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starting out.
starting out.
I am very happy with how today went and feel I am on a new path at last. I am feeling much better and looking forward to tomorrow. Already i feel i belong and know this is right for me. It has taken me 25 years to realise that i drink too much and must stop. Four of my six siblings have problems with drink and as my late mother used to say we come from a long line of heavy drinkers. I used to think i was a social (very) drinker but now realise that i am an alcoholic. I was afraid to admit it as there is a huge shame about the condition in Ireland. I tried AA a number of years ago but found it too public. Went to one meeting and next day met a lady in the city who shouted out to me that she heard I was at an AA meeting the previous evening. That was enough for me. I love the friendship my way out seems to share and I think the support already today has been great. I thank God that I found the site and look forward to tomorrow.
:new:Tags: None
starting out.
Welcome MaggieMay!
I agree that this is a most awesome place due to the program set up by RJ and the support of the people who come here.
You have coem tot he right place!~Laura
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein
starting out.
Maggie - :welcome:
I have always been horrified by the thought of the example you just gave. I am a very private person and I believe we should be able to privately deal with this issue in our lives. We risk so much when anyone knows we have a drinking "problem" - because the labeling seems to be so big and seems to stick. I believe I am a NON DRINKER now. That doesn't mean I don't take very seriously that fact that I can never drink ....... but I view it now exactly like when I quit smoking .... which is I can never ever ever even take one puff. I think it gives us the power to make it something very positive in our lives - rather than a chain of negatives pulling us into a freeze frame of a time in our lives that we want to move past.
So - with that I give you a big welcome and hope you find everything you need here! Weather you are on the path you want to be or just looking for that path - post often and read lots!!
LivAF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.
(from the Movie "Once")
starting out.
Hi MaggyMay,
I am from Ireland too so I know what you mean about the shame thing.
It seems that drink is everywhere in Ireland and its such a normal and encouraged thing to do but god forbid you should go and try to get help if you felt you needed it. It seems to be so scorned upon and people seem to think they can talk about other's issues as if it were mere gossip instead of acknowledging the courage it took for them to face it.
Drink and drugs are such a huge issue in Ireland now and unless more help is provided, and promoting people to get help, I dread to think where it is all going.
My kids are small but I really fear for them when they get older. I only hope my own experience and being able to talk to them, with first hand experience, will be a help.
Wishing you all the best,
BanditThere will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.
starting out.
Hi Bandit, Thanks for the support. It is amazing how good it makes me feel. What a great programme this is. My kids are grown but I know that they are a huge part of why I want to be a non drinker. I read once that you should say that you dont drink rather than you have given it up. I think the answer is positive thinking rather than it being a problem. I agree that something will have to be done about the problem in Ireland and maybe with the help of mwo we can be of help to others. I had heard that there were other way of adopting a "dont drink" persona and I think this is the answer. I think it is terrible how such an addictive substance is given such status here.
Le gra, maggy may:thanks:
starting out.
If that happened to me I would go back to the meeting and complain - or at least call someone there. That sort of behaviour is not tolerated by AA at all and someone should have a word with her.
I didn't want to go myself - and hated it when I did. Since surrendering and finding a rehab in March I found the confidence to go back and use it to keep me sober. I am so desperate to stay sober I am trying everything I can. The support is amazing both here, at home as well as the AA members who have welcomed me back. I know I can't do this on my own and want to be with people who are in the same boat. This forum is great but I do enjoy the human element of AA, even starting to look forward to the meetings - and the choccy cake.
starting out.
Yes I think you are right and I should have complained, but i was not in great shape anyway and just ran away. I think she did more harm than I realised and certainly did me no favour. Anyway, things are better now and I know what you mean about personal contact, but I will take this as it comes and see what happens.
So far so good....
starting out.
Welcome maggymay,
Glad you found MWO, it's safe here and very supportive,
Wishing you lots of strength and positivety.
:hAF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:
Snake....... come crawling,
There's fire in your eyes,
Bite me, excite me,
I'll learn to realize.
The poison transmuted,
Brings eternal flame.
Open me to heaven,
To heal me again.
starting out.
The electronic friends here are the best. Better than living breathing ones in some ways - you will never be a burden, never take too much of our time. But if there is a live person anywhere near you, it can be powerful to tell them too that you are done drinking.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
starting out.
Welcome MM
I am from Ireland too but live in NZ. There was a thread recently on peoples heritage and it was very interesting to see how Irish genes were prominant in many many people on these boards. I think we much be genetically flawed in some way from our ancestors. (not that that is an excuse but might explain our predisposition to de drink). See if you can find it its very interesting.
I am on day 15 now and feeling on top of the world and this site has been a great help to me and seeing as your son is supportive that will help too. Are you able to get the suplements etc they seem to help a lot. I am taking the quit smoking pill chantix which (in me) also stops me drinking which seems to be working very well for me. So far so good.
Good luck.