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How much daily drinking

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    How much daily drinking

    I am a newbie...and want to thank everyone who has answered my posts in the past 2 weeks or has been very helpful knowing you are all out there in the same boat (row boat, cargo ship, crab boat, titanic) that I am...

    I got my CD's today and am gonna buy the sups this weekend...

    And wanted to again say thanks....and ask a question..because I again feel like I am the only one in my boat...

    How much did you guys drink daily before you had enough and the program was your answer?

    I am drinking appx 12-15 beers daily and am afraid I am too far gone for help...although I am entering this with a positive attitude...and a lot of money spent that could have gone to


    And God Bless all of you for helping me.


    How much daily drinking

    You're not too far gone for help--you probably drink more than some on the board drank, but less than others. I guess the only thing that I would say would be to try and find out whether or not you might expect some withdrawal symptoms and how severe they might be. If you have the book, they have an index in the back with some info in it, otherwise, you can look it up on the internet. I was drinking at least 1-1 1/2 bottles of wine a day when I found MWO, more on weekends.

    Good luck and God bless!



      How much daily drinking

      Pete, you sound about average to me! I know I have read many posts (I am not a beer drinker, but a wine drinker, so maybe I am in the shrimp boat, and you in the crab?) so I really dont know how to compare my drinks with beer, as I know wine percentage is higher in alcohol than beer. But there are definitely people on here who drank more than you starting out, or still struggling with that much. So dont feel alone. That is the ONE thing I have noticed about alcohol, especially if you drink a lot, is that you "think" your in the boat alone. You are not.

      This place is SO nice, just keep posting and getting encouraged. Others have definitely done it from where you are, so have hope my friend!



        How much daily drinking

        Pete, I was at about the same level as you 12 - 15 beers or as much in wine or more on a daily basis. I was abs for 7 weeks and then relapsed. I'm still drinking, but not nearly as much. A couple beers or glasses a wine a night. Much more than I want to or should be drinking, but still better than before. I'm working on being abs again and I'm confident that will happen soon. As far as withdrawl, I was kind of restless and shaky the first few days. After about 5 days I felt much better, the supps helped a lot. Good luck to you and stick with it.



          How much daily drinking

          Hi Pete,

          Welcome Back! It is great to hear from you again! Hope all went well with your trip, and everything is fine!!

          As for your question, I was drinking two bottles of wine a night before strarting MWO, sometimes more. I did not have a problem with withdrawl. I felt tired the first few days, but not really sick or too shakey, or anything like that. I don't know if that is what you are asking by being too far gone.....I would say no, not at all!!

          I quite frankly fell right into this whole program heart and soal and am doing really well with it! I am sure you can do the same!! I am glad to hear you got the cd's, they are a HUGE help, so really try to use them the way the book outlines. When do plan to start?

          I wish you the best of luck!! Let us know what we can do to help!! We are all in the SAME boat my friend, we just packed different refrshments, in varying amounts, for the trip!



            How much daily drinking

            You are not too far gone - I am a 1 - 2 bottle of wine per night drinker and most wines have a higher alcohol % than most beers. I think wine also has more sugar? I think that the sugar content in wine has caused some problems for me along the way with how I handled myself when drinking. I won't get into the ugly details - but there were occasions when my "evil" twin sister cleared the room. Very opinionated and not afraid to take a stand after a few glasses of wine. I really do think that you can do it - get to the point where you can completely control your drinking - if you keep at it. My main inspirations are my children - I love them all so much and don't want them to follow my "drinking" lead. I quit smoking 15 years ago with no problem because I was so determined that my kids not have the influence. None of them smoke. The drinking habit has been tougher to change and I have been surprised by my lack of control over it. I am so hopeful that the MWO program does the trick.
            Good luck and I'll say a prayer for you!


              How much daily drinking

              Yep, I am a 1-2 bottle of wine a day drinker. Amazing how many of us there are out there, no? When I was a beer drinker I could put away 12 and being a woman that is just embarrasing to say. Still working on just cutting down which I have this week but I have also been sick with a cold. Funny how I REFUSE to take any kind of cold medicine because it might be bad for my liver but I will have a glass or two of wine. Good luck to you Pete and keep us up to date on your progress........

              Wellseasoned, I know of the evil twin sister of which you speak. Not only am I very opinionated after a few glasses of wine (although I am opinionated sober as well) but I am ALWAYS 100% right about everything. If it were not so sad it would be funny.


                How much daily drinking

                Thanks all!

                Down to about 5/6 beers a day which I know is still too much but for only being heavy into the program for 9 days I feel pretty good about it.



                  How much daily drinking

                  Oh Yeah, I don't think my Evil Twin has ever won any Congeniality Awards! I've never met her, but as I hear it...not only is she Loud,Mouthy,Rude, Opinionated,& a sloppy drunk... She's a Castrating B*tch Too! Thank god, she's not been video'd, like my Hubby keeps theatening! I doubt it would be a box office hit! Hopefully He'll not get the chance to film her ever in the future...


                    How much daily drinking

                    Kate, congrats on 3 mos. sober. I am just starting. If I can stay 3 mos. sober, I think I will make it. Eliziby


                      How much daily drinking

                      Re: How Much Daily Drinking

                      Hey guys,
                      Before starting MWO I usually had a bottle of vodka per day, or the equivalent in gin or about two bottles of wine. :x
                      I went for about 10 days abs and then last sunday fell off the wagon. Monday got back on track and i am now on my 8th day again.



                        How much daily drinking

                        Re: How Much Daily Drinking

                        When I came to MWO I was drinking 3-5 days per week about 10 beer or glasses of wine each time. The weekends I usually had about 12-15 drinks.

                        I sucessfully cut out drinking during the week completely about 4 months ago and am working on abs right now. I have been working towards abs for the last 68 days in which I have drank 4 times. Today is my 14th day straight abs for this try.

                        This program does work, but you do have to work the program. I think this is an AA saying, but it does apply.



                          How much daily drinking

                          Try not to look to far ahead so your goal seems out of reach.

                          Just try not to drink today, one day at a time is easier for me to look at than saying I'm not going to drink for X number of months.

                          Good luck,

