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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    I just love this thread!!!

    Thinking happy thoughts for smiley toes!!!!!

    good day and thoughts everyone!!!!


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Hubby came forth with big apology. Still, half a tongue reduces the chances of biting it off tomorrow. :H
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Just found MWA yesterday and find this site very helpful. I am an extremely heavy drinker that decided to go AF on Sunday. Yesterday was my first day and it has horrible...sweats, tremors, anxiety, etc. I am hoping that watching and posting will help me get to 30 days. I really need to make it.


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Welcome caseaday - you are in the right place! We will all support you as you work to reach your goals.

          Love and Hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Welcome caseaday - Buy the book and read it! Stay here with us! We will help you! universal is right.


              ODAT - Tuesday


              Welcom Caseaday..............that is a lot!! a case a day. I get it, I used to probably put that much down/day in the old times...............:welcome:

              YOU WILL get through this, think positively, it is VERY scarey though, you may want to go to a doc or somewhere if it gets too bad though.

              We are here for you, we care, we have all been there in one way or another.........

              love and A BIG HUG!!!!:l:l:l


              Mary Anne
              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Universal and Croft...thanks for you encouraging response! I just ordered the book in pdf format and will begin reading it today. I'll keep reading the post and most likely will be asking the members for some advice from time to time.


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Thanks Cowgal...the big hit along side the head was when I attended a business meeting (I am a consultant) and a friend told me a stunk like booze. I was drinking vodka and didn't think anyone would notice. Not too smart. Pretty embarrassing apology followed.

                  I have a friend watching me today in case I need to go to the doc.


                    ODAT - Tuesday


                    Glad you are so smart.....................yeah, and that smell thing!?!? Man, I had NO CLUE, thought I had it covered up w/ gum sweat it out of your pores for days, people can REALLY smell it..................I got "talked to" by my boss about scarey!! Yeah, and most of the meetings I go to are SURROUNDED by al and drinking, I have gone to them both AF and drinking, man, much more fun to remember stuff by going AF!

                    Glad you're ok, hang in there!:l:l

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Hi All-

                      Well, I have started my journey, I thought I could be AF as soon as I started to listened to the CD's and started the supplements, well it was a struggle, not sure if it was due to it being Friday and Saturday or I thought it would not be as hard. Gee, what was I thinking???

                      I had to do a lot of mind talking to myself to get me pointed in the right direction. So, now I have my first 2 days AF under my belt....yea :wd:, it feels like a big feat, I cannot imagine what 30 days would feel like.

                      I really enjoy reading the threads from all of you and it is comfort to know that I am not the only one with this struggle.

                      Caseaday- I am also a consultant, I believe that it brings it own challenges....being away from home and a different bed each night, having to take clients out for dinner and always having to be your best??my deepest fear, happen to you, someone asking me about my drinking, oh, I am very sorry that you had to hear that, but I hope that it will help you on your way to recovery. I use to wash my hair twice in the morning and scrub my whole body to try to make sure I did not smell of AL at my gigs?.

                      Hang in there and try to get through this, just think how much more productive we could be? A better presentation or maybe a better idea, the sky is the limit!!! I do not have to be on the road for a few weeks, so this is a great time for me to start my process of being AF.

                      I have to do this ODAT, but I have been thinking bout how will I do this when I have to start traveling again. Here is my game plan so far.....Lots of sparkling water and limes at the airport and plane.... Maybe go to the movies or walk a Mall in the evening.....and also stay close to the computer and be on this site to keep me motivated.

                      Please let us know how you are doing Caseaday- this is a group that really cares?

                      Thanks All- Saje :thanks:


                        ODAT - Tuesday


                        Saje, I am so happy for you, 2 days AF is no small matter!! Great, keep it going, you will do it!! I travel alot for my job, have done it alot sober, go to AA is really COOL to go to meetings out of town..............don't know how you feel about that though, it is touchy for some of us, I say "us" because I detested AA up until about a few months ago, thought it would never ever work for me (oh, I tried but failed, and keep trying, that is all I can do!):cool

                        Anyway, traveling AF is SOOOOOOOOOO much less expensive too!!! I enjoy it...........way better than when I was drinking anyway, it is like I am more aware, sorta a high feeling, oh well,

                        Gonna get out of this office for the day,

                        Have an awesome evening everyone!

                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          Congrats Saje on your progress as it is hard! But the benefits will be well worth it. I didn't really believe it until I read the book and started reading the posts.

                          Cowgal thanks again for your positive comments. I am just finishing my day two and just finished the book. I hope to get the supplements tonight and begin that process. Probably order the cd's tomorrow.

                          Today wasn't as bad as I thought. I usually start drinking around 10 am and finish by 10 pm as much of the work I do is from home. 2 beers an hour just like clockwork! The morning was hard but afterlunch I just kept pounding the water. It is a good distraction. The only problem I have now is my neighbor wants me to come over for our typical cocktails. I didn't tell her what I am doing because I don't want the hassles and questions. Is that a bad plan? I think I am going to my lake cabin tomorrow to get away from my drinking buddies for a few days.

