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Wondering if Seto is around

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    Wondering if Seto is around

    Read your post yesterday, thought of you this evening, as I begin the daily wind up to wind down. I'm the one with 4 children. Just wondering how you were doing today...

    Wondering if Seto is around

    Hi 4tops
    Yes I'm still here. Thank you for asking, it means a lot. I haven't really stuck to my promise of late. I had a sober night on sunday, felt great Monday morning and then boom yesterday night I ruined it all. My husband went on a trip away and I ended up drinking a bottle of wine to myself when the kids went to bed. I feel really guilty and full of shame today. I was actually not drunk and remember everything, didn't wake up with a hangover but totally regret what I did. What if something happened to my children and I couldn't drive them anywhere. I feel like a bad mother today and a liar to my husband as he doesn't know I did this. I know what I have to do, its just the doing that is the hardest part. Most of the time I feel great and full of positivity that I can do this and then it comes to the craving time and all my efforts are forgotton. I have tried loads of things around craving time like going to the gym, eating chocolate, watching a DVD, having a bath, oh just loads and I still give in. I have ordered the supplements and am just waiting for them. On a positive note, my husband is back tonight and I won't be drinking. I am going to start Day 1 again of my 30 day AF goal. Once again thanks for asking.XXXSeto


      Wondering if Seto is around

      Hey there,

      I replied on the other post you need to be redundant...just don't hang on to the shame. Nothing positive in that. I think we have enough on our shoulders/spirits as stay at home moms, to add this, or anything to the list. Just keep going forward...anyway, my other comments are on the other post...and really, having some, but not all is already liberating to me...if you think you can do that. I elaborate (again!), the other place...


        Wondering if Seto is around

        Aside from being a very supportive bunch, there are many many people here who share many things in common - I'm a stay at home mom as well and arrived here to knock off my habit of starting in as soon as I began preparing dinner and not stopping until I closed my eyes to sleep.
        Every night.
        For a long time.
        I never could have imagined getting to this point (nearly two months AF) without the "you're not alone" current that comes from MWO. My journey began with my own desire, like you two, but checking in here gives me the hand to lead me away from temptation.
        So keep up the good work and let the good folks here keep you company!
        The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
        Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

        W Whitman

        90+ days yay!


          Wondering if Seto is around


          You are doing so well!!

          I agree, the support here at MWO is amazing and supportive.

          Seto and 4tops, I hope your journey is as successful, too, but if it is like mine and rocky from time to time, no worries. You can do this and the way to do it is to commit that you are going to win.

          The only way you will fail is if you give up giving up.

          Listen to the oldtimers, read what they have to say and learn. Help the newbies and you will be helping yourselves, too.

          AF April 9, 2016

