me. It also seemed to promote (unintentionaly, of course) binge drinking. Seemed like every meeting I would attend, someone had screwed up, and not just had a beer or two, or a couple of glasses of wine, but really drank like a fish for a few days before stopping again. The mentality of these folks, including me at the time seemed to be exactly as one of the above posts stated: if you are gonna screw up, you better screw up right. This program actually doesn't care if you enjoy a beer, and I like that freedom! I've been working on my 1 month abs for the last couple of weeks, but I know that at any time I can enjoy a beer, and I will not have "screwed up". That freedom in itself is one of the liberating aspects of this program, at least to me. Good luck!!


                        New here too!

                        You know I hadn't really thought about it in that light. But, not having the "sobriety Birthday", and counting days, does add a whole different pressure, unlike here, where if you choose to have a beer or a drink, it's not you're "condemned" or "Damned" ... I can live with that.
                        This to me feels like "real" progress...not Perfection, or the false idea of it!


                          New here too!

                          Hey do it, I stumbled here as you did. I have everything to start the program and have a very busy week end, so I will plung in Mon. We really need to free ourselves from this adiction.


                            New here too!

                            New too

                            I wonder how many people come across this program the way Jen did. I'm typing this out with shaking hands from the alcohol I consumed last night. My copy of the book that I have just downloaded is printing this moment. It's Sunday and I'm at work as usual. I own my own business and I know that I'd have so much more time if I didn't have a hangover every day. I'm a mother of 4 lovely kids and have a great husband. I don't know how they put up with me. I'm going home to an early night and to read this book, I'm hoping it's going to change my life. I'm not going to drink tonight, I know I can manage one night, on the rare occasion I have I feel so proud of myself the next day, but I never manage the second night.
                            I went through my 4 pregnancies and breast feeding without drinking but I know the drink hadn't taken hold then. Please wish me luck!


                              New here too!

                              Re: New too

                              Hi Alison, you sound just like me. I am new to the programme and managed to do 5 and a half weeks abstinant in March early April. Am now taking part in the 30 day abstinant event. It is a struggle but it really helps being able to log in and get the support and not be feel so alone. I am not taking the topa but have had more alcohol free days in the last two months than I have had in 12 years. Like you I managed to get through the pregnancies without drinking but as you said it had not really taken hold then. It took years to establish this habit so it will take time to break it, be gentle on yourself. Good luck

