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Right now

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    Right now

    So, I was sober for a year- then I began drinking again. 9 monthes later it was a problem again. So I quit again.. for a year.

    I recently moved to be with my fiance' in Aug 05'. My drinking has hurt him in the past. I tend to be promiscuious when I drink. I am a compulsive kisser.

    Anyway- he likes drinking socially, and I alway feel left out. It began to be a problem in the beginning. I didn't know anyone, and I kinda needed him there for me. I felt him not drinking would make me feel more at ease.

    Eventually in Feb. we discussed my drinking socially. We had wine with dinner. I wanted to binge, but I didn't. I have never drank without him.

    3 weeks ago, he went to a party and had too much of the wrong stuff. He honestly did not drink enough to get so sick- it is what he drank. I had to come and take care of him. I poured a glass of wine. I had felt our relationship was on the rocks in the past weeks. I drank... I beinged... and I kissed a friend and people saw me naked.

    I've made a fool of myself. I know I made the choice. However, quiting doesn't seem to work. It always leads back here... to a horrible situation where I say @#%$ it.

    My 4 year relationship is over in spite of it. It is easy to blame the alcohol, and just quit. BUT.. I think there are underlining causes of my behavior. I don't think Im a alcoholic.. I think I use it as an excuse.

    In the weeks prior I was terrified of my relationship failing. Drinking gave me the excuse to @#%$ it all up. He is sick of us dealing with the same problems. It is really over.

    I am heartbroken. I have lost everything... and the last thing I want to do is drink.

    Whats wrong with me?

    Right now

    I can kind of relate to what you are talking about. During my life I have allowed things to happen that I would never have allowed if I was sober. I think it goes deeper than just the drinking, I think the drink brings this out, it has something to do with self worth. I know you are very sad that your relationship has ended. I think right now the best thing for you to do is start a relationship with yourself. I think if we can really lean to like outself we would not so freely give ourselves away. Being sober is a great step toward liking yourself, as I know I really dislike myself when I allow myself to get drunk.


      Right now

      hi god i can relate to wat u have said i went out to a wedding reception on sat nite hubby away at sea went with brother in law his wife my mum and dad in law and all the locals of this small town i got hammered was fallin all over place spoke with my ex(i left him for my now hubby in a scandal in this small town) we sat talkin for a while with pps raising their eyebrows then i went up to dance with my sis in law ex came up to join us which i cant rem apprently we were smouching on dance floor infront of inlaws and now the whole town is buzzin with the goss dont even rem my inlaws takin me home hubby is due home this wkend for a while and its all gonna come out with loads added on and my exs poor g/friemnd whos just had his baby is prob gonna beat me up along with her rather heavy sisters god im in such a mess i want to move away but my daughter has got an op on 18th may so i cant run i know i didnt do anything in front of my inlaws but i know i made a complete fool of myself i was crying and its always bout how hubby doesnt give me any support just goes out all the time hes home(he works away 20 odd days a month so consequnetly im alone all the time anyway ive got a lot to deal with when he gets home and the rumours start flying


        Right now

        sounds like you just like me, i was drinking all weekend and now i am mad that i let this happen. i do not want my family to leave me, but if i do not quite they are going to.


          Right now

          Well guys, are you ready to start a new life?


